“Edlyn—” Harlan called out to the [Royal Chef] as she exited the kitchen.

She paused, and he reached her a moment later.

“What was that about?” he pressed her. “I thought you were going to try to convince Amelia to do something about the [Hero King].”

Edlyn shook her head as she looked down at herself. She balled her hands into fists. “I wanted to do that. But what’s the point? It’s up to Amelia whether she acts or not.”

Sighing, the [Royal Chef]’s shoulders sagged and she drew back.

“All that matters is I conveyed my feelings to Amelia. What happens next is up to her to decide.”

Harlan blinked, before nodding slowly.

“I… see.”

He looked out a nearby window and whispered in agreement.

“Right, it’s all up to Amelia now.”


Kallistus Kal panted as he emerged from the crater he created. His body burned, the wounds that covered his skin were slowly healing. Much slower than before. He was still partially charred, and the stinging pain didn’t go away.

But it didn’t matter. He had won this battle. What he had unleashed was a buildup of a majority of the Void Essence that coursed through his body. As a clone, he didn’t have a direct connection with the Fal-Deus.

No— only his real body was supplied with an unlimited amount of Void Essence.

So he knew that he could have died here if the onslaught of attacks kept up. That was why he forced himself to expend most of the Void essence he had left to win this battle with a final attack.

And it was over. There was no way anyone could have survived the blast.

Already, Kallistus Kal was seeing the debris remains of the Greater Elementals scattered around him. A small smile tugged at his lips as he wanted to claim his victory. As he knew that victory belonged to him.

Then he saw a figure emerging from the rubble— a man that held a hand up, glowing purple.

“You can’t be serious, right?” the [Hero King] whispered as he stared at the bloodied figure up ahead.

It was Arthur. He was regenerating from having nearly been completely obliterated by the blast. And yet, he was alive.

That only meant the Void Essence that coursed through his body must have been greater than even the [Hero King]’s.


That couldn’t possibly be the case, right?

While the true body of Kallistus Kal had unlimited Void Essence due to a direct connection with the Fal-Deus, the amount in each clone was equal to what he would have without that connection. So if Arthur had more Void Essence than a clone, that meant he had the potential to be stronger than even the real Kallistus Kal without the Fal-Deus.

And that idea alone made a bead of sweat trickle down the [Hero King]’s neck. It was impossible. There had to be a reason for Arthur’s exorbitant reserve of Void Essence. The Fal-Deus had to be involved somehow.

Kallistus Kal clicked his tongue as he hefted his broadsword over his shoulder. It didn’t matter. Worrying about this was pointless. All that mattered was winning.

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“Even if you survived my blast, your friends are dead. You cannot expect to defeat me alone.”

“N-no,” Arthur panted as he lowered his hands. The purple glow faded from his palms, and he glanced back. “They’re not dead.”

Blinking, the [Hero King] glanced to the side to see Grat-ra’zun and Jax lying to the side. Their bodies were bloodied and burnt, chunks of ice collapsing from their skin. But they were still alive.

“You saved them by encasing them in your ice.” Kallistus Kal’s eyes flickered. “But it doesn’t matter. Because they are in no state to fight. You are still alone.”

“That’s right,” Arthur said as he stumbled forward. He caught himself and raised his fists. “But I’m more than enough to defeat you.”

Kallistus Kal stabbed his sword to the ground as his eyes shone purple. “Perhaps you are right— but I am not alone.”

Arthur’s eyes narrowed as he watched a rift open up as a surge of twisted creatures began to pour forth again. He stepped back as he stared at the purple beings swarming forward.


“That’s right,” the [Hero King] laughed as he spread his arms wide. “You stand no chance of defeating me. Now die.”

Arthur gritted his teeth as the swarm of voidlings charged at him. And Kallistus Kal watched as they clashed— as the voidlings were blasted away by lightning and shredded apart by a hail of ice.

The [Hero King] knew that this was not enough to win. However, what he needed right now was time. He needed to recover his lost Void Essence. He needed some time just to win. And the voidlings would be just enough to give him that.

Or so Kallistus Kal thought.

He blinked a few times as he saw a flash of purple light wash over the area. Then a cacophony of screeches echoed out, followed by hundreds of voidling collapsing from something in an instant.

Sweeping his gaze over the battlefield, the [Hero King] watched as strange creatures emerged from the ground and began ripping apart his voidlings. At a first glance, their purple skin and their twisted appendages made them look like voidlings. However, upon a closer inspection, it was evident that they were different.

Their purple flesh was ripping apart, and many of them were missing various limbs or parts of their bodies. They looked like they were undead of sorts.

And the realization settled in as Kallistus Kal’s eyes went round, his gaze facing Arthur who was running ahead.

“He’s… reviving the dead voidlings.”



Arthur heard the voice clearer than before. It was the same voice as before— the same one that spoke to him as the Lich King. That had trapped and imprisoned him and took control of his body.

He could almost feel its clawing tendrils smothering his free will. And yet, the voice was not directed towards him. Because of that, he could ignore it.

Even as he took advantage of its power. Even as he used it to revive the dead voidlings to fight for him.

Arthur ran forward as all around him the voidlings and the undead voidlings battled. They tore each other apart, their screeches echoing through Astral. Heads turned and soldiers stopped their fighting to witness this horrible sight. Many from both sides of the war began to flee, thinking these abominations were here to slaughter everything.

And in a sense, that was true.

That was what the Fal-Deus desired. That was what the [Hero King] was aiding it in doing.

“Kallistus Kal!” Arthur shouted as he leapt forward, reaching the [Hero King]. Kallistus Kal swung up with his broadsword, but missed. And Arthur landed a punch directly on the [Hero King]’s face. “Give it up! You’re just a pawn being used by the Fal-Deus!”

Stumbling back, Kallistus Kal gritted his teeth and spat out some blood. “You are also a pawn of the Fal-Deus— you are but a hypocrite for lecturing me!”

He slammed his blade to the ground, sending a wave of purple energy out which knocked Arthur back. Even still, Arthur held his ground as his skin was ripped off.

“I am no hypocrite.” Arthur looked up as his body regenerated to normal. He stood tall as he met the [Hero King]’s gaze. “I am not using my powers for my own selfish gain. Not anymore.”

Perhaps at one point, a long time ago, in a past life, that was the kind of man Arthur was. But right now, he was not that man anymore. For the sake of atonement and for the sake of justice, he was fighting here against the [Hero King].

Even if Arthur’s entire body ached. Even if his skin was repeatedly being shredded apart again and again. Even if he was dying over and over again. Even if he did not want to do this. This was what he needed to do. And with that resolve, he threw himself forward at Kallistus Kal’s attacks— unwavering.

“I am using it to do what’s right! That is why I will stop you!”

Arthur charged as Kallistus Kal screamed, sending blast after blast out.

“And do you think this world has done me right?” the [Hero King] screamed as Arthur was blown apart. “Robbing me from my life back on Earth? Stealing away my family which I loved? DO YOU CALL THAT JUSTICE?”

“No,” Arthur said as his body reformed and he reached Kallistus Kal.

His fist shone with a purple light as he swung down. There was a bright flash as the [Hero King]’s eyes widened.

“But neither is what you’re doing here justice,” the former Lich King finished.

And with a single powerful punch, Arthur blew a hole through Kallistus Kal’s chest. But this time, the [Hero King] wasn’t going to rise again. This time, when he fell, he stayed down for good.

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