Black Haired Sage, Chiyuki

「So something like that happened」

I asked about what happened since Shirone just returned from the tower.

Our team also finished with our investigation, for now, we're returning to the holiday village.

Noon has trickled away. It's just before the evening.

「I'm worried about “the personage" that vampire mentioned about」

That personage came to the tower and awakened that vampire, leaving his familiar behind; where did that personage go to? Moreover, the familiar who should’ve been there wasn't in the tower either.

「What do you think, Chiyuki-san?」

Even though Shirone asked for my opinion, I couldn't make any conclusion just from that much information. Though it's possible that “personage” might be Diehart, in that case, it's strange for him to not do anything for these 3 days. Moreover, Diehart didn't possess a dragon during our previous encounter.

And since that personage was stronger than the vampire, there's no way it's the Striges as they were far weaker than the vampire.

「I don't know who that “personage" could be」

「I see. Well, it can't be helped if even Chiyuki doesn’t know about it」

Shirone replied in a dejected manner.

「Come to think of it, did you find that pervert?」

I shake my head in denial upon hearing Shirone’s question.

「We couldn't find him despite Nao-chan searching the entire Rox Kingdom by using Kyouka-san as the bait」

Eventually, we couldn't find that man. We couldn't find him even after searching that way, so he’s actually a master of stealth?

I also considered the possibility of him being in another kingdom, but his timing was way too good.

Thanks to that, Nao is currently lying down due to exhaustion.

「But we hit a jackpot. We found something that resembled the Striges」

「Eh, REALLY!!」

Shirone was surprised.

Nao found a demon disguising as a human in the middle of her search.

There are demons who could disguise themselves as humans. Though I considered that pervert is the demon at first, that demon is a woman who was already in this kingdom even before we came to this place.

Doctor Orua. That's the name of the demon.

「Now, what will we be doing?」

「Nothing for now. Since it's not like that woman is the culprit」

Though I said so to Shirone, I think that woman is the culprit.

Moreover, she's already an extremely suspicious individual for disguising herself as a human.

We have to take a wait-and-see attitude due to this low possibility. In case she isn’t the culprit, she might not be a dangerous existence for humans.

Naturally, I believe it's better to follow Reiji’s advice to exterminate her immediately. However, I'm slightly hesitant to do that.

「Lucullus and his team are currently on standby. However, since Shirone just returned, I think it's better if you report this to lord Rember」

We are outsiders in this case. So, I think it's better to let the knights of this kingdom make their first move.

However, I think Rember will just do fine even without us informing him. Or rather, Rember is the only useful knight in this kingdom. Though I have met with other knights, to be honest, I'm quite reluctant to leave this matter to them.

So, it might be a better choice to leave the matter of guard duty to Rember-tachi than to the temple knights.

In that case, Lucullus should be able to return to his original duty.

How did Lucullus fare with his guard duty?

「Hyllus…. You. Are being controlled….」

There, while fallen down, he saw the figure of a temple knight. That temple knight had lost his focus. It's as if he’s sleepwalking.

Lucullus received a sneak attack from the temple knight who was supposed to be his subordinate while monitoring the demon who disguised herself as a human.

We couldn't react fast enough since they suddenly tossed out smoke bombs mixed with paralysis poison.

Their body seemed to be unable to move since the smokescreen was made with a considerably powerful medicinal plant.

「Captain Lucullus….」

My subordinate, also done in by paralysis poison like me, calls for my name.

Their voices are blurring. When I try to walk, I see a woman walking toward us.

「Though it seems they noticed it, I'm glad that I instructed these temple knights who were brought to your place not to tell you guys about me. The hero's woman seems to have noticed it, but as expected, she didn't know about my existence」

I never heard any report about Hyllus and this woman having a contact. So, the people who carried Hyllus-tachi to our place might have been under control too since I never heard them talking about the female demon in front of me.

Maybe we should just defeat her quickly as hero-sama says.

「But Orua, there's no doubt that the hero has noticed about you. What are you going to do after this?」

A voice was audible from behind the woman, our monitoring target.

Despite my numbing body, a chill ran down my spine when I heard that voice.

