"Well… If you insist!" 

"How about this… In exchange for that not so valuable information, how about you refer me to someone that has troubles regarding their Summoned Monsters strange behavior? I might be able to help them, and of course with a price."

Hearing that, Joana slowly retracted her hand away from the tied strap as she breathed out softly before producing a smile. She did not know if 'Leon' did it purposely or he just did not notice her clear intentions. But nevertheless, she did not make it affect her current state as she calmly replied as if nothing in particular had happened, "That will do, Mr. Leon! But I don't think I know someone like that at the moment."

"No worries, just tell me if you have someone in mind. It also includes a Monster's evolution by the way. If you know someone who was planning to let their Monster evolve, then recommend them to me. As long as they have the Gold Coins, I'll help them in one way or another." Ban said calmly while he nudged Eva who had her four arms crossed against each other on her chest while sitting elegantly on Ban's shoulder. 

Eva kept staring at Joana with a wary gaze and it could be seen that she was displeased about something. Ban did not understand the reason why and when he patted Eva's head, her expression somehow returned to normal, even pleased, so Ban no longer probed about it. 

"Will do, Mr. Leon!" Joana smiled. 

"For the prices, as they all came from F-Apprentice Rank Beasts, I am willing to buy the Black Eye Bug's tentacle for 5 Gold Coins each. The Iris'... the Book of Records stated that they only cost 20 Gold Coins, but the prices stated here were from long ago so I'm willing to buy them from you for 25 Gold Coins each. For the fur and kidney of the Mad-Lust Rabbit… I'll buy the three of them for 25 Gold Coins, 10 Gold Coins for each Kidney and 5 Gold Coins for the fur." Joana said. 

She stopped for a moment and calculated the total amount and after a little while, she said,"So in total, I need to pay you 985 Gold Coins!"

Ban almost choked with his own saliva the moment he heard the total amount of Gold Coins he will be getting for this transaction. It was only a few days ago that he only had enough Coins for his awakening that is shared by many people, but right now, he can already afford to awaken exclusively for himself. 

Of course, he would not do that. That would be idiotic. He already knew that he doesn't have any Monster inside him. And to think that he thought of himself as a genius before.

An extremely low grade Beast Core that came from an X-Mortal Rank Beasts has a market price of 1000 Gold Coins. Ban thought that he should just use a Beast Core directly to strengthen Eva and himself instead of attempting to awaken again. 

"No problem for me!" Ban said calmly, as if that huge amount of Gold Coins doesn't appease him in the slightest. 

Joana also did not flinch upon mentioning that many Gold Coins. As a Gold Rank Adventurer herself, this amount of Gold Coins was only a spare change for her. Of course, it doesn't mean that she would willingly hand it over to someone without something of equal value in exchange. She was after all doing business, and not charity. 


"Mr. Leon, you can take the Mad-Lust Rabbit and use it for yourself. You can think of it as a bonus for this transaction. You might not know this but the soup of the male Mad-Lust Rabbit's kidney, if boiled in pair with Sucking Flower, can give you a temporary stamina enhancement. It's good to consume them before doing a tiring 'exercise'." Joana said softly while highlighting the exercise part. 

Ban had now become aware of the strange behavior being shown by Joana. It's as if she was purposely trying to give him something so that he would be pleased. She will act as if she doesn't want something in exchange but in truth,  would later request for something unimaginable in the future. Ban felt that Joana was giving him that kind of vibes, just like the fawning Inner City Guard earlier. 

He frowned a little and it could be said that he was somehow disappointed. After all, he was thinking of Joana as someone who is kind and does not beat around the bush if she needs something. 

However, he was also not sure if it was the truth or maybe Joana was really just a nice person. Anyways, he said with a clear tone of displeasure in his voice that was even more enhanced by the Ant Mask, "Why?"

Joana instantly realized the change of tone so she became nervous all of a sudden. She thought that she was getting hasty but nevertheless, she knew that her number one enemy right now was time. 

"You can just treat it as a gift from me Mr. Leon. It is nothing in exchange for the valuable information regarding my Hairless Cat that you've given to me yesterday. I'm extremely grateful for that." Joana said calmly, disregarding the fact that she already heard 'Leon's' displeasure earlier.

"However, if you still feel that it's unreasonable, then can I exchange one thing in exchange for giving it to you?" She added softly, and nervousness was now apparent to her voice. However, it was masked by her determination so Ban was not able to capture it. 

'I knew it!' Ban thought as his eyebrows scrunched together in displeasure beneath the Ant Mask. 

However, he was also tempted by the temporary stamina effect he would gain after consuming the soup of that Mad-Lust Rabbit kidney and Sucking Flower that Joana had mentioned earlier. 

"What do you want?" He asked with his voice full of displeasure that was even greater than before. 

Hearing that he was at least curious, Joana produced a bright smile as she stepped in front of 'Leon' without warning before extending her hand towards him for a hug. She looked up and stared at the Ant Mask's pitch black eyes without fear before saying in an alluring and soft seductive voice,

"Do the 'exercise' with me after you consume the soup!" 

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