Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 85 - Eliminating The Black Eye Bugs!

"According to the scroll, their rank ranges from X-Mortal all the way to the F-Apprentice Rank. And if they want to rank up more, they need to evolve to their next form, which can only be attainable if they purposely separate themselves from the mother bug." 

"Alright! You are an F-Apprentice Rank yourself and your Summon is also approaching the F-Apprentice Rank, I'll let the two of you handle the offspring while I monitor them using my eyes. Don't worry about it too much as I could still eliminate them swiftly without any help, but in order to ensure that this puny bug won't try to claim its own life, I'll just watch it carefully instead." The Elder Red-Panda said while tapping the Black Eye Bug. 

Ban nodded his head agreeing to what the Elder Red-Panda just said. He checked his and Eva's status briefly and even though Eva's Wrath [Skill] was still in cooldown, he thought that they should be able to eliminate one offspring Black Eye Bug easily as long as they work together. 

"Then let's not waste any more time." The Elder Red-Panda said while dashing towards another direction. 

Ban followed closely behind and not long after, they arrived at one of the Elder Monk Trees that got infected by the Black Eye Bugs offspring. It seems that it was one of the first offspring that the mother Black Eye Bug releases as the Elder Monk Tree it occupied had now almost dried up, coming close to the appearance of the oldest Elder Monk Tree that the mother Black Eye Bug has occupied previously.

The Elder Red-Panda did not waste any time and hurriedly used its green eyes to inspect the roots of the Elder Monk Tree. "There!" 

Ban followed where the Elder Red-Panda was pointing with its finger and upon confirming the location, he nodded before jumping towards that location along with Eva.

"Get ready!" The Elder Red-Panda said as it started to float above Ban and Eva. It then raised the mother Black Eye Bug and a moment later, Ban and Eva could feel the ground shaking, as if a minor earthquake just occurred beneath them. 

Not long after, the ground split into two and a smaller version of the mother Black Eye Bug surfaced with its iris cautiously glancing around its surroundings. And when it noticed the mother Black Eye Bug in mid-air, it immediately wriggled its tentacles towards it, as if it was prostrating towards the queen. 

However, unbeknownst to it, two pairs of eyes were actually staring at it with ill intentions.

Ban and Eva positioned themselves two steps away from where the Elder Red-Panda pointed earlier. They readied themselves and waited for the offspring Black Eye Bug to surface. 

Their breathing became calm, and a moment later, the Elder Red-Panda noticed that they were now in perfect sync. The Elder Red-Panda was baffled by that scene but it nevertheless ignored them as it focused its attention on the wriggling mother Black Eye Bug on its hand. 

Perfect Harmony!

Unbeknownst to Ban and Eva, with their breathing and movement in sync, they actually attained the Perfect Harmony state again for the second time. 

With the Perfect Harmony state, their combat efficiency, training efficiency, and cultivating efficiency has doubled. The two will share the same pain and the same gain, no one will be left behind as they will stumble and get up at the same time. Complementing each other's strengths and covering each other's weaknesses, their thoughts become one as they stare at their prey. 

The moment the offspring Black Eye Bug lowered its guard by prostrating towards the mother Black Eye Bug, Ban and Eva immediately moved at the same time. 

Ban with his Twin Baton and Eva with her four arms, the two struck the Black Eye Bug perfectly at its weak spot. With Eva's unusual strength, complemented with Ban;s control with his Twin Baton, the center tentacle of the Black Eye Bug got ripped as if it was a piece of paper. 

Blood flowed like crazy on its wound as its 'body' trembled violently due to the pain it was feeling. Ban and Eva attacked for the second time and did not let the Black Eye Bug recover, lest it communicated with the other offspring if given the chance. With their perfectly sync strikes, the offspring Black Eye Bug dropped to the ground lifeless after receiving three strikes that targeted its weak spot.

Seeing that its offspring got killed in front of it, the mother Black Eye Bug's 'body' shook violently in rage. However, with the Elder Red-Panda holding it in place, it could do nothing other than to regret its action of trying to parasite on the Elder Monk Tree, planted by the Elder Red-Panda, the Guardian of the Tranquil Forest itself. 

[You successfully killed a Black Eye Bug(Offspring)!

An F-Apprentice Rank Beast Core can be harvested! 

The tentacles can be used as a material to make a holder or straps. Can be sold to merchants for a decent price. 

Ban read the System message and he could not help but be surprised at its contents. It seems that the Black Eye Buy they just killed was already preparing to separate from its mother and evolve into a new form hence the reason why it got a Beast Core ready. 

Fortunately, they managed to stop it in time or else, all the Elder Monk Trees would instantly be finished the moment the offspring Black Eye Bug manages to evolve. 

"Good fight!" The Elder Red-Panda commented before descending to the ground. 

"You can take all the spoils!" The Elder Red-Panda added after sensing that Ban was looking eagerly at the dead carcass of the Black Eye Bug. The Elder Red-Panda doesn't have use for it anyway, as the dead Black Eye Bug was too weak to be of benefit to it. 

Ban's eyes went wide surprised beneath the Ant Mask after hearing what the Elder Red-Panda just said. 

"Thank you, Elder!" He did not waste any time expressing his gratitude by lowering his head before he went beside the dead Black Eye Bug to harvest all of its sellable and usable parts.

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