Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 206 - The Unknown Egg


Detected a possible path or method to successfully hatch the Unknown Egg. 

Would the Host like to see it? 



Ban stood up again after reading the series of notifications this time. 

The Unknown Egg just did something unruly. It enticed one of his Contracted Beasts and even consumed it. 

He doesn't know if it was an unconscious thing or was done on its own will, but regardless, he was already planning to take it out of the Beast Tattoo to lessen the risks of it consuming the other egg as well. 

However, before he could do it, as if it sensed what Ban was about to do, it actually voluntarily offered itself to him to be contracted?

Not only that, the System also said it had now detected a way to hatch it? 

He just felt dejected and sorry for the situation earlier, but now he could not even hide his happiness. 

If it was not a roller coaster of emotions, then what was?


No longer thinking about it, Ban immediately chose, Yes. 

Why would he reject it? The System must be nuts to even ask that kind of question. 

The Unknown Egg was also a new existence even for the System. Even the censored Ancient Summoner and the Book of Techniques- her diary also doesn't have any information about it. 

In regards to the Unknown Egg's situation, it can be said that all of them are equally ignorant about it. 

And for the System to detect it right now was a good start to discover its mystery. 

The System went silent for a second as if it just read Ban's thoughts. 

However, it finally presented a new bluish screen again after some time, allowing Ban to see what was the method it was talking about. 

[Unknown Egg!

It was detected by the System that after the Unknown Egg consumed the Rogue Red Termite, it's vitals that were faint had become slightly more visible. 

The Unknown Egg was strengthened after consuming the Elite Grade and E-Elite Rank Rogue Red Termite. 

Possible Method to hatch: Feed it with Beasts of at least, Elite Grade and at least F-Apprentice Rank. 

Number of Beasts needed to be consumed before it reaches the highest value of 'vital' was estimated to be at 50 Elite Grade Beasts from F-Apprentice Rank and above. 

Progress: 1/50


He felt grateful that Eva stopped him before when he wanted to get rid of the Rogue Red Termite. Although he felt sorry for the Rogue Red Termite earlier, he was thankful to it now. 

If not for it's sacrifice, he and the System would not have stumbled upon this chance to detect how the egg can be hatched.

If it was not for it's sacrifice, there was a chance that it would be the Dragonfly Egg that would be consumed, which was something he could not accept. After all, even the System thought that the Giant Red Dragonfly Egg was the perfect flying mount for him. 

Although he felt grateful right now, he now also felt ridiculous at another thing. 

'50? Do you think Elite Grade Beasts are that easy to kill? What are they, Normal or Unranked animals? Is this a scam?'

Ban could not help but grumble upon seeing the high requirement to hatch this Unknown Egg. 

Although he has the ability to kill an E-Elite Grade Beast of at least F-Apprentice Rank easily, it doesn't mean he can do it continuously. 

Both his and Eva's skills had a long cooldown attached to them. After they use up all of it, it would be very hard killing Beasts who still have a lot of Skills on their arsenal to dispose of.

Ban sat down again and forcefully calmed his emotions by inhaling and exhaling softly. 

When he thought about it. He should not feel that it was a scam. 

Thinking about it from a positive perspective, the more harsh the requirements for it to hatch, the more powerful it would also be after it hatched. 

'Yes, that's it!' 

Ban felt happy again after thinking about it. 

And recalling back to the time when he just obtained this Unknown Egg from that nest of rats, the Egg should have already known about how to hatch itself in advance, or it was already doing it unconsciously. 

He did not know how it managed to get there, but he did know that it had been enticing the Two-Tailed Rats around it, so that it could consume them all when the time came. 

The Two-Tailed Rats was not enough for it, so Ban guessed that after it consumed them all, it might be planning to entice even more Beasts to consume in the future. 

"Wait, was this actually the real reason for the Beast Tide and not me?" 

When Ban thought about it, he could not help but ask the System. However, it only replied that although it has the ability to entice some Beasts, it doesn't have the ability to gather one that can result in a Beast Tide, yet. 

Ban felt relieved and then worried at the next instant. 

"If it was not the egg, then was it really me? Sigh!"

However, as if the System has already become full of his self-blame, it directly presented another bluish screen in front of him. 

[Idiot! If the 'freaks' were really the cause of Beast Tides, then the Summoner World might have already been flooded by Beasts right now according to the countless numbers of 'freaks' out there. Forget about a city, even kingdoms and ancient empires would not survive it with how many 'freaks' that was living inside them. ]

Ban was taken aback by the System's rude remarks this time. He even thought for a second that it was not the System who spoke this time. 

Anyways, he also felt relieved that he was not really the real reason for the Beast Tide. He has always been thinking about it. He doesn't know if he will still be able to sleep peacefully knowing that many innocent lives will be taken away due to that Beast Tide that was caused by him. 

But now that he already has the reassurance from the System that it was not him, then he could also stop blaming himself anymore. 

He put the matter aside as he retrieved the Unknown Egg from the Beast Tattoo.. Before feeding it with his 'hard work', he wanted to contract it first so that it can officially be called as his property. 

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