At the high point, Ban and the others looked down at the area where they camped earlier. 

Ban led them here as he wanted to observe the shaking sand from above. 

"What is it this time?" Delo asked with a frown. 

"They're probably Drought Worms, an X-Mortal Rank Beasts. They are scavenger-type Beasts and they suck up the fluids of their target until they become dry, hence the reason why they're called Drought Worms." Ban explained calmly. 

"Are they strong?" Belle asked. 

"No, but they could not be underestimated either. They are easy to kill but they also multiply a lot easier. When Adventurers encounter them, they usually just leave them alone as they don't proactively attack humans anyway." 

"I see, that's good!" Belle was relieved. 

"Then why do we still need to move here if they won't even attack us?" Delo asked, annoyed. 

"Drought Worms are one of the favorite treats of Wood Swallow. Seeing that there are Drought Worms here, we can just wait for the Wood Swallow to appear," Ban said. 

In truth, Ban actually somehow predicted from the start that this would happen. He knew that Drought Worms were present around the area as he could see some holes from the sands earlier not far from the area where they camped, almost like someone or something just burrowed itself deep into the sand. A typical characteristic of the Drought Worms.

He could also see some destroyed holes, so he guessed that a Wood Swallow, or another predator of Drought Worms are also present, for example, a Boney Porcupine. 

However, he was still not sure if the Drought Worms were still alive. After all, he didn't know if they already died under the ground or their predator might have already hunted all of them around the area. 

That was also another reason why he made that grilled Sand Buffalo earlier. The Drought Worms are sensitive to meat juices and if there's still any Drought Worms alive around the area, they would surely react to the meat juices of the Sand Buffalo being grilled. 

However, an hour had already passed and yet he could still not see any signs of the Drought Worms surfacing. He already lost some hope so that's why he decided to just move on and continue searching for another palace.

But the moment the sands quake a little earlier, Ban immediately knew that it was caused by the Drought Worms trying to surface above the sands. He was able to confirm it when he saw a worm wriggle out of the sand when they were about to leave. He immediately told them to follow him as any minute from now, the Drought Worms predator would surely arrive.

No matter which one the Wood Swallow or the Boney Porcupine appears, Ban would always gain something. 

A smile appeared on his lips under the Ant Mask as he thought of that. 

"I see…" Belle nodded her head in understanding. She listened carefully as what he just said will surely be helpful when it's already her time to hunt for the Wood Swallow in the future. 

Delo just clicked his tongue in annoyance as Leon just said something he didn't know again. 

They are far away from the Drought Worms but they could still somehow see their movements. They wriggled around the sands, circling around the area where they camped earlier, almost like they were searching for something.

Drought Worms are black in color so they could still see them even from afar. They aren't that small either, an adult Drought Worm's size could even go up to the size of a baby's arm. 

"Look over there!" Belle suddenly said after noticing that something was approaching from the distance. 

It created a trail of dust as it approached the Drought Worms swiftly. 

Ban and Delo looked over at the same time. 

Ban stared at the incoming party and after a few seconds, he immediately recognized what it was. 

"That's not a Wood Swallow. That's another Beast that also likes to feed on the Drought Worms. The Boney Porcupine." 

"A Boney Porcupine also consumes Drought Worms? I thought they only consume plants and fruits?" Belle asked bewildered. She knew of the Boney Porcupine's existence. It was included in their Book of Techniques and according to it, they only consume desert plants, and they usually come out during the night. 

"No, Boney Porcupines only ate plants and fruits during the night to cool off their body. During the day, they would always hunt for insects to eat." Ban explained. 

He then added, "During the day, when you see a Boney Porcupine, there would also most likely be a Wood Swallow around the area. Both Beasts love to eat insect-type Beasts or normal insects during the day." 

"I see…" Belle nodded her head as she etched the information deep inside her brain. 

"Just stay here and observe if other Beasts are approaching, if we get lucky, then we should be able to see a Wood Swallow later," Ban said as he looked around to see if there's another Boney Porcupine approaching the area.

He needs 3 White Spikes from the Boney Porcupines and each one of them only has one White Spike, situated at the center of all of their spikes at their back. 

He wanted to go down immediately to kill that one Boney Porcupine and obtain its White Spike, however, he didn't want to get hasty and end up driving away the incoming ones. 

The first Boney Porcupine had already arrived near the Drought Worms and it was already feasting on the Drought Worms that strayed away from the group. 

Even though the Drought Worms are easy to kill, they are not to be underestimated either. Even though they only mostly suck the fluids of the dead Beasts, if driven to a corner, they can also actually attack their predators by attaching to their skin and suck their blood like a leech. 

The Boney Porcupine remained at the periphery of the group of Drought Worms and picked up those who strayed from the group before detaching their suction mouths before ultimately consuming them. 

After a few minutes, just as Ban was about to go and kill the Boney Porcupine before it decides to retreat after being full, another Beast was actually approaching from the distance. 

"Finally!" Ban exclaimed as he started descending down from the summit of the sand mountain they were standing ever since earlier. 

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