Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 209 - Origin Of Beast And Monster, First Summoner

The perfect timing was a good thing for Ban. He did not waste any time while waiting for the egg to hatch, and it could be said that it was well spent. 

As he was not hungry yet, Ban decided to take a look at his new companion first. 

With a thought, he summoned it out from the Beast Tattoo and immediately observed its appearance, and for a moment he was taken aback by its small size. Although he already knew about it as it was still fresh out of its egg, he was still surprised at how small it was. 

The Giant Red Dragonfly that he got as a reward was supposedly a Monster Egg and not a Beast Egg. 

Accordinging to the System, it came from the Monster Realm so it was only natural for it to be a Monster Egg and not a Beast Egg. 

Ban inquired about it before. 

What was the difference between a Beast and a Monster? 

Although he claimed to have frequented the library for almost a year, he dared not say that he was very knowledgeable about Beast and Monsters and especially on their origins. 

According to what he knew, the Monster was born alongside its Summoner. As the Summoner was not ready yet, the Monster will have to slumber, waiting for the time for the Summoner to reach the age of sixteen, undergo the age of ceremony by awakening the slumbering Monster using the essence provided by a Beast Core. 

Meanwhile, according to the books he read so far from the library, the Beasts were ferocious creatures that have long been here, ever since the time before the first summoner appeared. 

It was said that the Beasts were actually the rightful owner of the Summoner World, and that the humans just claimed it as their own, and named it as the Summoner World for their own contentment. 

It was recorded in the book that it was speculated that the reason why Beasts hate humans so much was precisely because they took something that was originally theirs. 

Although he fully believed it before, after stumbling upon the System as well as that Monster Realm, Ban already felt doubtful about the authenticity of that book. 

When he asked the System about it before, it went silent for a whole minute, before it revealed something shocking to him. 

The System revealed that the Monster, and the Beast actually came from the same realm, which was the Monster Realm. 

The difference between them was that the Monster Summons escaped the Monster Realm naturally with the help of their predestined destiny, they dissolved in the Monster Realm and were sent to accompany the Summoner for battle to help them defend from something terrifying. 

Meanwhile, according to the System, the Beasts were actually just Monsters, that their Summoners willingly set free to live their own life in the wild. 

The System did not go into details but it stated that the Beasts right now were just descendants of the Monsters that the first batch of Summoners released in the wild since ancient times. 

After countless offspring, the Beasts who were once tamed Monsters integrated into the wild and also became savage in nature, even attacking humans, who was once their master the moment they saw them.

After seeing that their Monster has now truly adapted in the wild, the first batch of Summoners decided to let them go, as according to them, the world was already peaceful anyways. 

Although it already revealed so much, Ban actually felt that the System was still holding back some information. For example, the real reason why they released them in the wild in the first place as well as the terrifying thing that it mentioned. 

Ban also did not inquire about it any further as he knew that there was a reason why the System didn't want to reveal it to him. It was another instance of something being censored and was equally infuriated by it just like the matters regarding the Ancient Summoner as well the matters around the Glorious Panda Family. However, infuriated as he may, he could only endure it in the end. 

However, as a Bonus, the System actually gave him new information as a bonus. 

The first summoner, went to the Monster Realm, and forged a contract with a Monster there to help defend the now Summoner World from that terrifying foe. 

Knowing that the first summoner was also someone who did not awaken its Monster Summon naturally, Ban of course became excited. After all, just like that first summoner, he also did not awaken any of his 'summon' naturally, so Ban could somehow relate to that fellow. 

And as for the Monster Egg Dragonfly, the System now branded it as Beast, rather than a Monster. After all, he did not get it by awakening, and also did not forge a contract with it while still on the Monster Realm, so for the System, it was now regarded as Beasts. 

Ban actually did not mind it, as after learning the truth, there was no clear difference between a Monster and a Beast anyway. 

For a 'freak' like him who was unable to awaken any Summon, may it a Beast or a Monster, it doesn't matter to him, as long as it was his, then it was his Summon, regardless if they are a Monster, or a Beast.

The Giant Red Dragonfly Beast at this moment was only double the size of Eva while in her combat form. It was quite ironic as it had 'giant' on its name when it was this small. However, thinking about it, compared to normal dragonflies, the one in front of him was actually can be considered as a giant one. 

It was almost one meter long from its head to the end of its abdomen. The wingspan of its wing on the other hand was quite long. From Ban's estimation, it should be around two to three meters in length.

The dragonfly's body was that of a combination of light blue and black. It's abdomen in particular was a striped black and blue. It's thorax was darkish blue in color while its head, forewing, and hindwing was red, intertwined by black lines that looked as if they were lightning. Its legs on the other hand mostly consist of black with exception of its 'toes' that was also a bit of a red, as if it was its boots.

  All in all, just like how ironic it was for it to have 'giant' on its name but a small body, it was also quite ironic that its name literally said Red Dragonfly and yet from what he had seen so far, most of its color actually consist of blue and black and only its head and wings has the color red on it. 

After observing its appearance, Ban decided to scan its information even though he already knew what its content would be.

[ Contracted Beast:

Name: N/A

Race: Giant Dragonfly(Red)

Title: None

Rank: X-Mortal

Grade: Normal


Body Expansion: 

-A unique skill for the Giant Dragonfly race. 

-Able to expand the body at will, allowing it to become truly gigantic.

-The size depends on the Rank and the Grade of the said Beast.

-no cooldown and repercussions.



Methods to evolve:..



Month of September Challenge. 

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1000 Golden Tickets = 5 Bonus Chapters, Including the 2 Bonus Chapters from the 500 Gold Tickets.

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