As the situation was still the same before, Ban no longer held himself as he asked the System about it. 

"System, what's happening?"

After a short moment of silence, the System finally replied to him with the use of the blue screen that appeared in front of him. 

[ Host, as what the System said before, the matter regarding your spine injury was very urgent and was crucial for your development. 

That broken spine was actually connected to your Energy Core, that has the same nature as the Monster and Beast Core. 

Just like the Monsters and Beast, the Summoner will need to nourish this Core along with their body to advance to the next rank. 

To strengthen this Energy Core, the Summoner can only do so with a few and select methods. 

One was to absorb the 'Energy' on the air instinctively, and the speed in which this Energy can be absorbed equates to one's talent. This was the reason why even those without Core Manual could still Rank up after their Core Energy absorbed enough 'Energy' from the air instinctively. 

The other method was by using a Core Manual to absorb the Essence that was present inside of the Monster Core and Beast Cores. The Host must know that this 'Essence' was the refined form of that 'Energy' that was on the air, hence, ranking up using the Core Manual method was naturally faster than with only absorbing it instinctively. 

Not only will it take a lot of time, the 'Energy' that was absorbed instinctively must still be refined before the Energy Core of the Summoner fully absorbed it. While absorbing the Beast Core or Monster Core's essence was naturally faster as it was already refined so the Core Energy will be able to absorb it almost directly. 

Of course, different Core Manual boasted different absorption speeds.

There was also this method that the System knew the Host would surely not want to try. It involves evil means, such as sacrifice and wanton killing as a way to nourish their Energy Core. The Dark Guild that the Host has encountered were using such evil methods to nourish their Energy Core. 

The speed they absorb at which they nourish their Energy Core will be on par by using Core Manuals. However, the reason why some of them chose this method was due to the fact that it was easier, compared to actually owning a Core Manual. 

And back to the topic in hand, as what the System said earlier, the spine that was damaged was actually connected to your Energy Core on a deeper level. 

Due to that damaged spine, your Energy Core  was also damaged along with it. 

Using the Host's term, there was now a whole in your Energy Core and the only way to fix it was to cure and treat your spine injury. 

Due to this hole, the essence that you were absorbing will only leak out, and only a portion or a miniscule amount of it will be able to remain inside your Core, and a tiny bit of it will also circulate and cycle around your body to nourish it.

Before you ask, this hole was actually already present in your Core ever since before you started 'cultivating'. However, the hole at that time was so tiny that it could still be ignored. 

However, as your strength increased and as the torrents of essence entered your Energy Core, especially with your swift advancements, it causes your Energy Core to become shaky and as a result, the hole became bigger and by the time you reached the E-Elite Rank, the hole was further enlarged and now, it has already grown this big that the leaking essence could no longer be ignored.

However, the Host need not to worry about the essences that leaked, as it was also absorbed by your two friends to help themselves. The Host must rest assured as those essences that escaped were not wasted. 

Nevertheless, the System urges the Host to hasten the completion of the Mission, Spin it Hard. Only by completing that Mission will you be able to escape your current predicament.


Reading the explanation of the System this time, Ban was suddenly at a loss of words and he suddenly didn't know what to do anymore. 

From what he understood from the System's explanation, he can now be compared to a bottomless tank. But his situation was more severe as he was now really literally a 'bottomless tank'. 

With how things were going on, forget about reaching D-Master Rank, even reaching the early stage of the E-Elite Rank was still questionable. 

It can be said that Ban's situation right now can be compared as that of a cripple. 

The second Elite Monster Core was also absorbed by him for just around an hour and a half time. With that, he confirmed that it was really his absorption speed and he knew that it was extremely fast. 

However, before he could rejoice about it, the cold water that the System poured into his face was really cold, to the point that Ban's face was now as pale as a sheet of paper due to anxiety.

No matter how fast he could absorb the essence of the Cores, if only a miniscule amount of them will remain for him, then he could only dream of achieving the next Rank and even the next Realm.

Ban smiled wryly due to his current situation. He felt bitter as just when he thought things were already going smoothly, a worse problem just like this actually came up. 

However, Ban was not disheartened for long. It was not that there was no chance to cure it. As long as he finds the last ingredient needed for that medicinal soup, the Pure RIver Water, everything will naturally return back to normal and might even become better. 

To be honest, he did not take the mission Spine it Hard that seriously before as he did not feel it was urgent enough. Hence the reason why he did not try searching for the Pure River hard enough and just went with the flow. 

However, this cold water that was poured into him by the System woke him up from his stupidity. When the System said it was urgent, then it was urgent. 

Ban readjusted his viewpoint towards this urgent mission. It was now his first priority before everything else. As without completing it, he could only dream of getting stronger to protect his loved ones as well as his hope of avenging his gramps. 

However, before that, he still needs to ask the System about something. 

"System, you mentioned about the leaking essence helping my friends, do you mean Eva and Tria? And on this matter, what do you recommend, should I continue cultivating to help them absorb the leaking essences or not?"

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