Ban offered one slice to the Yellow Armored as a reward for its courageous act. Although the effects might have dwindled even more compared to eating the whole fruit, he thought that letting the turtle have a taste was already generous enough. 

The turtle was surprised by his action and did not dare to bite the slice he just offered. So instead of urging it to eat the slice, Ban just left it on the ground beside it instead. He was not worried that the turtle would not be able to eat it as according to the System, once he sliced it up with that method, the hardness of the fruit would be extinguished and it would become a soft fruit that anyone will be able to eat, including mortals.

Ban was not that far from the edge of the outer area and yet he already encountered such a treasure here. He was not sure if someone had already discovered it before and just left it alone as it was not ripe yet, or there's also a chance that no one discovered it yet aside from the turtle, or the people who managed to spot it before might not have recognized it hence they left alone.

Anyways, all of that no longer matters. Ban has already taken the fruit and he has even already sliced it into 10 pieces, including the one he gave to the turtle. 

Ban stored the remaining 9 slices on his Dimensional Storage so that he can use it later. He only planned to give all of this to Tria as right now, she was still on the X-Mortal Rank and Normal Grade. With this fruit, her chances of evolving or ranking up will be enhanced.

Seeing that the turtle was still so afraid that it didn't bother to look at the slice of fruit, Ban no longer minded it as he turned around to return to Tria's side. The bush was not very far so he just let her stay where they landed earlier. 

When he goes out of the bush, he could see that Tria has already transformed back into her normal form. Seeing Ban, she immediately transformed back to her giant form again without waiting for his order. 

Ban nodded his head towards Tria before he rode her back again. Due to the Purmi Fruit, they were delayed for about five minutes already. However, Ban didn't take it to mind as he knew that the Purmi Fruit was useful for Tria. 

In fact, if he spots another fruit or any plants that have some effects, he would not hesitate to descend and take it. Although the next one might not be as easy as earlier. 

After all, according to the System, fruits who have such effects were usually guarded by strong Beasts, not because they were appointed to, but because they discovered it first and hence decided to guard it until it ripened to harvest it when the time comes.

Of course, if he really encountered something like that, Ban would still try to take it for himself. Of course, the Beast who guarded such plants must also be assessed first before taking action, or else he might run the risk of getting killed by them if he lowered his guard. 

After he rode on Tria's back, Tria did not wait for his order as he instantly soared up from the ground with her wings flapping rapidly. Winds were diffused on the surroundings but they held out and calmed down a while later after Tria disappeared from the surroundings.

Meanwhile, in the strange space inhabited by the silhouette duo, a strange scene was occurring at the moment. 

The duo's silhouettes were now more substantial than before due to absorbing the essence that escaped from Ban's broken Energy Core. 

The duo were still facing each other's backs, but at this moment, unlike their normal behaviour, where the female silhouette always seems to be agitated, while the male seems to be always amused by her and Ban, the two of them were very silent at this moment.

In fact, the silence has been occurring for almost an hour now.

The main reason for the two's silence were the black words or text written inside a reddish and transparent screen right in front of their face. 

As if to remind them how important it was, the transparent reddish screen would also blink from time to time. 


The two of them were staring at this screen silently for almost an hour now. Although there was no threat contained in that line of words, the two of them could still feel the danger that came along with the message. 

Both of them were powerful individuals before they arrived in this strange place or realm, and for them to feel danger just from a simple warning message, it just proves how powerful the existence that led the two of them here. 

The female silhouette in particular felt the danger twofold. Bids of imaginary sweats seemed to roll down her cheek at the moment as she stared at the screen in silence. She knew that the warning was especially made for her, after all, it was she herself who excluded some of the Beast Tattoo's description due to her getting jealous of Ban's starting point, being on par with her past self in her prime. 

However, seeing the warning and the 'danger' that came with it, she could not help but realize how petty she acted towards the child. She adjusted her mindset almost instantly after the realization, and decided to never hide any information from now on. 

At the same time the realization struck her, the reddish screen instantly disappeared with a 'puff'- the same manner as it appeared earlier.

Seeing that, the female silhouette could only smile wryly as the screen disappeared just like that after she admitted her mistakes only further confirmed that the warning was really intended for her. 

A few seconds after the warning screen disappeared, the female silhouette harumph and stomped her foot to the 'ground' while the male only chuckled as they both resumed what they were doing earlier- meditating to refine the essence 'provided' by Ban one more time.

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