Morning came and Ban was awoken after the Beast Core that he was holding shattered into pieces after all of its essence was sucked dry by Ban. 

That was already the fourth Core he shattered, including the two Monster Cores from before.

Unlike the two Monster Cores where he managed to absorb all of the essence after one and a half hours, the Normal Grade E-Elite Rank Beast Cores actually took him almost three hours each to fully absorb. 

Of course, this speed was still considered abnormal. 

If Rila came to know of this, she would surely clutch her hair as she might really think that she had really gone crazy if ever she witnessed this scene of him absorbing Elite Rank Beast Cores for just three hours.

However, due to him already having experienced absorbing the same grade and rank Core in less than two hours, he thought that he had become slower. 

But after thinking about it, he recalled that the Monster Core was clearly smaller compared to the Beast Core of the same grade and rank. 

He finally accepted that reasoning and calmed his worried heart as he scanned his current situation. 

Just like before, only a miniscule amount of essence was left for him to consume. However, he consumed two Elite Rank Beast Cores so the miniscule naturally summed up, allowing him to see a small change in his current strength. 

Yesterday, the System also provided him with a new technique that allowed him to sense the current situation of his Energy Core. 

Using that technique, Ban really did manage to observe a hole on his Energy Core. 

Using the technique this time, Ban was able to observe that a tiny bit of essence was now present inside his Energy Core. Although it was only a very tiny amount, Ban still felt happy that it was there. 

That tiny bit of essence was not even enough to stabilize his Rank, so he could only let it stay there.

At the same time, he also felt that his body was strengthened by a small margin. It was so small that Ban thought that the System reward on his daily mission was more potent than what he gained by consuming four cores in total. 

Ban could only sigh. However, he was not disheartened much, knowing that those essence that leaked from his Energy Core wasn't wasted with his two mysterious friends absorbing them.

Ban accessed his Dimensional Storage Earring and realized that he now only had four Beast Cores left from the previous ten. Two of them are F-Apprentice Rank which won't be much effective to him as he was already at the E-Elite Rank, however, the two F-Apprentice Rank Beast Cores were also Elite Grade so although the essence contained inside of them was not that much, they were just a shy away from the E-Elite Rank Beast Cores that he just absorbed. 

However, he moved his gaze away from this two particular Beast Core as he already set them aside for Eva and Tria to consume. 

Aside from these two Beast Cores, the remaining two were the Mild Tempered Crocodile's imperfect Beast Core as well as the Quasi D-Master Rank Beast Core that was awarded to him by the System.

He did not dare set his sight for the Quasi D-Master Rank Beast Core for now. Aside from the fact that he would not be able to absorb it as swiftly, the essence he might lose from it due to the hole on his Energy Core would also be astronomical. And although he has his two friends absorbing the leaking essence, he just couldn't bear to share this one to them. 

After all, it was a Quasi D-Master Rank Beast Core and he wanted to gobble every last bit of essence from it without 'wasting' anything. 

The only thing left for him to use now was the Elite Grade E-Elite Rank Beast Core of the Mild Tempered Crocodile. It was of the lowest quality, meaning the essence contained within was not on par with other Beast Cores on the same grade and rank. 

However, what can he do? It's not like he can be picky, can he?

He just felt happy about having ten Cores the other day, and now he was only left with only one to use. 

Life was truly hard for him. 

Yesterday he was rich, and now he turned into a poor bloke. 

Ban could only sigh in defeat and disappointment. He needs to work hard and collect as many Beast Cores as possible from now on. 

If words came out and the other adventurers heard him, they would surely beat him to death. 

Fuck you! We don't even have a single Beast Core and yet here you are acting like that? How infuriating!

Ban withdrew his gaze from the Dimensional Storage and proceeded to observe Eva and Tria. 

It was already morning anyway and he no longer plans to continue cultivating. He only has one Beast Core left so he needs to collect some more today. 

The Beast Core that Eva was hugging now had cracks all over it. Its color has also become paler, compared to before. She might only need five or ten minutes more to fully absorb the Beast Core's remaining essence. 

On the other hand, Tria's progress was normal, but for Ban, it was very slow. Based on the color alone, he could tell she hasn't absorbed more than one fourth of the total essence yet. And there was not even a single bit of crack on the Beast Core yet, meaning she was still far from finishing this Beast Core. 

Ban could only shake his head at this sight. He wanted to help her but, alas, he could truly do nothing other than to watch. 

On the other hand, he focused his gaze on Eva and activated the Perfect Harmony State to hasten her progress. 

It was unconsciously activated when he was cultivating, hence the moment he was pulled out from the imaginary space, the Perfect Harmony State was also broken. 

Now, Ban activated it again on his own, allowing Eva to absorb the remaining essence with ease. 

And before two minutes could pass, the Elite Grade F-Apprentice Rank Beast Core she was hugging shattered into countless pieces like a fragile glass.

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