Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 238 - Fighting The Scale Snake

Ban jumped towards the edge of the mini swamp from Tria's back.


A commotion was heard when his foot landed on the semi-wet soil. Fortunately, he was wearing the Rapid Boots so the landing was not that hard for him, and he also did not sink downwards as the Rapid Boots was actually very suitable to such terrain. 

Ban purposely did it to gain the attention of the Scale Snake.

The commotion he caused was enough, as the next moment, the Scale Snake who only had its nose exposed had now slowly uncovered its head. 

The Scale Snake was enraged at the moment. It was sleeping peacefully earlier guarding its eggs while waiting for its wife to come home, but the sudden commotion caused it to awaken forcefully. 

The commotion was so loud that it even penetrated the snake's ears in the water. It was a known fact that Scale Snake's have poor eyesight and hearing. They always rely on their ability to sense vibrations to 'see' and 'hear' from their surroundings. 

Ban was actually aiming for this particular ability of theirs to gain its attention. It would be a bad idea fighting it on the water, so his plan was to lure it out and then while fighting it, order Tria to go and steal the Scale Snake's Eggs and then if it got distracted, finish it for good. 

He knew that it was not the perfect plan, but that's the best he could come up for now. 

Fortunately, his plan seems to have succeeded a little as the Scale Snake's head slowly rose from the water. 

The Scale Snake was huge. The size of its exposed head alone was already more than half a meter wide. Ban thought that the Scale Snake would surely be able to gulp his body down in one go.

A portion of its body slowly revealed itself above the water. 

It's huge sky blue scales glistened as it reflected the slightest sunshine that managed to pierce from above. 

True to its name, the Scale Snakes really do have some huge blue scales. 

According to the information given by the System, the scales of the Scale Snakes actually have some slight defense attribute. Of course, not at the same level as those Beast that really focused on defense. 

The Scale Snakes were more like an assassin that has a decent defense capability.

Contrary to its sky blue scales, the Scale Snake's slitted eyes were extremely red. It was terrifying to look at, even more so if the gaze was directed at you. 

Fortunately, the Ant Mask's managed to block the Scale Snake's eyes deterrence effect, allowing Ban to even stare at it directly without showing much fear. 

Almost two meters of its body were now exposed. It's head was arched a little as it stared at Ban fiercely and full of murderous intent. It's intention was clear, it wanted to kill this intruder that dared to disturbed its sleep. 

The Scale Snake was an Elite Grade Beast, it seems that the deterrence effect of the Ant Mask and the noble aura effect of Noble Moth Cloak was not that effective to it. 

Ban had also realized thi point already. The effect of the Ant Mask and the Noble Moth Cloak were no longer that effective if the enemy was an Elite Grade, and the result might be the opposite if it was a Lord Grade Beast who also have a high Rank. 

Anyways, Ban was no longer able to think about such things, because at the moment, the Scale Snake opened its mouth widely as it released a terrifying shriek. 

After releasing that ear-piercing shriek, the Scale Snake immediately pounced towards him, thinking that Ban would become its easy meal. 

Unfortunately, the situation was far from that. 


The Scale Snake's snout landed on the area in front of Ban. As for him, he had already retreated for a few meters with the use of the boots that had its effects boosted due to the damp environment. 

As if enraged that the puny insect actually managed to dodged its attack, the Scale Snake released one of its Skill. 

Poison Arrow! 

A meter-long white liquid that almost looked like a solid formed at the mouth of the Scale Snake. 


The Scale Snake did waste any time as the moment the form of an arrow was formed, it suddenly released it towards him like a bow. 

The speed at which the arrow traveled was incredible. However, Ban already knew what was coming the moment he saw its actions earlier. 

He knew the speed and the might of the Poison Spit Arrow so he naturally would not sit idle and wait for it to form before taking action. 

Half-way through the arrow's formation, Ban has already started moving. He casted one reinforce Skill on himself as he took and put the Noble Moth Cloak in front of his chest. 

The Reinforce was to further enhance his endurance and little strength, while the Noble Moth Cloak itself will be used to block the Poison Spit Arrow Skill.


The arrow hit the Noble Moth Cloak. Contrary to the Scale Snake's expectations, the arrow actually disintegrated the moment it came in contact with the Noble Moth Cloak. 

However, the force it brought along actually managed to make Ban retreat almost two meters. Fortunately, he casted one reinforce to himself, so he don't feel anything aside from the slight discomfort on his feet.

If not for the reinforce Skill, Ban thought that his body would surely feel numb due to the force that came with the arrow. 

The solide-like Poison Spit Arrow earlier dropped to the ground upon contact with Noble Moth Cloak. It also transformed into its liquid state again, a liquid that was full of poison. 

Ban looked down at the searing damp ground and he dared not to step on that area.

Looking in front of him, the Scale Snake was already at a stunned state, a drawback for using such a powerful Skill. 

Unfortunately, the stunned state would only last for 10 seconds. He doesn't have many time to spare so he immediately rushed towards it. 

Snake Rush! 

His body moved in a zigzag motion like a slithering snake. Along with the rapid boots enhanced effect, the few meters distance between him and the Scale Snake was immediately shortened. 


Ban used the Fist Penetration Skill to land a hit on the left eye of the stunned snake. 

Due to its unmoving state, the Fist Penetration Skill connected beautifully as a gush of blood escaped at the corner of the Scale Snake's left eye. 

Unfortunately, the Fist Penetration Skill only managed to smash a portion of the Snake's eyes, and unlike its description, it was not able to pierce it. 

However, the force that the Fist Penitration Skill brought along also managed to sway the Scale Snake's head to the right a little. 

Ban used that momentum to pierce that side with the Poisonous Butterfly Dagger.

The sound of flesh being cut was heard the next moment along with a spurt of blood. 

Although the right eye was not hit this time, the sharp point of the butterfly dagger still managed to pierced the sky blue scales of the Scale Snake that was said to have a defense attribute. 

Was that information actually false?

Ban thought about that for a moment before he put all the recognition to the Quasi D-Master Rank Dagger. 

It was a Quasi D-Rank Weapon, how can an Elite Grade scale manage to block it?


With both of its eyes injured, the Scale Snake released yet another shriek, only this time, it was accompanied by pain.

Before it could even wriggle out of the situation, Ban did not let it, as he used the Enraged Crocodile Roar right in front of the Scale Snake's head. 


His chest heaves a little before a loud sound escaped from his mouth. Fortunately, it seems that the Ant Mask also amplified it a bit, as Ban clearly knew that the Skill would not be able to produce such a loud roar. 

The effect of the Skill was also satisfactory as aside from stunning the Scale Snake yet again, it actually managed to create another effect. 

Blood escaped from the mouth, nose, eyes and every other holes of the snake at the moment due to the effect of the Enraged Crocodile Roar partnered by the Ant Mask. 

Seeing that, a surprised smile appeared on Ban's face under the Ant Mask. 


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