The owner of the voice appeared from behind that woman.

I don't know what kind of face this person was hiding behind that mask of his. The newcomer sounded like a man from his voice. Moreover, he seemed like a friend of the monitoring target.

It’s at this moment I recalled, according to Chiyuki-sama, our monitoring target should be just one person. Then, who is he? I never heard about this kind of person.

「Yes, Zarxis-sama. Should we change our plan since they've sniffed me?」

The woman was bowing respectfully.

From her attitude, it seemed that man was her superior.

「I see, shifting our plan, huh. In that case, let's start executing our plan without hiding it anymore. The hero was never a part of my plan after all. You're alright as long as you can exact revenge against the hero, right?」

「Yes, Zarxis-sama」

The man called Zarxis left.

After Zarxis left, the woman called Orua stared at us.

「In exchange for not killing all of you, you guys will become tools for my revenge」

The woman approached us. I tried to escape, but my body wouldn't move.

「Now then, let's put an end to this kingdom」

The woman lets out a high-pitched laugh.

「Chiyuki-…. Sama」

I uttered the name of the black-haired girl.

There, my consciousness ceased.

Though the night was yet to arrive, it's already dark due to the clouds in the sky.

I could feel that the night was starting when I saw the sky from the hut’s window in the checking station.

Lord Rember just returned a while ago when we were doing our job as gatekeepers protecting the gate. I'm currently free from my gatekeeper job.

It's been 10 years since I became a gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper job is an important job that manages emigration and immigration.

That's why the wages are even better than being a palace guard above the rampart, my previous job.

But, bigger wages comes along with bigger responsibilities.

And unlike the job of a soldier who only needed to be vigilant with the demons, a gatekeeper must remain vigilant even against humans.

If a country let all kinds of people in and out of the country, the food condition and public order of the country would deteriorate.

That's why our job is to choose the people who enter and leave this kingdom.

Citizens of our kingdom aside, there are also the people with warranty – the ones with letters of introduction from our citizens, and citizens of our allied countries. There are no refugees since there’s basically none in our kingdom. Some refugees have filed a complaint while some use threats. One needs a heart of steel to be not swayed by such things. That's why a gatekeeper must not show any gaps and exhibit overbearing demeanor toward the refugees who don’t possess citizenship.

However, there are always exceptions. Even those refugees are allowed to enter the Rox kingdom during the festival day.

Naturally, we won't just let them enter like that. We must make a record about their previous location, age, and name. For that reason, the workload of a gatekeeper during the festival is thrice than any other regular day.

I'm also dead tired from the interaction with more than usual number of individuals yesterday.

There should be a change of personnel when the sun sets. So, I'll drink to the brim after leaving my duty.

It was then I noticed an unusual phenomenon. I can hear panicked voices from the top of the rampart.

「What happened….」

And then, I noticed an unusual phenomenon myself. Something is coming closer to the gate of the rampart.

The number of things approaching the gate is more than a hundred.

「Those are… demon」

The things approaching the rampart were not human; they’re goblins and orcs, collectively known as demons. Moreover, it's not just limited to demons.


Headless demons and ones with gaping holes on their bodies were also mixed amongst those demons.

I recalled the zombie incident that happened the other day.


3 gatekeepers are always at standby 24/7 and worked on shift. I turn around and issue instructions immediately.

But, there's no reply from the other side. When I look carefully, one of my coworkers seemed to have fallen already. Suddenly, there's another co-worker on my side.


That another coworker of mine is gazing at me vacantly. His eyes have lost their focus. In addition, his hand is holding something that resembles a club.


He swung that club toward me.

「What's the matter, Nao-san?」

I asked Nao upon meeting her when I was about to leave the mansion to go to the royal castle.

Nao should be lying on her bed due to exhaustion culminated from today’s investigation.

And Nao, who shouldn't be able to wake up so easily once she falls asleep, will awaken once there’s an emergency.

「Uhm, you see… Chiyuki-san, it seems something eerie is coming toward us….」

Nao said so with a troubled face.

Though I don't know what’s coming to us, since Nao is the one who’s saying it, they'll definitely come at us.

