Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 421 What Does Being Eighteen Have To Do With Weakness?

Seated comfortably, Ming attentively listened to Clos's report:

"The church is in the final stages of construction. Adrive stated that some additional interior and exterior decorations are still necessary for completion. He estimates it'll require some more time."


"As per your instructions, we have established an office for the Gutman Group in the trading city. Sam is in charge there. According to the information he relayed back, Duke Bernardo from District 3912 wishes to meet you."

"A Duke?"

Ming picked up his water glass, took a sip, and instructed, "Continue."

Flipping a page, Clos continued, "Sam and his team have confirmed that Bernardo's title of Duke is self-imposed. He once held sway over all Australian territories, but his authority has markedly diminished following the recent natural calamity. After all, who would willingly serve a leader incapable of ensuring their safety? Bernardo seeks to meet with you in the hope of securing assistance from the Gutman family, offering considerable rewards in return."

"Hmm... I see."

Setting down his glass, Ming cast a smiling glance at Digennaro sitting next to him. What an eye-catching girl, he thought. After a moment's contemplation, he said, "I will let David discuss this matter with you. Continue."

"Sam reports that many people wish to find stable employment with you. They seek minimal compensation, only requiring food and shelter. Their utmost demand is stability."

As Clos spoke, he bent down to refill the boss's water glass, continuing, " They said that whether you are, even if disaster strikes, they will stand with you. They won't fear death; they wish to secure their futures."

"They are what we call hangers-on."

Ming nodded, his right index finger tapping rhythmically on the table in deep thought. He then instructed, "Tell Sam to gather their resumes for potential future contact."


Clos nodded, holding a pen to write down the record.


Ming knew he needed people, especially after discovering a mine in District 1521.  But he couldn't just accept, there had to be a selection process.  After all, the relationship between workers and their employers was an exchange of value. Moreover, he didn't have the time to individually interview each person.

Such specialized tasks should be delegated to professionals. For example, now he required a human resources director, someone capable of identifying talent—a role well-suited for Alice.

Through their interactions, he'd discovered that Alice possessed the ability to discern good from evil. He had always believed that an employee's initial skill set didn't matter much as they could be trained over time. Just like Schneider and his crew, they were excellent now.

What he valued was a character, especially important was to weed out predators and those from other factionsAlice should excel in this area.  However, the woman had become somewhat difficult to handle; she was no longer the naive girl she used to be. Having experienced so much, she had become shrewd. It seemed he had to take a more proactive role, for the sake of company growth, it was worth it.

"South Zone 97 has been occupied by a gang who call themselves the 'Fallen.' They were planning an assault on the North Zone when the news of their leader's death arrived, causing them to halt their attack and focus on investigating the cause of death."

"Well, that's not our concern. Next?"

"That's all for now."

After Clos finished, he looked at the radiant girl, "Boss, how do you plan to manage Digennaro?"

"She will be my personal assistant."

Ming ruffled Digennaro's hair, causing her to shyly smile, radiating charm.

A moment later, he departed with Digennaro, heading for District 331. Stepping through the teleportation gate, they sauntered along the streets.


Digennaro fidgeted with her hands, appearing both demure and hesitant. She was conflicted. To be truthful, she had developed a certain fondness for this 'brother' of hers. Of course, she was confident that it was fraternal affection, not romantic love.

He reminded her of the protective brother at the orphanage who always stood up for her when she was bullied. Especially when he held her tight. She wanted to consider him her brother, but would someone as powerful, strong, and wealthy as he wants a sister who could only glow?

Catching her sidelong glance, Ming queried, "Something on your mind? Speak up."I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com


Caught off guard by the sudden question, Digennaro became flustered.  She finally managed to mutter, "I... I'm hungry."


Ming turned his face, surprised. She hadn't even done any work yet and was already hungry?

Could she be a foodie too?

No matter, her small frame probably couldn't bankrupt him. With that, he pulled out a fried fish and handed it to the girl.

"Your Foodie peered out from the bag, noticing the fried fish you gave to the girl. It felt this was a serious matter, a newcomer had arrived to compete for food. It glanced at Da Vinci, knowing without needing to listen that the girl had an irregular heartbeat."

"Da Vinci also climbed to the mouth of the bag, watching the girl tear into the fried fish. It scorned Foodie, 'Without even listening, how can you jump to conclusions? Look at her wolfing down the food; she's clearly healthy, albeit a bit frail. Why don't you go and listen to her heartbeat?'"

"Foodie seemed distressed, 'With her slender frame, there's no place to settle on. I'm afraid I'll slip off.'"


Ming flicked Foodie's head. At that moment, a large iron tower appeared before them. Tsk, it would have been better if it was made of fine gold. Still, this pile of scrap metal might have some use.

"Don't you find it strange? Ever since we slew the eight-headed serpent together, I feel like I've transformed into someone else."

Digennaro, with a melancholic expression, wrung her fingers and said softly, "Now I feel like I have some violent tendencies. Like this tower,  upon my first sight of it, I felt a compulsion to test it with my light beam."


ƥandasnovel·ƈom Ming paused, then used "Hawk Eye" to examine:



[Talent: Restless Light, upon seeing a giant statue or structure, she wants to hit it, immune to the intimidation of giant zombies.]


[Weakness: She's not yet eighteen.]


What does being eighteen have to do with weakness?

Regardless, for such a restless girl, he pointed towards the iron tower, "If you target these points, I guarantee this tower will topple."

"Really? It'd be nice to give it a try..."


As Ming looked around and was about to speak, a figure appeared behind them. Alice, shaking her head in resignation, found the two of them baffling. Most people come here to take pictures or marvel at the spectacle, but you two are contemplating how to dismantle it and take it home. Indeed, birds of a feather flock together.

She commented, "You two are truly bothered by this pile of scrap. Poor thing."

"Your Foodie suddenly jumped into Alice's arms, wanting to prove that Alice wasn't ill."


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