Arthur unleashed another blast of lightning as Kallistus Kal charged at him. Unlike before, where the attack barely grazed the [Hero King], it now burned through the first layer of his skin while slowing his movements at the same time.

So it was clear to the former Lich King that he was becoming stronger. That he was once again tapping into the power of the Fal-Deus itself.


The echo of a voice resounded in his mind. It didn’t sound like it was directed towards him. And yet, Arthur could hear it anyway. Because he was grasping for the power. He was reaching for it.

Even if he ignored what it compelled him to do.

As expected, the [Hero King] emerged from the blast of lightning, regenerating from his wounds. But before he could continue his charge, the Greater Earth Elemental leapt behind him, crushing him with its giant arms.

Arthur watched as Kallistus Kal was pounded into the ground. And as the former Lich King watched, he raised his arms, frost wisping off his fingers.

“Kallistus Kal!” Arthur exclaimed as he watched the [Hero King] rise from the ground, lifting the golem off its feet. “I know you have good in your heart! Please, hear my voice— do what’s right!”

In response, Kallistus Kal said nothing, instead throwing the Greater Earth Elemental to the side. Then he snapped his gaze towards Arthur.

He’s not listening to me at all— Arthur thought as he lashed out, unleashing a wave of frost forward.

The attack should have frozen the [Hero King], slowing down his advance. But Kallistus Kal must have seen it enough times to realize what was coming. That was how he knew to counter.

He slammed his sword to the ground, and a surge of purple flames shot out towards Arthur. It burned a path straight through the wave of frost, and the former Lich King narrowly leapt to the side to dodge the attack.

But Kallistus Kal took that opening to speed forward, reaching Arthur in an instant. And instead of slashing out, the [Hero King] grabbed the former Lich King by the face.

“Let’s see you come back from this—” he started as his right hand shone with a dark purple libht.

And Arthur felt a burning sensation overcome his body. Cracks began to form across his body as he screamed, struggling to break free. All the while, the [Hero King] just tightened his grip as the light grew brighter.

Only for a hail of glowing arrows to land into Kallistus Kal’s back, sending him flying back. The moment his grip was released from Arthur, the former Lich King felt a surge of relief wash over him.

The purple lines that cracked over Arthur’s body vanished as he panted. Looking up, he watched a hurricane of ethereal wasps swarm past him and crashed into the [Hero King]. And glancing in the direction it came from, Arthur watched as Jax landed by a nearby rooftop.

“Jax, you’re alive?” Arthur blinked a few times.

“Did you really think I’d die that easily?” the Forsaken Archer cackled as he continued to unleash an onslaught of arrows at Kallistus Kal. “Now get up and stop standing around like an idiot! We have a fight to win!”

Steeling himself, Arthur rose to his feet and nodded. “Right.”

And in the distance, Kallistus Kal swung and destroyed the swarm of magical insects. He panted as he glared up at Jax, only for the Greater Earth Elemental to swing at him from behind.

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But the [Hero King] saw the ambush coming this time around. So he swung up with his sword, and in an instant, the golem was split in half. It collapsed behind him as Jax and Arthur pursed their lips.

“What’s the plan, Jax?” Arthur asked as Kallistus Kal strode forward.

And the elf snickered as he took a step back. Then he made a break for it, continuing to fire arrows at the [Hero King].

“We run,” the elf said simply as he moved.

Arthur blinked, and Kallistus Kal exploded forward. Cursing, the bartender unleashed a bolt of electricity that narrowly missed the [Hero King].

Kallistus Kal reached Arthur a moment later, swinging down with his blade and slicing off one of the former Lich King’s arms.

Arthur screamed in pain, only to reach out with his other hand and grab the [Hero King] before he could dash away to finish off Jax. Kallistus Kal blinked, before he was slammed to the ground by the former Lich King.

“Blast us, Jax!” Arthur yelled as he froze the [Hero King] in a cube of ice for a second.

Jax paused, before nodding. He bombarded both Arthur and Kallistus Kal with his arrows as they both screamed and their bodies were torn apart.

But the [Hero King] couldn’t escape this salvo because Arthur was there to stop him. Each time Kallistus Kal tried to break free, Arthur was there to grapple with him, freeze him, and electrocute him.

Kallistus Kal screamed as he was overwhelmed by this flurry of attacks— it lit up the battlefield, drawing the attention of everyone in the city.

However, Arthur knew that this couldn’t keep up forever. And it didn’t. Eventually, the [Hero King] swung up with enough force to break through the ice and send the bartender flying out into the air.


Kallistus Kal slammed a fist into the ground, causing the ground to ripple as Jax narrowed his eyes. From the ground beneath the [Hero King], a pool of purple liquid formed.

And emerging from within the liquid were voidlings. Creatures of the void— creations of the Fal-Deus. Thousands of them. They swarmed out towards the Forsaken Archer as he cursed.

Arthur picked himself back up as he gritted his teeth. He could sense the power of the twisted creatures, and while he knew they weren’t that strong, they were incredibly numerous, spawning by the thousands with each passing moment.

Even if Arthur knew that both he and Jax could easily deal with these voidlings, they still served as a distraction. And that would be more than enough to disrupt the former Lich King’s teamwork with the Forsaken Archer.

I can’t let Jax die, Arthur thought as he brought a hand up, electricity sparkling off his fingertips. I need to be able to—


The same voice from earlier— the voice of the Fal-Deus— echoed louder than before as Arthur froze. He felt his heart ache as he stumbled forward, staring in a daze at Jax raining down arrows at the swarm of voidlings.

And as Arthur was distracted by the Fal-Deus, Kallistus Kal seized this opportunity to leap up at Jax.

Arthur broke out of his stupor a moment too late as the [Hero King] reached the elf. Raising a hand, the former Lich King screamed.


But a blast of crimson flames engulfed Kallistus Kal, sending him flying back. It was a familiar magical flame. Immediately, Arthur’s head snapped to the side.

“That was…?”

However, it was not who he thought it would be. Grat-ra’zun didn’t hover there with his maw open, blasting the [Hero King].

And as Kallistus Kal tried to pick himself up, he was immediately frozen into a pillar of ice— a magical ice that wasn’t cast by Arthur.

He blinked in confusion as a gust of sharp wind sliced the pillar in half, decapitating the [Hero King] inside the ice. And slowly, the former Lich King spun around as Jax cackled in the background.

“About time!” the elf exclaimed.

And Arthur watched as three other figures joined the battlefield. They each wore different shapes and were different sizes. One was a bird made out of wind, fifty feet wide, but the smallest of the three. Another was a giant amorphous pool of water that washed over the streets of Astral like a mudslide. And the last was a flaming spirit that was the same size as the Greater Earth Elemental.

Staring at them, a whisper left the former Lich King’s mouth.

“Those are a Greater Fire Elemental, a Greater Air Elemental, and a Greater Water Elemental….”

Arthur’s eyes widened as he swept his gaze over his surroundings. And he paused as, from the side, the Greater Earth Elemental picked up its pieces, quickly rebuilding itself before it slammed a fist down at the decapitated [Hero King].

The ground quaked from the impact as Arthur steeled himself. And from above, a giant dragon descended into the battlefield and bellowed.

“Behold, fallen [Hero King]— gaze upon my mighty creation and despair!” Grat-ra’zun spoke, before unleashing his own wave of flames down at the swarm of voidlings, before redirecting his attack to Kallistus Kal.

And the [Hero King] screamed as his flesh was burned off his body, his bones melting away— his body disfiguring from the combination of attacks.

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