「I'll see what that thing is. Please gather everyone during that time, Nao-san」

Then, I fly to the sky.

The sun’s already set.

I could somehow observe the situation in the kingdom since the gate and the top of the rampart are already equipped with watch fires.

It seems some sort of commotion happened near the gate.

So, I employ far sight magic.

Though not to the degree of Nao’s far sight, I can see faraway places by using this magic.

「That gate isn't destroyed!」

I saw the invading zombies coming from the south main gate.

「The situation is… rather dangerous」

I return to our mansion immediately.

「What's the matter, Kuro? 」

Walking beside me, Kuro suddenly stands still.

We were on the way to my home after we parted with Rember who left to the royal castle to report the results of our investigation.

When I gazed at Kuro, he's looking at a certain direction. Kuro’s current state of mind was strange.

But then, this is the first time I see him in this kind of state since the first time I met him.

I recall the first time I encountered him.

It was when I, unable to move my legs, was crawling my way to return home in the middle of the pitch-black darkness of the forest.

「Are you okay?」

When I twisted around to the direction of the voice, a youth was standing there. That was the moment I met Kuro for the first time.

Though I failed to notice him till he spoke, once I noticed him, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

I was even more surprised when he carried me on his back with a frame far slender than mine.

Maybe Kuro isn't a human. And he is an extremely powerful person on top of that.

Even in the tower a while ago, the only one who advanced without a hitch amongst us was Kuro.

I wonder why he’s pretending to be a human.

I just couldn't ignore this youth. Thus, I invited him to my house.

And then as a result of my observation, I couldn't think of him as a bad person.


Kuro called my name. Though he seemed a bit distant at first, calling me with "-dono" all the time, now we were close enough for him to call my name without any formality.

「Maybe we have to call all the freedom fighters that just parted ways with us a while ago…. I have an eerie premonition」

Kuro said with a flustered voice.

I wanted to ask Why do you think so? at that moment.

「I can't tell you about the details, but it seems something bad is going to take place…. Please believe me….」

Kuro is saying so as if preparing for something.

His eyes were serious. I have just known him for a while, but I don't think Kuro is the kind of person who will spout that kind of a joke.


I decided to trust Kuro.

Kuro can see something that can't be seen by us. Something big might be happening soon.

「Thank you, Gallios」

Kuro expressed his gratitude.

「Me too!!!」

I turned around to call back the freedom fighters who had just parted ways with us.




The surrounding people descend into panic.

The sun has set, and the day just turned into night. The zombies pouring out from the gate are rushing toward the citizens.


The gatekeepers should be the one responsible for closing the gate when demons approach the city.

Those gatekeepers aren't doing their duty.


The slowly moving zombies are only at the plaza near the gate. But they're large in number and will be a huge trouble if left alone.

At that time, a squall occurred at the plaza.

「What is….」

When they look again, the zombies are no longer at the plaza.

They're replaced by a girl with wings growing from her back.



The people started shouting almost at the same time.


The girl smiled when she turned around.

「It seems we made it in time, huh」

Shirone is restraining the zombies packed around the gate.

And then, I look toward the north. The Rox Kingdom has a back gate in the north direction, in addition to the main gate in the south. Maybe that place is also in a similar situation. That's why Kaya and Kyouka have been dispatched to that place.

Rino and Sahoko are traveling around the city – treating the wounded.

As for Nao, she's on her way to capturing the disguised demon who might be the culprit of this zombie outbreak.

As for me, I'm on standby to give aid in case something unexpected happened anywhere.

After that, we swept away the zombies in one go by using Reiji's sunlight magic.

「Everything is smooth-sailing so far, but…」

I muttered so.

What caused all of this?

Could it be that our surveillance had been exposed?

Is it because of a blunder from Lucullus and his team?

I think the demon decided to take action since our movements have been exposed.

Maybe it was for the best to eliminate her as fast as possible. I'm starting to regret my decision.

Maybe she's no longer in her place. It'll be good if she's found right away.

「Sorry to make you wait, Chiyuki」

Someone called my name from behind.

