Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 426 "This Car Can Actually Run! This Car Can Actually Run!"

"Your frogs, journeying along the gravel-paved path, beholding the wildflowers and weeds rampant on either side of the streets, deemed the city devoid of any charm. Deprived of even a single small creature, they found themselves unable to make friends."

"Your foodie's eyes sparkled, spotting a tall, short-haired dog with black patches, hunched at the road's edge, gazing down at the entire city. Hopping forward, the foodie bumped into the dog's leg, looking up with a, 'Hello, I'm a foodie.' The spotted dog turned its head, 'I'm a proud bull terrier, I don't befriend frogs. Go away.' Foodie glanced back at Da Vinci, 'This foolish dog, doesn't recognize a bullfrog.'"

"Your Da Vinci leaped forward, scrutinizing the tall, burly bull terrier, whispering to foodie, 'This dog isn't dull, see those tiny, mung-bean-like eyes? To recognize you as a frog is already quite an achievement.' The bull terrier glanced at the two frogs, eyes falling in the middle of the road, on the graceful and vibrant-colored Merlin. 'Ah, love...'"

Ming is advancing towards the newly appearing supply point, unworried about Merlin who never rejects anyone. After all, no one can escape the fate of a lab rat."

While moving according to the map, Ming is thinking about what the 'god' of this catastrophe wants, or rather, what the underlying rules are. Upon entering here, everyone's supplies were confiscated, and now they're being dispersed again. Does this imply inciting everyone to fight over them? To instigate a grand melee?

Ming stops in his tracks, feeling that he should do something.

"Your Da Vinci and foodie watch as the bull terrier leaps to the ground, laying in front of Merlin, tongue out, 'Hello, are you a poison dart frog? I've taken a liking to you. I'm Henry the Third, I'm a dog.'"

pandasnovel.com "Your Merlin blinks, 'I'm a proud poison dart frog, I don't mingle with dogs.' Henry howls, lowering his head towards Merlin, 'My lady, my true identity is a wild and untamed wolf.'"

"Merlin and Henry share a glance. Squatting down, lying flat, and rolling around… Henry does the same, flipping over. Merlin tilts her head, barking twice. 'Woof, woof.'"

"Merlin looks at Henry, complimenting, 'What a good dog.' Henry squats on the ground, tail wagging and tongue lolling, 'Naturally.'"

"Da Vinci and foodie exchange looks, 'Such a brown-noser, has nothing to show.'"

"Frank, turning into a werewolf, walks past Henry... staring... 'Be a good dog, or you'll die...'"

Ming understands, if the purpose of the supplies is to instigate fighting and violent incidents, then it's exactly what the 'god' of this place wants. He won't let it happen, so he makes a decision -- he will take all the resources here.

He doesn't want to see so many people fighting, getting hurt for a little food and drink. Yes, a responsible man should act like this.

He activated the Puppet Eye, grafted onto Raoul, then promptly gave Raoul the order to come at once.

"Your frogs continued their journey, Henry trotting alongside. He claimed to be familiar with the area and could act as a bodyguard and guide for Merlin. Merlin was delighted and promised to give Henry a gift when the time was right. Tail wagging happily, Henry suddenly ran under a street lamp, lifted his hind leg, and urinated."

"Your foodie looked puzzled. This dog, careful not to wet his leg, seemed to maintain good hygiene. Da Vinci explained to foodie that it was the dog marking its territory, asserting dominance. This left foodie more confused; with all the stop-and-go, the dog had marked over a dozen times already."

"Your Da Vinci explained to foodie that dogs use territory marking as an excuse to cover up symptoms of frequent and urgent urination. Whenever they meet someone, they say, 'Look, this is my territory, it's not because I have a prostate problem.'"

"What the hell..."

He couldn't figure out when Da Vinci and Foodie, these two began studying urology. Mainly, dogs do behave that way, don't they? Do animals like wolves and dogs naturally have such issues?"

Ming shook his head. He felt that one day, he too would be led astray by these two, especially in terms of peculiar knowledge. For now, he should plan how to collect and carry away all the supplies.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

At that moment, an old car appeared before his eyes. Ming slapped his forehead. How could he have forgotten about the bomb car? Immediately, he started to summon.

A military truck appeared before him.

Wish for something and get it? Seems like luck was on his side today.

Then, Digennaro appeared, nibbling on half a baguette.

Ming said, 'Why are you eating others' food?'

Digennaro looked down, 'I just said I wanted a taste, and Uncle Rubio gave it to me. I don't want his kindness to go to waste.'

As she spoke, she stuffed the half baguette back into Rubio's hand behind her and said, 'I'm returning half to you first, I'll give you the other half when I find it.'


It's the first time I've heard of returning things in this manner~ There's a box on the trolley, isn't there?

"Your frogs continued to advance, with the black-spotted big dog following. It recounted the city where it had lived for years: dogs in the west city were the noblest, eating foie gras, while dogs in the south city could only scavenge through trash bins... I eat from both the south and the north."

"Your Merlin sat on the dog's head, controlling his body toxins from overflowing, looking at the scars on Henry's back, and asked what had happened... Henry gave a low bark, it was caused by a door pinching him."

"Merlin stuck out his tongue, 'Your house door opens up and down, right? Only the back gets pinched...' At that moment, a shout rang out, Henry's body shivered a bit, and he told the frogs, 'My master is calling, I need to go.'"

"Your foodie is puzzled, why is it shaking when its master calls it? Strange... Merlin silently watched Henry go, feeling compassionate."

"Ming sat on the roof of the car shaking his head, not knowing what Merlin's compassionate heart was, cheering on Henry.

At his side, Digennaro pointed forward and said, "Bro, do you see those people on the roofs around us? They must be going for those supplies."

"No worries~ Just remember to grab as much as you can."

Ming was not worried about Digennaro's ability to grab supplies. The first supply point had amply demonstrated that she was a good assistant.

Inside the car, Rubio touched the seat and the car window incredulously, "This car can actually run! This car can actually run!"

He looked at the zombie, Kubo, who was calmly driving, "This zombie can actually drive!!"

Zombie Kubo turned his head to glance at the person next to him, smelling the delicious scent of flesh~

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