Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 114 - Stabilizing The Rank!

After explaining some things to them, Doctor Wakwak finally decided to erase the mysterious symbols that she drew earlier around the bed. After that, she kept all her things as she decided to leave while being escorted by Kuys. 

She said that she would also need to take care of her Monster, the two headed snake as it would take at least a week to recover from spraying that much special venom to the two girls. 

Ban and Boss Mario were left above but they did not linger there for long either as they decided to come down. Of course, not before Ban already tidied up the place as well as covering the two with a blanket under Mario's supervision. 

The two Summoned Monster, Money Monkey and the Server Monkey remained inside the room as they went beside their respective owner, waiting for them to wake up.

When they arrived on the first floor, Boss Mario did not forget about his to Ban. The both of them drink to their heart's content, and of course, after thirty minutes, Boss Mario had already been knocked down after getting drunk from the beer. 

Kuys had already returned long ago and he was now at the counter, wiping some wine glass clean with a piece of dry cloth. It seems that the situation earlier affected him as during the night Ban no longer heard him teasing him. 

He was so quiet that it made Ban uncomfortable for some reason. 

  Anyways, after helping the other servers, Ban decided to call it a day. Kuys had already given him the permission so he went straight to the attic right after he finished checking the two girls on their condition, as per Kuys order. 

Upon noticing that they were just fine, he finally climbed to the attic again. 

He laid on the bed as he gazed at the ceiling of the room. Eva was on top of his chest, also lying in the same position. 

After he rested up for a bit, Ban finally decided to take the books he borrowed from the library earlier to read them again. Although Eva was being cooperative, it was only during important occasions. She would always ignore him when the matter was not urgent. 

Ban took the book he was reading earlier, but considering that Eva was still near him, he decided to postpone it and instead went with the other book he rented. 

This book talks about the cause and effect of having sex, as well as the treatment if someone was getting addicted to it. Ban read the book and because it was not that thick, he finished it even before an hour could pass. 

As it was already getting late, Ban decided to stop reading for now as they still need to do something more important. He stored the book inside his Dimensional Storage again and at the same time, retrieved the imperfect Beast Core that he and Eva had started to consume before. 

They need to cultivate, so that they can become strong. The cooldown of the Skill, 'Greed' was still not up yet and it still needs a few days before it can be used again. He also didn't want to rely on it too much and wanted to try everything at his disposal to get stronger. 

The method to cultivate was already provided by the Book of Techniques, 'All About Them', and what was left for them was to execute it. 

After Eva and Ban went into position, they immediately started following the method of absorbing the Beast Core. Ban and Eva also entered the Perfect Harmony state this time, so what they can gain from this session will be shared by both of them.

Ban wanted to decline it at first as he thought that making Eva monopolize all the Beast Core would be far more beneficial than him sharing it with her. Her absorption would not be that fast but Ban estimated that she might be able to break through to the next rank after consuming all of the Beast Core if she's the only one consuming it. 

However, Eva insisted that Ban should cultivate with her with the Perfect Harmony state on. And he did not want to worsen her mood any further, he just compiled and went along with what she wanted. 

The two instantly get to work. They got so absorbed with their cultivation that they did not even notice that it was already the next day. 

It was only when the sun shone upon Ban's face that he was finally awakened from the cultivation session. Eva opened her eyes a moment later and upon careful look, the Beast Core on her lap had now become even more paler than before. 

Ban noticed that cracks had also started to form on its exterior and he estimated that it might not last for more than two cultivation sessions. 

Ban took the imperfect Beast Core from Eva and stored it inside the Dimensional Storage again. 

He then checked their progress, and aside from the feeling that he became stronger, and his Rank finally stabilizing, he did not feel anything special. He also checked Eva's progress and her situation was more or less the same as him. 

As they had already started to stabilize their rank, Ban thought that it should be alright even if any of them broke through to the next rank now. He thought that it would no longer pose a problem as he felt that their foundation was already strong enough. Of course, he did not get hasty and decided to just let 'nature' take its course.

After he was done checking it, Ban tidied his bed and went to the bathroom to prepare himself. Unlike the second floor where they all consist of women, Ban got his own bathroom right inside the attic. Although it was small compared to the semi public bathroom of the women below, he thought that there was nothing wrong with it as it was only him who uses it anyway. 

After he prepared himself, he finally decided to go down. Eva was on the top of his shoulder and as expected, the moment he stepped out of the attic, a System screen suddenly appeared in front of him, informing him about his Daily Mission. 

The contents were still the same as before and as he was sure that he would be able to finish it, Ban ignored it for now.

As he was coming down, he could not help but to take a look at the room where the sibling duo was. He then recalled the scene he saw in the women's bathroom yesterday, and as much as he wanted to avoid it from appearing in his mind, the more it would also occur, as if teasing him. 

He recalled Emilia's body with only her upper and lower underwear on. She was still wet from the shower during that time, and although he was not able to clearly observe her, he could still somehow manage to recall it clearly. 

It was his first time seeing a woman in that outfit and although he did not feel any reaction before due to the urgency of the situation, he now felt hot all over his body as he thought about it again. 

Ban felt that he was starting to sweat, even though he just got out of the bathroom earlier. He did not understand the feeling at first but after noticing that certain reaction on the thing between his legs, it was then he realized that he was aroused. 

Ban shook his head and forcefully discarded the thoughts out of his mind. Fortunately, it seemed to work this time as he felt the temperature returning to normal. Eva had also noticed his strange behavior earlier and she was now staring at him with a worried gaze. 

Ban smiled at her and assured her that he was fine. After seeing that, Eva only nodded her head as she went back to ignoring him again. 

Ban ignored her as he knew that her mood would only return after he managed to complete the mission given to him by the System.

Ban went down and greeted Kuys before sitting on the chair in front of him. He noticed that Kuys mood had become much better today compared to yesterday night. He was now smiling and he was not back at teasing Ban again.

Although Ban did not like being teased, he somehow felt reassured that Kuys was now back at his usual self again. 

Kuys smiled at the both of them as he handed Ban and Eva their breakfast. While they were eating, Kuys praised, and thanked Ban for what he did yesterday. 

Ban smiled and said that it was nothing to worry about. He believed that he just did what was the right thing to do in that situation. 

Kuys nodded his head in response to him. He smiled as he thought that Ban really did not fail him. 

He then looked at Ban with a teasing smile before saying, "Ban-kiddo, you carried Emilia into her room right? You've seen it right? How was it? Hehehe" 

Ban almost choked on the food he was eating when he heard Kuys mention that. 

"Se-seen what?" He said as he made a dry cough while wiping the sweat that suddenly formed on his forehead. 

"Ohh- you're gonna deny it? I see! Then should I tell little Emi about it?... That you carried her from the bathroom all the way to her bedroom with that outfit?" 

"No- wait, I mean, I saw it but it was not intentional. It's okay if you tell her, I'll just say that I did not see anything." Ban said in a flustered tone. 

"Pffft! Ban-kiddo, why are you so defensive about it? Relax! Don't worry, I got your back.. Anyways, do you find her sexy?" Kuys laughed and inched closer towards him as he whispered that last sentence with a smile, akin to that of a devil.

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