「No, it can be considered rather fast in your case」

I casted a glance at Reiji while replying to him.

I don't know when he would come since Reiji moves at his own pace. Sometimes, he's too slow.

Even though I said those words with a tinge of sarcasm, Reiji is still as nonchalant as ever.

「Well, what shall I do then?」

Reiji’s hand starts to shine brightly.

Thereupon, I, who’s closer to him, have a hard time seeing my surroundings.

Reiji tosses that shining light high into the sky.

That sphere of light is shining in the night sky like a sun descending from its eastern throne for the second time.

It's sunlight magic at maximum power. It's Reiji’s unique spell since he possesses light attribute.

That sunlight is shining upon the entire Rox Kingdom. With this, the zombies might be swept away in one go.

I gaze at the scene below me.

「Eh, no… way」

The kingdom is wrapped in something that resembles black fog.

I just noticed that due to the brightness of the sunlight magic.

「That's night robe」

As Reiji mentioned, the thing that resembles a thick black fog is night robe, a magic that can protect the user from sunlight magic. But, this is the first time I’m experiencing a night robe that can cover the entire kingdom.

With this, Reiji’s maximum sunlight magic won't be able to reach the zombies.

「Using such large-scale magic…. Is the culprit really just a mere member of the Striges? 」

I couldn't think that the culprit is the same Striges whom we fought in the past. Maybe the culprit is an even more powerful demon.

If that was the case, then Nao is in danger. Maybe I have to go to save her immediately.

「Reiji-kun. I'll go to save Na-….」

I'm saying so while looking at Reiji. However, Reiji is looking toward the royal palace.

His look is strange.



Suddenly, Reiji shouted toward me.

「What's the matter, Reiji-kun?」

「I'm going to save Almina! I'll leave the aftermath to you」

「Wait a minute, REIJI-KUN!」

Reiji had already vanished without me managing to stop him in time. It's movement tracking magic. Maybe he went to Almina’s side.

「Geez…. Acting at your convenience….」

I complained to the vacant space where Reiji was a moment ago. What do you think about our side?

I noticed that his treatment toward us is a bit sloppy after we came to this world.

Though I want him to listen to the complaints of mine in the royal palace, I didn't have the time to do that. I have to go to Nao’s location right away.

Nao’s offensive ability is low in exchange for her high evasion rate. That's why she would have a hard time in the battle.

Though it wasn't that much of a threat if the demon that caught in her search was a Striges, it would be a different story if it’s a stronger demon. I have to hurry.

Thus, I scour for Nao’s position with magic.

Clanking sounds could be heard when my sword met with another sword.

「No way…. Lord Lucullus. Why…?」

I called the name of the man who’s slashing his sword at me.

It’s the temple knight Lucullus, the escort of hero-sama.

His battalion has come a few times to visit this kingdom.

He is different from the other temple knights and won't look down on others, truly a man of character.

Why is that kind of person attacking the royal palace?

Still armed to teeth after the investigation in the tower, I was heading to the royal palace to make a report and met Almina along the way.

And then, when I was chatting with Almina, I heard a scream.

I sensed something amiss and met Lucullus on the way to confirm the safety of the king along with Almina.

At that time, I saw Lucullus defeating one of my fellow knights.

When I glanced around, he seems to have defeated a few knights and palace guards already.

To be honest, I'm still confused.

And then, Lucullus suddenly slashed his sword toward me.

I somehow managed to stop the first attack in the spur of the moment.

「Why? Lord Lucullus! Why are you attacking us!」

But, Lucullus isn't replying to me. It seems my voice isn't reaching him.

Then, I noticed Lucullus’s lifeless eyes. It's as if his eyes were devoid of any emotions.

But, I didn't have the leisure to worry about that right now.

I crossed my sword with Lucullus’s. My opponent sword was fast, and I could barely protect myself.

Moreover, my body feels heavy since a while ago.


Standing behind me, Almina is calling my name with an anxious voice.

There's no way I'll let myself get defeated with Almina watching behind me.

Lucullus is swinging his sword even faster.

To be honest, it's fast. I barely managed to protect myself.

