Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 224 - Battle With The Orc Lizard

The Orc Lizard was only slightly smaller than the Mild Tempered Crocodile that Eva killed yesterday. It was deep blue in color with occasional red spots present on its back. Its bluish skin looks like it came straight out of a horror movie as they were wrinkled to the point that they formed mini mountains all over its body. 

It has a long black tail that has some spikes growing at the base of it. It's face looked just like a normal lizard, but unlike normal lizards, the Orc Lizard actually has ear-like parts growing at the top of its head, they were uncountable and they appeared as if it was the creature's hairs.

It has a black slitted pupil like a snake and an orange cornea, making the creature appear as if it was devil.

One of the Orc Lizards' hobbies was to collect the bones of its prey as a trophy and lay over it as if to boast its victory. In fact, it was lazily adding another set of bones to its collection earlier when it noticed a tiny fellow flying over it with ill-intentions.

The Orc Lizard's always loved to battle. Just like any other Lord Grade Beast, it was also territorial and unlike most of the Lord Grade Beasts, it liked living alone for reasons that it could not tolerate living with another creature around its territory. 

Those who dared to intrude the territory will be marked as an enemy and their target to battle. The reward would obviously be the meat of the stray fellow as well its bones that it liked to collect as a trophy. 

Seeing that someone was actually daring enough to attack it, the Orc Lizard's eyes gleamed with intense light as it processed the creature that was attacking it the moment. 

Lord Grade Beasts are Beasts that have already gained a little bit of intelligence. Able to think for themselves and even sometimes abandoning their beastial instinct which almost all of the Beasts and even the Monsters possessed, which was only to copulate, eat, shit, and attack any creature it deemed as enemy on sight. 

As the Lord Grade Beast Rank increases, this intelligence increases as well.

As Lord Grade Beast, the Orc Lizard naturally has this capability as well. It was able to discern Ban almost immediately and even after seeing Ban's get up, it only paused for a second before it took a fighting stance. 

After scanning the attacker, the Orc Lizard immediately knew what to do. 

To think that a human actually dared to attack it first. Usually, it was the other way around. The Orc Lizard usually saw humans around its territory and for those some of them who were unlucky enough to enter its domain, the Orc Lizard devoured them without mercy, collecting their bones and depositing them into its treasury.

The Orc Lizard was enraged at the thought of a human attacking it first. 

The Orc Lizard knew from its instinct that the human- Ban, the attacker would not be able to evade its attack while in mid-air. 

It made use of this opportunity and immediately launched one of its Skills, the Poison Spit. 

The Orc Lizard opened its mouth widely as its flat tongue retreated for a bit before dark blue liquid was secreted at the top of it. A grin seemingly appeared on the Orc Lizard's face as it launched the Poison Spit Skill to the daring puny human who wanted to attack it.

The Poison Spit was one of its powerful Skill, if not the top in its possession. It was able to corrode anything, aside from the bones of its prey as it obviously wanted to collect them as a trophy.

The Poison Spit traveled at extreme speed towards Ban and it met him in the middle of the air. 

Just like what the Orc Lizard has speculated, Ban was really unable to evade such a fast attack while in mid-air. 

However, with his Noble Moth Cloak, Beetle Chest Armor and Ant Mask, does he need to worry from such an attack. 

Hence, his right fist was still channeling the Fist Penetration Skill while his left hand moved to take the hem of his Cloak and covered himself from it while curling his body.

The Poison Spit naturally was only able to hit the Noble Moth Cloak, but instead of causing damage, the Poison Spit actually just slid off the Cloak as if it was oil smeared into a smooth surface. 

After the glorious failure of the Poison Spit, Ban emerged once again from beneath the cloak and at this moment, he was only a meter away from the flustered Orc Lizard. 


The Fist Penetration Skill allowed his fist to transform into something that was as hard as metal, granting it immense defense.

Using that immense defense as leverage, he could then penetrate anything forcefully without harming his fist. 

Ban's Fist Penetration Skill hit the back of the Orc Lizard, as it luckily retreated forward at the last second, allowing it to avoid the fist from hitting its head at the last second. 

However, despite that, its back was still hit and just when it thought that the attack would not damage it in the slightest, it suddenly felt immense pain coursing through its body as it was forced to shriek and retreat and move forward even further to distance itself from Ban. 

As it did so, the base of its tail, or more precisely, the five thorns or spikes at the base of its tail shook a little before all of them shot towards Ban at extreme speed. 

If Ban was not in the E-Elite Grade or even more so if he didn't know of the ins and outs of the Orc Lizard, he would have surely fallen to this attack. 

Unfortunately, for the lizard, the moment Ban saw the base of its tail shook, he had already guessed what was about to come, and hence he had already prepared the Noble Moth Cloak to cover himself with it as a defense. 

In fact, he actually didn't need to do so as he was also equipped with the Beetle Chest Armor this time. It was already more than enough to deflect the darts that came from the lizard's tail, however,afraid that one of the 'darts might go astray and travel towards his unprotected parts, Ban chose to use the cloak instead to cover all of his body from neck to feet. 

The darts bounced off one after another after they collided with the Noble Moth Cloak, unable to damage it even the slightest. However, due to the force of the attack, Ban's foot was also dragged for a few inches before he stabilized. 

It was only normal, as even though Ban was already at the E-Elite Rank and the lizard was only at the F-Apprentice Rank, the lizard was still a Lord Grade Beast after all. 

On the other hand, humans, or summoners, particularly those at the Singular Realm could only be considered as normal grade at the least. 

However for Ban, whose body was trained by his gramps since young, has long since surpassed the Elite Grade, even almost reaching the Lord Grade at the moment. However, even with the Elite Grade standards, Ban was actually stronger than them by a large margin with a reason that even Ban himself didn't know.

After stabilizing himself, Ban immediately followed behind the Orc Lizard who was trying to distance itself away from him at the moment. 

The Orc Lizard was also fast so Ban could only use one of his skills, namely the Skill, Snake Rush to follow behind it almost instantly. 

He ran in a zigzag motion and in just a few breaths, he was already behind the Orc Lizard who was taken aback at the sight of him at its back. 

The Orc Lizard thought earlier that it had actually distanced itself from Ban so the moment it saw him still right behind it, the Orc Lizard could not help but be stunned on the spot. 

Of course, how could Ban miss this opportunity? 

He no longer wasted any time or Skill as he directly summoned the Poisonous Butterfly Dagger in his hands. The reason why he did not do so earlier was because the Orc Lizard's body was also full of toxin itself, he was worried that the dagger might not show that much effect to it. 

However, thinking about it, why would he need poison or toxin just to kill it? He could just kill it with wounds, no?

And so, the stunned state of the Orc Lizard was the perfect opportunity for Ban.

The dagger just manifested on his hand but Ban immediately plunged it towards the head of the Beast. 


A clear sound of flesh being cut was heard as Ban saw that one of the lizard's 'hair' was cut off from its head. 

However, Ban frowned a while later as he realized that the lizard was actually able to evade the fatal strike again at the last second. 

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