Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 107 - Either Lucky Or Unlucky

The battle continued and even before thirty minutes could pass, Ban and Eva had already finished killing all of the Two-Tailed Rats around. Their dead bodies piled around the two as they slowly approached the egg sitting peacefully above that small nest made from the Two-Tailed Rats furs.

Ban was very disappointed that there was indeed no Albino Two-Tailed Rat present. But he shrugged off his disappointment as soon as he stared at the Egg and used the System to scan the information about it in the Book of Techniques, 'All About Them!'.

However, what appeared on the System screen was something he had not expected. 

[Failed! No information recorded for this Egg! 

Unknown Egg!

Rank: Unknown!

Grade: Unknown!

Description: Unknown!


Methods to Contract: Unknown!

Methods to hatch: Unknown!

Note: The System recommends that the Host make this Egg as one of his Summons!


Ban tilted his head confusedly as he stared and read the content of this System screen. HE did not expect that this Egg was actually not on the records of the Book of Techniques made by that Ancient Summoner. 

It means that she did not encounter this kind of egg before. And for the System to recommend it, it must be something good.

According to the System's description of the Book of Techniques before, it was a book written by the Ancient Summoner whose name was still censored. It records all the Beast and Monster as well the various ways to contract, to take care, to kill and many other information regarding them.

The System also stated that the Book of Techniques was constantly getting updated by it. However, it seems that it was not the case. This kind of thing already happened twice, one from the Elder Red-Panda, and now this Egg.

However, unlike the Elder Red-Panda which the information was one with full of question marks, the Egg was instead full of the 'Unknown' tags. 

For the Elder Red-Panda, it was understandable that all of them were labeled with question marks as that Elder Red-Panda's rank, and even 'Realm' was clearly higher than his. It also helped that the Elder Red-panda's grade was 'Unique'. 

On his way out of the forest earlier, he asked the System what a Unique Grade meant, and why the Elder Red-Panda's information was full of question marks. 

[A Unique Beast or Monster meant what it was named. They are unique in every way that only one of their kind can exist in one timeline. If you spotted a Unique Beast or Monster, it means that it was the only one of that kind during your era.They can either be extremely weak or extremely strong. 

If you spotted a Unique Monster or Beast, you are either very lucky or very unlucky.

The question marks means that you don't have the capability to obtain its information yet.


The System's answer was very understandable that Ban did not even need it to inject the knowledge directly to his brain to understand it. 

And for this Egg, it was really baffling, it was not labeled Unique, it was not something that was stronger than him, and yet, just like the Elder Red-Panda he also could not see its information, in fact the Egg was even worse as he could not even obtain its name. 

Ban felt that he was being blocked by something and it felt the same seeing those censored things he hates so much. 

"System, what is it this time?" Ban asked with a frown. However, he later dismissed that frown as he was afraid that the System might pick on him due to that. 

Ban raised the Unknown Egg and observed it closely. It was embroidered with golden patterns as well as five symbols that he didn't know the meaning of. He just knew that they are mysterious and even Eva on his shoulder was mystified by it. 

[A Unique Beast, although Unique can still be recorded as even though their kind only exists one at a time, they still nevertheless existed. Meanwhile, the unknown Egg means literally unknown. The Ancient Summoner hadn't heard or encountered it before. 

It means that the Unknown Egg is an entirely new species of Beast. 

The Unknown Egg's information can only be obtained after it hatched. 

Host, if you hatch the Unknown Egg and let the 'System' record its information, you will be rewarded depending on the rarity of the information obtained. 


Ban put his hands on his chin as he pondered over what he should do. Contracting it means that he would be treading on unknown soil. The Book of Techniques, and he thought that even the System did not have any information about this egg, yet. 

However, he later thought that there was actually no risk for him this time aside from the time he would waste while searching for ways to hatch the Unknown Egg. 

Ban nodded his head he prepared to contract this Unknown Egg using the Skill, 'Blood Contractor'.

Ban ordered Eva to go down first as he made a small cut on his index finger to draw some blood. His face underneath the Ant Mask became serious as he started to draw the mysterious pattern on the Unknown Egg's surface with full concentration. 

After a few moments, Ban already finished drawing the mysterious blood pattern. The golden embroiderment as well as the five mysterious symbols were now covered by the mysterious drawing he just made. 

However, Ban's expression immediately turned sour as he read the content of the System screen that had just popped up.

[Contracting Failed! Please try again! ] 

The mysterious drawing he just made using his blood slowly fades away as the Unknown Egg's appearance returns to normal, with the golden embroiderment as well as the five symbols becoming visible again. 

A dark line appeared on his forehead as he did not expect this to happen. He clicked his tongue as he squeezed out another drop of blood on his index finger to start drawing the mysterious pattern of the Blood Contractor again. 

"Again! Blood Contract!" 

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