As expected of a temple knight. He is obviously more powerful than me.

I draw my sword closer to defend myself against Lucullus’s relentless assault.

After our swords crossed at each others several times, Lucullus suddenly pulled back from attacking.

「What is….」

Before I noticed, another person’s already standing behind Lucullus.

「You're… Orua」

I know her.

Orua’s a doctor who arrived at this kingdom around two weeks ago.

Orua has bad eyesight and always wore a black cloth around her eyes. She's currently untying that said cloth.

「You were a Striges all along, huh….」

Orua’s eyes weren't the eyes of a human. She has big round eyes with yellow color on the white part; that was the eyes of an owl, a Striges.

And then, I noticed something. Last night, the defeated temple knight was carried from Orua’s store after receiving first aid from her.

「I see, it's at that time huh…」

It’s too late.

「You're different from the other knights. It seems you're a bit stronger than them」

Orua is approaching with an evil smile while saying those words.

Never did I think that there could be a Striges who can shapeshift into a human.

Regarding the matter of entering a country, no one can enter a country unless they're introduced by a citizen of the country or they're a citizen of an allied country.

But, there's always an exception to such a rule. And that's the case when the candidate’s a holder of special skills such as magic. The reason is naturally that it'll benefit the said country.

Orua was also allowed to stay in this kingdom due to her expertise in medicine.

I think we should put some restriction for any skilled person to enter this country after this.

「Well, shall I grab that princess? She will become a tool to defeat the hero」

「As if I'm going to let you do that!」

It seems she's going to use Almina as a shield against the hero, but I won't let her achieve that.

I raise my sword and rush at her.

It'll be the end as long as I defeat this woman. Orua is careless for pulling back Lucullus. Now is my chance.

「Feather Arrow!」

Orua makes a sweeping movement with her hand and then something is fired from it.


I desperately defend myself.


The feeling of pain is coursing through my body.

I can't ward all of them; thus, a few of them lodged itself into my body. The things that lodged itself into my body were bird feathers.

The bird feather that lodged into my body was strong enough to pierce my armor.


I fall on my knees. My body won't move at all.


Almina cries grievously.

「Almina…. Run」

But, it might be impossible. We can't go back from where we came from, we're at a dead end.

Tears are streaming down from my eyes. Why am I so weak? I can't even protect the woman whom I love.

「Huhm, it seems that I'm taking lightly of a woman」

Orua comes closer and kicks me. Receiving such a kick, I tumble toward the end of the passage.

Just like that, Orua went toward Almina.

「No way…. Almina….」

I'm truly saddened at not being able to do anything but watch it.

「Now, come obediently with me」

Even without looking at her face, I know the fact that Orua is smiling delightedly.


Almina shouts the name of the hero.

「Fufufu, calling the name of the hero huh. That I~」

When Orua was about to say something, something is shining in front of Almina.


Orua is retreating by jumping above me.


I could hear Almina’s delighted voice.

After the light settled down, standing there was the hero.

「Almina! I have come to save you!」

The hero is smiling at her.

The expression that Almina showed to the hero was an expression which she never displayed toward me.


I swing my sword incessantly and defeat zombies one after another.

「GEEZ, what is this shadow-like thing!」

I mutter so with a vexed tone.

It seems that Reiji-kun summoned a sun, but this black fog-like thing spreading in this region prevented it from displaying its full power.

My sunlight magic also couldn't reach them, so I have no choice but to use my sword.

I'm breathing heavily.

I notice that I've exhausted far earlier than usual.

When I glance at my surroundings, I saw the freedom fighters, including Gallios, fighting against the zombies.

If not for them, those zombies might have attacked the civilians.

Though it was unexpected, I was saved by the fact that the freedom fighters mobilized right away. Moreover, it feels like the movements of the palace guard and the knights of this kingdom are rather slow.

Could it be that something’s happening in the royal palace?

I want to confirm it, but I have to do something about the zombies before my eyes for now.

I tear apart the zombies that are approaching me.

Gallios-tachi also managed to somehow fend off those zombies.

But, the zombies keep coming without any interruption. They might reach their limits soon enough.

