Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 61 - Surprise Attack!

"Would you like me to try it?" Joana asked with an alluring smile. 

Seeing that, George nodded his head as eagerly as possible. Fuck with that weapon, he just wanted to see that smile more.

"Are you sure?" Joana asked again with a hint of warning in her voice. 

Of course, George did not notice it and even Ban only thought that something was wrong in her way of talking. 

Seeing that George was still nodding his head like there's no tomorrow, Joana only smiled and uttered, "Alright! I'm only following your request!" 

She caressed the Quasi-D Rank Weapon on her hand. It was a fist-size ball with a thin and long chain attached to a wooden handle. 

If one did not observe clearly, they would surely think it was just an ordinary child's toy. However, upon a closer look, one could see the threatening holes on the surface of the fist-size ball. 

Joana produced a devious smile as she threw the weapon towards George without any warning


George's eyes went wide in fright upon seeing Joana's sudden action. At that moment, only one word surfaced clearly on his mind, "Death!".

As someone who is only at the X-Mortal Rank and has no way to defend himself, George could only close his eyes as he waited for his demise. 

At that moment, it's as if time slowed down just so he could contemplate if he had done something wrong to receive such treatment from her. 

He then recalled the gaze he was giving her during the past few weeks. George could only sigh as he thought that if given another chance, he would surely limit that kind of gaze towards her. 'Sigh! Damn these eyes of mine' 


His eyes went wide for the second time as he felt a searing pain in his stomach. He could not help but clutched it with both of his hands as he dropped to the ground while wincing in pain. 

A burst of seductive laugh came out of Joana's mouth as she stared at George's pitiful situation. 

"You're still lucky though, little Georgy!" She stated as she whirled the ball and chain on her hand before letting it hang over her hand. 

The next moment, a click was heard and the hanging ball suddenly trembled before dozens of spikes surfaced out of its hole like a mole. 

Upon seeing that, George momentarily forgot the pain he was feeling as he thought that what he received was just a minor thing, compared to being slammed with that ball full of spikes. 

He hurriedly stood up and made a forceful smile. 'At least, I'm alive!' He thought. 

Ban stayed silent throughout the course of the event not because he did not want to meddle, but because he wasn't able to react at all in the first place. 

Although if it was him, he was confident that he would surely be able to dodge or at least block Joana's attack. Nevertheless, Ban saw firsthand what a real Gold Rank Adventurer was capable of. 

He became even more cautious as he also decided to tone down his acting a bit. His plan before was to complete some high profile Quest and gain attention to connect with the top brass of the city, but on careful thought, he thinks that it might be a bad idea doing it for now, as unlike fighting an E-Elite Rank, he surely would not stand a chance against those who are already at the D-Master Rank and above. 

Anyways, as he also didn't sense any ill intention from Joana, he also did not bother to interfere. Not that he could do anything anyway. 

He was even convinced that Joana held back too much from that attack as Ban could also replicate the same thing. His assumption was even more believable when Ban saw the spikes sticking out of the holes of the ball. 

"How much does one of that cost?" George asked curiously while rubbing his aching stomach. 

"It still depends on the materials used and the blacksmith's price, but or Rendal, he would charge you around one-fourth of the material's price as the service fee. For example, the materials used on this Flail in my hand cost around 500 Gold Coins, so he charges me with 125 Gold Coins for making it. And for my selling price, as you are a frequent visitor of my shop, I'll give you a discount. 650 Gold Coins, take it or leave it." 

"No thanks!" George hurriedly answered as he felt cold sweats running down his spine after hearing the weapon's price. 

Ban was also shocked at the Flail's price. He then recalled that his Twin Baton was also made from a Beast of the same rank as that of the flail, so he thought that its price might also be the same if not greater than the Flail's price. 

He could not help but thought that he really hit the jackpot this time

Joana laughed at George's quick response before turning towards Ban. 

"With that, our transaction is already finished, Mr. Leon. I hope I have satisfied you with my service. And you are more than welcome to come again if you want to sell any Beast parts. Of course, the rarer it is, the better." She smiled before bowing towards Ban. 

Her chest jiggled and for a moment, George wanted to ogle on it again. However, recalling what happened earlier, he hurriedly turns his head towards another direction to avoid seeing the fruit of temptation called papaya. 

However, it did not escape Joana's eyes but she decided to ignore it, for now. What she wanted to see the most was Mr. Leon's reaction to it. 

But after seeing no particular reaction from him, even only receiving a silent nod in response, she could not help but feel disappointed. However, she brushes that thought out of her mind instantly as it was not in her intention to seduce him or something. She's just curious if she could make him react to those kinds of things. But it seems that she could only straighten her back again in disappointment this time. 

What she did not know was that the reason why Ban had no particular reaction to it, was due to his ignorance about such things. After all, two years was not enough to change his mindset for the certain things around him, especially when his gramps did not talk about a man and woman's relationship before. 

As his business was already finished here, Ban decided to leave and go to the next location. However, he was not familiar with the Adventurers Market so he could only stare at George to let him lead the way. 

Fortunately, George understood what he needed and he immediately went in front of him to lead the way. Although Joana said earlier that he would also receive his share for bringing Mr. Leon here, he did not dare ask about it anymore, especially after what happened earlier.

And just before they could leave the shop, Ban suddenly stopped walking and turned his head towards Joana. 

"Do you also buy and sell herbs?" 


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