Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 416 "I'm Just A Traditional Craftsman"

"You can't just say things like that. In terms of body structure, you're the ones who aren't human."

As Ming verbally sparred with the Yamata no Orochi, he handed over the froglets to Alice, shooting her a meaningful glance. She comprehended the silent message and promptly retreated.

In this crucial moment, only Mike remained at his side.  With the evil defense unbroken, more people would only be useless and would even get in the way. But Mike was different, he could taunt.

"Of course, I'm not human."

The Yamata no Orochi lifted its nine heads in a display of arrogance, speaking in harmonious unison, "I am an ancient deity."

Ming laughed, "Did you also brag like this when you were in prison?"

"Hmm~ I'm rather intrigued."

The nine heads of the Yamata no Orochi leaned in concert, their focus on Ming, casting sidelong glances at the man burdened with the massive blade. "Look at him, he's already trembling in fear of my divine might."

Standing aside, Mike retorted with irritation, "I suffer from chronic leg cramps, they twitch if I stand too long. Is that a problem?"


Both Ming and the Yamata no Orochi were taken aback for a moment. 

"And you, why are you not afraid?"

"Maybe because... I don't have chronic leg cramps?"

Ming looked up, arrogant, but his heart was bleeding. After all, he was also activating his divine power skill, consuming resources every second.  Such a toll wounded him so deeply; where could he find the courage to be frightened?


One of the heads of the Yamata no Orochi admonished the others, "You imbeciles, he's taunting us for our lack of legs!"

"Kill them!"

"I want to eat their brains!"

ƥandasnovel·ƈom "Enough talk!"

At this juncture, the golden-eyed head of the Yamata no Orochi roared, "Drown them in venom!"

As the words fell, all nine heads leaned back like a drawn bow, opening their mouths wide.  The golden-eyed head added, "Aim from every angle, left, right, up, down. Leave them no quarter to evade!"


Ming and Mike both paused for a moment, then realized that this creature's brains didn't think in sync and needed one to command to coordinate, and that gold-eyed head in the middle was the one giving orders.

Ming laughed. He was worrying about how to find out what skills and talents you had, but he didn't expect that you would give hints yourself. Indeed, you are a gentleman.




Nine jets of thick, foul-smelling, dark green venom burst forth like heavy-duty "crossbow arrows."

Ming pushed Mike away, "Spread out!"

"Got it!"

Mike bolted right, increasing the distance between them. The venom missed its mark, yet corroded the earth where it landed.

[Your frogs are clinging to Alice, watching you in the battle. Foodie admires this guy with nine faces who can eat nine different kinds of food at the same time when eating~ Envious... Da Vinci listens to the woman's heartbeat and tells Foodie, what if one day you get sick and vomit, what do you think will happen?]

[Foodie paused for a moment, this indeed is a question worth thinking about~]

[Merlin is considering whether he needs the poisoned soup from the nine-faced monster~ It doesn't seem to have a big effect, it's just the quantity that's tempting~]

"You revolting hydra, aim for me!"

Mike brandished his knife on the right and shouted, releasing his taunt skill.


The Yamata no Orochi focused its venomous attack on Ming. One head looked at the man wielding the dark sword, "Hey~ You're too feeble, your taunt did not work me~ ~"

"Damn it! I'll carve you up!"

With fury burning in his heart, Mike leaped, his blade crashing against one of the heads of the Yamata no Orochi. The blade met scales, inflicting no damage whatsoever!

Evil defense -0.

"See, your slash left me unscathed, but it wounded your pride~ Worthless~"


Mike landed and looked up at the head of the Yamata no Orochi, veins popping on his forehead, "Even if I can't hurt you, I'll still make you sick!"


As one head of the Yamata, no Orochi replied, it lazily moved towards Mike, sneering at the man before it, "Bring it on~ I'm curious to see how you intend to make me nauseous~"

"You hell..."

Mike gritted his teeth and charged forward with his sword.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

The Yamata no Orochi sneered, "Come on~ If I evade, I lose, you pathetic..."


Mike spit a mouthful of phlegm accurately into the open mouth of the laughing Orochi, sliding right down its throat. He landed, backed away, and wiped his mouth, "Just curious, do you feel revulsion?"


One of the Orochi's heads grimaced, its facial muscles spasming as it glared venomously, gulping hard...


Atop the city wall, everyone gaped, appalled by the disgusting act. But somehow, it seemed exactly the thing Mike would do.

"You... this... despicable..."

The stomach of one of the heads of the Yamata no Orochi was churning...


"That's really disgusting!"

Ming, deftly dodging a barrage of poison, found himself offering a thumbs-up. He hadn't been mistaken; when it came to taunting and inducing disgust, Mike was in a league of his own.

"This is no ordinary spit. It's my special skill."

Mike, already concealed in a remote corner, peeked out and chimed in, "And it's a forced nausea."




The Yamata no Orochi collectively vomited.

[Your Da Vinci patted Foodie, you see, they're all vomiting, do you still think having nine faces is good... Foodie contemplates, then nods resolutely, "When sick, they share the discomfort equally. Fair~"~]

[Merlin feels it's better not to have this poison soup~]

"You despicable human, you are disgusting to the extreme!"

The Yamata no Orochi glared at the shadowy figure who'd scampered off into the darkness. Turning to Ming, then towards the city wall, it remarked, "Ah, I see~ You plan to buy time for those atop the wall to contrive a solution for me, right?"

"Before talking about that, I want to know how you felt just now, I'm curious~"

Ming showed a face full of curiosity.

"You want to use this method to delay me?"

The golden-eyed Orochi sneered, "Activate 'Swallow Mountain'! Divide into top, middle and bottom, front and back, left and right, the rest prepare to block the gaps, bite him!"

As the voice fell, the other eight heads paused, then opened their huge mouths.

"Thanks for reminding me~"

"This guy can actually become invisible."

"No matter, go and wipe out those people on the wall!"

"Slow down, I still feel queasy."


The serpent slithered forward but found itself stationary. Twisting, it glanced back at its tail, still in the darkness.


The Yamata no Orochi swerved towards the darkness, only to discover its tail, at some point, had wound around various objects such as street lamps and fire hydrants. At the tail's end, three colossal crabs, two enormous black scorpions, and four centipedes restrained it.


A figure stood up on the largest crab, his back to the Orochi, and said, "How do you like the knot I wove with your tail?"


The heads of the Yamata no Orochi writhed and jerked. "I see, those two people just now were just distracting me, and you are the most sinister one!"

Alan still had his back to the Orochi. "No, you're wrong. I'm just a traditional craftsman."


"You!!" The Orochi's body stood erect, and its nine heads recoiled in preparation to charge at the person who was facing away from it.

"No need to thank me, I'm leaving~"

Alan kicked the giant crab, "Go, go quickly~"

In an instant, the crabs, scorpions, centipedes, and two large fluffy birds disappeared into the darkness.

The Yamata no Orochi was furious: "Wait till I untie this knot! I will kill you all!"

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