Delo ignored the humiliation he felt as he followed behind Belle. Even though she acted that way, she was really speaking the truth. He was also clueless about what kind of Beasts are these Sand Buffalos as well as the reason why they became like that. 

He could only thicken his face as he followed behind Leon and Belle. 

And besides, he still has a duty of protecting her, and he does not want to receive the ire of her father if something bad happens to her. That would be disastrous. 

Ban shook his head as he saw Delo also following behind. If you're gonna end up following behind, then why did you still act that way in the first place?

His question earlier was really plain stupid. He threatened Ban as if he had an obligation to bring them along. 

He won't care even if he dies. If he's in his 'Ban' persona right now, he would surely try to hesitate and convince them to follow, so that he could maintain his image as the innocent and cheerful Ban. 

However, with 'Leon', he doesn't need to care about those minor things. If they want to follow his instructions, then good, if they don't, then it's good as well.

As they were running along with the Sand Buffalo's, he could not help but think of the real reason why he was acting that way. 

Although Sand Buffalo's has a 'sand' on their name, their habitat was actually not on the Yellow Desert. Instead, Sand Buffalos could only be seen on wet and sandy areas where they could freely swim on the liquid-like sands. 

The Yellow Desert was not something like that. It was a desert, and even though it might have some areas that also have some waters on it, it was only in a few select areas, not enough to satisfy the Sand Buffalos' love for wet sands. 

They don't usually move out of their habitat as long as nothing special happens. 

Getting chased out by a strong Beast for example. 

Sand Buffalos are Beasts that also have a hierarchy. Sand Buffalo's leader, or the 'Boss', was a Lord Grade and E-Elite Rank Beast. 

And for them to have this kind of reaction, Ban was sure that they were chased out by a Beast that has a greater strength compared to Lord Grade E-Elite Rank 'Boss'. 

After the E-Elite Rank was the D-Master Rank, Ban knew for himself that he won't be able to fight with something like that even if he uses the Possession Skill, how much more Delo and Belle. 

He already checked Delo's Summon and it was the Barrier Turtle of E-Elite Rank. Although it was also a combat type, its abilities were more suited to become a punching bag, rather than to attack. Its skill focuses on defense and protection. 

On the other hand, Belle's Summon Monster was called Red Falcon, it's a combat type Monster and its main attack pattern was by using claws and its beak while diving down. 

However, it was still a newborn, and it was now using Belle's shoulder to perch on.

Ban also concluded that the reason why she issued this Quest and the reason why she wanted to observe how one would locate a Wood Swallow was all for her newborn Red Falcon. 

A Wood Swallow's feather can be used as the Red Falcon's tonic. With the Wood Swallow feathers, her Red Falcon would be able to get stronger quickly.

As they were already far away from the sand mountain earlier, Ban thought that it's already time that they break away from the herd of Buffalos. 

He only followed them as he was afraid of encountering the thing that the Sand Buffalo's were afraid of if he somehow got lost while trying to run away from it. 

However, now that they are already far away, he thought that it should be better to escape from the group of buffalo now. 

Just as he was about to change his direction, he suddenly heard a feminine voice behind him. 

"W-wait! I- I can't take it anymore!"

He turned around and realized that the voice actually came from Belle. 

She was already full of sweat and her mouth was already pale due to fatigue. It was quite obvious that she was already tired as she was now gasping for breath. 

If they don't stop soon, Ban knew that she would really faint sooner or later. 

Ban shook his head a while later as he approached one of the Sand Buffalo that was running beside him earlier. 

The normal Sand Buffalos were only as big as small carriages. They only have a strength and speed equivalent to X-Mortal and F-Apprentice Rank Monster. 


Ban punched the neck of the Sand Buffalo beside him forcefully. The Sand Buffalo trembled from the pain and upon noticing that a human was actually the one who hurt it and it was actually running along with them, the buffalo could not help but constrict its eyes as it produced a loud 'moo' to notify the others. 

The other buffalo looked at its direction and just as they were about to help it, another moo actually sounded and based on the other buffalo's reaction, that 'moo' must have come from the 'Boss' and the boss might have also ordered them to stay where they are and just ignore the human for now. 

The boss thought that their priority right now was to escape as far as possible. 

After he punched the neck of the buffalo, and garnered its attention, Ban suddenly smiled behind the Ant Mask as he purposely slowed down to grab its wagging tail. 

Ban grabbed the tail before slowly reducing his steps to stop the rhythm of the buffalo as well. 

When it already slowed down considerably, Ban suddenly hops above the back of the Buffalo, trying to ride it. 

The buffalo was unwilling but unfortunately for it, Eva had already moved closer towards its head, and every time it tried to shake Ban off of its back, it would always receive a fist from Eva. 

The buffalo could only 'moo' on defeat as it finally decided to let the human ride on its back. 

Ban smiled at his successful plan as he ordered for it to slow down. 

He then went and grabbed Belle forcefully to let her ride the buffalo with him.

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