233 Xuanqing temple, looking for teacher Li to see director Xu

Zhou Jin nodded.

President Hao couldn’t help but ask Meng Fu, ” I heard from Zhou Jin that you’ve also solved the last two big questions? ”

Zhou Jin’s paper had been approved by the 10 schools. The questions were so perverted that even the people from the mathematics Union couldn’t help but say that Zhou Jin was ruthless. This time, when she got a full score, Zhou Jin remembered that Meng Fu said that she had finished all the questions.

This piqued the interest of President Hao of the mathematics Union.

She followed up by asking Zhou Jin about this student. Zhou Jin mentioned it a few times, and as soon as he came out, he saw the festival group not far away. He knew that Meng Fu was filming ‘a day as a celebrity’.

Zhou Jin was also curious if Meng Fu was the one who scored full marks, so he sent Meng Fu a WeChat message.

Meng Fu was very respectful to these seniors in the field of mathematics. She nodded and said, “”I’ve done it,”

The people from the mathematics Union had some understanding of the students from the top ten schools in the country. The last two questions were basically non-human. When they heard that Meng Fu had solved them, they turned to her. are you confident you can get a few questions correct? ”

Meng Fu touched his nose. at least one question? ”

President Hao nodded. He looked at Meng Fu and then at Zhou Jin. your school has someone who’s even better at mathematics than Jin Zhiyuan. If he participates in Zhou University’s mathematics special enrollment and gets into Zhou University, then the ten schools will enter the W-list …

He originally wanted to say something, but he probably saw that Meng Fu was still there, so he didn’t continue. Instead, he said, “”Let’s go eat first.”

As he walked forward, he spoke to Meng Fu. were you filming a show just now? ”

Meng Fu nodded. She lowered her head slightly and did not speak much. She looked very obedient, and when she looked up, her eyes were as bright as the autumn Moon. yes.

the entertainment industry is just a temporary fun, but the fun of mathematics is endless. You see. the new era’s mathematics problems have been moved to Zhou University this year.. few years ago. a mathematics professor proved a difficult problem, which will forever be engraved in history. as President Jin walked, he thought about his words. there are still several new era mathematics problems waiting for you to conquer …

President Qian looked at Meng Fu. why didn’t I see you at the IMO last year? ”

Last year was the glory of the national team. Several big names in mathematics had gone and returned with a gold medal.

He had seen all eight of the geniuses from the national team last year, including Jin Zhiyuan, but not Meng Fu.

Hearing this, Meng Fu’s expression did not change. He only smiled. I had something to do last year, so I can’t go.

what. pity. President Qian could not help but turn to her and frown. if you had gone …

If she were to go, she would definitely be able to make a name for herself and be accepted by a few colleges in advance.

It was really strange. They should have heard of a math genius like Meng Fu.

He felt that it was a pity, but it was not good to say such things as a child. President Tong patted Meng Fu’s shoulder. it’s okay, we still have a chance.

President Hao, the president of the domestic mathematics Union, was a very busy person.

Today, he had specially chatted with Meng Fu for a while.

When President Jin went to get food, Zhou Jin found a chance to speak and explained to Meng Fu, ” it’s like this. There were 20000 students from 10 schools in the country, but only three of them did the math paper. Other than you, there were students from two other schools. These two students participated in the IMO last year. One was second and the other was third. They finished all three marks, but only one got a full score, so everyone is very curious about the three of you.

All the teachers from all ten schools in the country had gathered together. When the only full score paper was out, they had already gathered together to discuss it.

Not to mention them, even Zhou Jin wanted to know if Meng Fu was the one who did it.

Taking advantage of the fact that the president had not returned from getting food, Zhou Jin lowered his voice again and couldn’t help but ask, “”Do you think you’re the one who got full marks?”

“If I say it’s me, will you believe me?” Meng Fu looked at him.

Zhou Jin paused.

It wasn’t a matter of whether he believed it or not. In his guess, it was only the second or third place. Perhaps Meng Fu wouldn’t be able to complete these three questions.

Meng Fu also went to get his meal and patted Zhou Jin’s shoulder. teacher Zhou, why are you so anxious? won’t you know tomorrow afternoon? ”

Zhou Jin was speechless.

Meng Fu still had to rush to record the show, so she ate very quickly. She finished her meal in five minutes and got up to politely say goodbye to Zhou Jin and the others.

After she left, the people at the table started to discuss again.

no matter what, to be able to solve the questions in the intensive class and finish all the questions in the test paper, her math talent must be pretty good. President Jin looked at Zhou Jin and couldn’t help but sigh. Zhou Jin, there are two students from your school who are going to take part in the independent recruitment examination of Zhou University this time, so the chances are higher.

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