After storing the Mad-Lust Rabbit kidney inside his Dimensional Storage, Ban finally decided that he should leave now. 

"Mr. Leon, please stay a bit longer for dinner!" Joana suddenly said after noticing that he was now about to leave. 

"Thanks but i''l decline your offer as I already have plans." Ban said as he walked towards the door. 

Joana escorted him out and just as he was about to leave the area already, he recalled something that he should have told yesterday to Joana. 

He turned his head towards her before saying, "By the way, I forgot to mention this yesterday but you should be careful with your plans. During the evolution process of the Hairless Cat, it would create a phenomenon where the owner's plans will be unknowingly set up. It means that if you were planning something, it would move forward but the success and failure would still be a question."

Hearing that, Ban could see that Joana's body shivered a little. However, she instantly returned to normal as she produced a bright smile towards 'Leon' while saying, "You have given me another valuable information yet again,Mr. Leon, I wonder if you have something in mind that I can exchange with that valuable information?"

"No need to worry about it. As I've said earlier, I only forgot to mention it yesterday. Anyways, I'll be going now, it's a pleasure doing the transaction with you and I hope that this will not be the last." Ban said as he waved his hands before walking away from Joana's store. 

A while later, his figure finally vanished on Joana's eyes which made her finally release a sigh of relief. 

'Did he perhaps know my plans?' She thought after thinking about what 'Leon' had just said. 

A while later, Joana shook her head to disregard her messy thoughts. She patted the Hairless Cat affectionately and thought that she must act more careful now after knowing that her Hairless Cat's evolution can bring such effects. 

She even thought of moving some of her plans until her Hairless Cat finished evolving. That way, she will not worry about something like her plan getting executed in advance, and hence would be premature. She only got one chance and that plan was of extreme importance to her, it was to the point that she's willing to sacrifice some things just to accomplish it. 

She went inside the store and took the book, Records of Beasts before going out again. She closed the store for now as she decided to go to Carmen's store.

She arrived a while later and just like any other normal day, she opened the door of the store as if it was hers before going inside. 

"Carmen, are you there?" She said as she sat comfortably at one of the available couches. 

She heard a series of footsteps and she could already guess where and from who  it came from. 

"Joana? Why are you here?" Carmen said as she wiped her wet hands on her dirty coat. 

"Ara-ara? I can't be here now that I've already given you the eyes of the Red Hermit Termite?" Joana said with a smirk as she stood up from the sofa to go in front of Carmen. 

"I didn't mean it that way. Anyways, why are you here? You know that I'm now in the process of creating that improved Beast Repellent powder right? Oh yeah, now that I remember it, I recall you also went to search for the Red Hermit Termite's eyes the other day right? How did it go?" Carmen asked curiously. 

"Don't even mention that! I went to this cave that was supposedly new but when I arrived there, it was actually the lair of the Demon Ants and not the Red Termites"

"It might be because of the upcoming Beast Tide but I only saw one Demon Ant Queen there. I wounded it gravely but it was able to escape towards its chamber, hence the reason why I could not collect my spoils. I tried to open the Queen chamber but just like any other Demon Ant Queen chamber, I was not able to open it and that door was quite hard as well. Sigh! I'm still mad thinking about that fruitless endeavour." 

"And the reason why I'm here… Well… nothing! I just came to give you this!" Joana said while pointing at the book, Records of Beasts."

"That book? But why? I recall you being overprotected about it, even treating it as your heirloom or something."

"No reason… I will no longer need it in the future anyway... And besides, you obviously need something like this badly." Joana said. 

"Yeah I really need something like that so that I can study the Beast parts and their uses, who knows if I will discover something new about them again. However, you wouldn't even let me take a glimpse before and now you're saying that you will give it to me? The whole book? To be honest, that's kinda sus! Just say so if you want something from me, it's not as if it's the first time." Carmen said while staring at Joana with her eyes half close, as if inspecting Joana's every move.

Joana could only smile hearing her. "No, I don't need something from you. After the evolution of my Hairless Cat, I will immediately execute that plan."

Carmen suddenly went quiet after Joana mentioned the 'plan'. A while later, she finally regained her composure as she said with a cracking voice, "I-I see… So you're really gonna continue that plan. Alright, I'll accept this." 

"Good! And by the way, be careful during the Beast Tide!" 

"I will, you should also be careful!" 

After leaving Joana's store, Ban immediately went to the gate of the Adventurers Market to search for a carriage that he could rent. He did not waste his time walking around the Adventurers Market anymore as he still didn't need to buy something anyway. 

He also wanted to go home as he felt that he was being watched by all the people around him as if he was walking Gold Coins. He thought that it might just be his imagination playing with him because he obtained that many Gold Coins earlier and he felt that everybody wanted to rob him. 

That's the reason why he wanted to go back to the Kuys Bar as he felt that it was safer there. 

However, the moment he stepped out of the Adventurers Market, he suddenly heard someone shouting his name. 

"Sir Leon! Sir Leon!" 


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