In fact, even I can't exhibit my full power.

「Could it be that this black fog-like thing is the cause?」

Maybe our strength is suppressed by this black fog.

「Could it be that…. We're actually in a really dangerous situation?」


The hero and the temple knights were fighting against each other in front of me.

I’m spectating that fight with my wounded body.

The hero is defending against the attack of Orua and the temple knights against whom I'm powerless.

「It's okay, Rember. Reiji-sama will definitely save us」

Almina is snuggling closer to me.

It seems I was unconscious about the blood flowing out from my wound.

But, it’s strange. I get this feeling that one of the hero’s wives was stronger in the tower.

For some reason, it seems that the hero isn't going all out.


Almina’s also looking at the hero with a worried look on her face since she might have noticed the strange situation of the hero, too.

「O’ great goddess, please…. Protect Reiji-sama」

Almina is praying.

Subsequently, I closed my eyes while praying for the same thing to the goddess.

「So there's this kind of underground passage in this country」

I mutter so while walking ahead.

While I searched for Nao’s location with magic, I discovered an entrance to an underground passage near the back street of the capital.

Maybe because it's usually closed, I felt Nao’s sign coming from the entrance that was opened now.

When I entered the passage, it didn't seem like a long passage.

「Nevertheless, the consumption of magical power is quite severe」

My fatigue increased at a terrifying pace just by using mere illumination magic.

It might be because of the thick fog that’s enveloping this entire kingdom.

Just by this, I can guess the amount of magical power of the being who created this fog.

I'm becoming even more anxious about Nao’s safety. I have to find her as soon as possible.

At this time, I discover a door in the middle of the passage. Nao was behind this door.

Opening the door, I find myself inside a capacious room.

The illumination isn't bright enough for the room and is only dimly lighting it.

And then, I found Nao collapsed not too far away from the door.


I rush over to Nao’s side.


「Chiyuki… san」

Nao replies with a frail voice.

Though her life is spared, her face still pale; I couldn't feel any of her usual vigor.

「Nao-san…. Who is the one that did this to you?」

I couldn't hide my shock.

Nao has the best perception amongst us. No one could defeat Nao after we came to this world.

And that Nao is beaten.

「Stop…. Chiyuki-san. Don't touch…. Nao」

Nao sends a warning to me.

When I taking a closer look, I can see something resembling a dark briar coiling around Nao’s body.

Maybe it's briar magic. It seems this is the reason why Nao couldn't move her body.

Though Nao told me not to touch her body, it's not like I can leave her just like this.

I proceed to tear off the briar.


It felt like my power was sapped just with a single touch of that briar.

「What is this?! What's wrong with this briar?」

Though I'm trying to use my knife, it couldn't do anything since the thorns of the briar are preventing it.

「Stop it … Chiyuki-san. You must leave this place before that guy … is back」

Nao is shaking her head and urging me to leave this place.

「Who is that guy! The one who did this to you?!」

Though I ask her, it seems Nao didn't have any energy left to answer me.

「Please…. Run」

Nao isn't replying with anything but that.

「NAO-SAN! Hang in there!!」

Nao isn't replying when I call her with her name.

「Hou…. It seems another butterfly was caught again」

Someone is appearing from the inner part of the room.


I stand up to face that person.

From the eerie darkness of the room…. Wearing a mask, maybe a man is coming toward us.

An ominous spider ornament is etched on the mask of that man.

「You're the one who did this to Nao-san? Who are you?」

Nao couldn't find this guy during the search at noon. Could it be that the one she found is actually his fellow demon?

「Your enemy, black-haired sage」

He clearly said that he is my enemy.

I know that he is quite powerful. And obviously leagues apart from a normal demon.

If he's at that level, could it be that he’s from Nargol?

「Could it be that……… You're the subordinate sent from Nargol?」

When I ask that question, the man nods his head.

「That's true, indeed」

There's no doubt about it, he's a subordinate of Modes. We never met this guy when we arrived at Nargol.

Does the demon king have the habit of maintaining a grudge?

「Well then. Allow me to make the two of you, the subordinate of that annoying young goddess, become my offering!」

I can feel a powerful wave of magical power from that masked guy.

It seems that he's going to use some sort of magic.

So, I decided to disturb him.

「Ultrasonic Wave! ! ! 」

After reciting that aria, a sound wave is rushing toward that masked man.

But, the sound wave disappeared right in front of that masked man.

「No way!? Protection without defensive magic!」

And then, I'm assaulted by extreme fatigue. Even this level of magic made me feel too tired. Something is clearly wrong right now.

「This kingdom has already become my territory. Someone who doesn't have divine protection of Nargol-sama will have their power sapped in this area」

Just as he says, my body feels so tired.

「How do you feel, you feel powerless, right? It seems you guys have power rivaling those of the gods of Elios, but you won't be able to do anything inside this area」

That man is approaching us.

I retreat.

I can't win against him all by myself. I feel bad for doing this to Nao, but I have to call reinforcements to this place. When I'm trying to leave the room.

「I won't let you leave. Bind her, O’ Venous Blood Rose!」

The masked man uses his magic when he senses me about to leave this place.

Black ivies like the ones that were binding Nao appeared from the ground and coiled around my limbs.

「It… hurts….」

I'm moaning in pain due to the ivies. I can't exercise my power.

「I'm lucky. Originally, I was planning to sap the life force of the people of this kingdom, but I never thought that the hero-tachi will come to this place」

The masked man is laughing.

「Thus, I came with a plan to kill the hero-tachi. The matter about investigating you guys was easy peasy. You guys are way too conspicuous. Even that little girl with superior detection ability couldn't do as much as unmasking my hiding place. You won't be able to find me since I'll be fine as long as I made sure to not get discovered by that girl. Well then, let's end this」

He's stretching his hand toward us.

「You'll become our offering. I won't kill you right away, but I’ll only suck your life force, little by little」

A feeling of fear is surging from inside my body.


I shout for Reiji’s name.

「The hero won't come to save you. I've erected a barrier around this place, so communication is impossible. Moreover, the hero is currently fighting against Orua to save the princess of this kingdom. He won't have any spare time to save you. And then, even the hero will eventually become powerless as long as he’s inside this area of mine. I'll be the one who turned the tables on him when he comes for revenge」

The masked man said such cruel words.

Am I going to die just like this? No, someone please save us! I'm screaming deep inside my heart.

The hand of the masked man is touching my cheek. That man’s hand felt like cold ice on my skin.

I shut my eyes.

I'm scared.

At that time, I heard the sound of the door being opened from my back.


The masked man seemed surprised by that.

My body suddenly became free and I was taken away from that man.

「Are you okay?」

It was an extremely kind voice.

When I watched my savior, I saw a man hiding his face with a mask. From his voice, he might be a man.

He is holding my body on his right arm. I noticed that I no longer feeling scared when I feel the warmth of that man.

「That girl….」

Nao was held on the left arm of the man hiding his face. Similar to me, Nao had been freed from the binding ivies, too.

Then, he placed me and Nao on the ground.


Nao is moaning. It seems she’s just unconscious.

I circle my right arm around her shoulder to support her.

「Who are you?」

After making his sudden appearance, he freed me and Nao from our binding and then carried us until the door. His series of actions were way too fast. He's not an ordinary person.

But, the man hiding his face pointed at the door without answering my question.

「Take that girl and leave this place immediately. Leave the rest to me」

Who is he? The masked man is dangerous. Can he face that masked man alone?

But, somehow I felt relieved when I heard his voice.

「Understood…. Thank you very much. But I'm going to call for reinforcements, so please don't force yourself」

I leave from the door. I must call Reiji. The man who hid his face might be in danger facing that masked man alone.

I trudge along the underground passage while supporting Nao. In this world, I can move faster even while carrying one person thanks to the power of my muscles. But, the current me was powerless.

I have to leave this place immediately. But, my pace isn't getting faster.

「Maybe I should’ve asked for his name….」

I'm slightly regretting it.

I'll look for him and express my gratitude if we can survive this predicament.

While thinking about it, I walk toward the ground above while carrying Nao.

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