Chapter 86 Head banging!!

Kan emerged from the hospital room, clad in a black cargo pants and a slightly oversized black t-shirt. Despite the loose fit, he felt comfortable, appreciating the extra room the shirt provided.

He strolled through the hallway, a silent observer to the ebb and flow of activity around him. Among the scenes he passed, a stretcher bore a man with a conspicuously enlarged left arm, bearing the hallmarks of a werewolf. Kan's curiosity was piqued. Why was this patient being rushed in?

He continued to move, compelled to look back at the unusual sight even after he had walked beyond the patient.

Guided by the arrows on the wall, Kan deftly navigated the complex, following the indication that pointed straight ahead, leading him toward the lobby.

Alas, kan had made it close to the lobby.

As he neared, he noticed the drastic change from the several hallways leading to admission rooms to this place.

The lobby exuded a sense of sterile tranquility, its walls adorned with serene landscape paintings. Fluorescent lights hummed overhead, casting a clinical glow. Polished tiles reflected the light, their cool surface underfoot. Neat rows of cushioned chairs offered solace to weary visitors.

A reception desk stood sentinel, its computer screens blinking with information. The air held a faint scent of antiseptic, mingling with the distant aroma of cafeteria fare. Soft murmurs of conversation intermingled with the occasional ringing of phones. Arrows on the walls guided the way, while potted plants added a touch of vitality. Overall, it was a space of muted hope and quiet anticipation.

Kan's steps quickened as he approached the lobby, and there, he spotted a familiar figure. A woman, appearing to be in her thirties by the standards of his usual world, sat on one of the hospital-provided benches.

As he drew closer, he noticed her tapping her feet against the immaculate tiled floor. She seemed to be the sole occupant of the lobby. Her attire, a form-fitting blue gown, gracefully highlighted her curves. What struck Kan as odd, however, was the presence of a handbag by her side. It seemed incongruous to him, considering she was here to collect her son, who had spent weeks in the hospital.

Before Kan could get close enough, Brenda raised her head up to meet walking towards her.Immediately, her eyes lit up in flames as she went on a tangent.

She stood from her sit, approaching Kan with haste.

Brenda's eyes ignited with concern and fire as she surged towards Kan. Her voice, laden with worry, spilled out in a torrent of questions.

"What happened to you?! How did it happen and where did it happen?!! I have called the school, I have contacted the cops and I have even made posters about to paste all over the city before that fine nurse's call came in!!"

Her words rushed, fueled by anxiety. Brenda's hands gently landed on Kan's shoulders, as if searching for answers within him. She seemed almost trembling with the intensity of her concern, her gaze sweeping over Kan, taking in every detail with urgency.

Brenda's face was etched with concern and relief. "My baby, I thought you ran away or something bad happened to you!!"

Inside Kan's mind, Hela chimed in with a surprised tone. [Wow, she really does care for you. Why do you hate her so much again?!]

Kan, puzzled, echoed Brenda's words. "You thought I ran away?"

Brenda's expression held a mix of emotions, her voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. "Yes, you know, you and I, things haven't exactly been smooth since that day at the club. You've totally changed. You no longer talk to me and you don't even let me bath you again!"

Kan's face contorted, disbelief and annoyance mingling. "Really? You are worried about bathing me right now? You know what, I don't have time for this. I can see you've got something you need to go do. So just drop me off at home and whatever!" He shrugged off her hands from his shoulder and walked past her.

Brenda called out, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Kanakan?"

He stopped and turned, his expression sour. Brenda hesitated, her voice shy. "The exit is the other way."

The bus ride home was shrouded in silence. Brenda made occasional attempts at conversation, but Kan shut them down with curt responses. Wearied, Brenda eventually surrendered to the quiet, her presence a mere shadow in the confined space. At the designated stop, Kan disembarked alone.

As anticipated, Brenda remained on the bus, unable to accompany him further. This didn't surprise him; she had, after all, fulfilled her duty by bringing him back from the hospital. That act alone earned her a modicum of appreciation.

Hela's voice echoed within him, a gentle nudge towards understanding. [You know, you might want to soften a little on her. I understand you don't like what she and your father do. But every now and then, showing that you still care could make a difference.]

"Yeah, I'll think about it!" Kan responded, his tone guarded.

[I can practically see you filing that under "Things Not to Care About,"] Hela retorted.

"Well, it's reassuring that someone's got me all figured out. Almost like you're in my head!" Kan scoffed, his hand slicing through the air as he headed home.

He passed Ellie's place but decided to continue on. His priority was to get home, wash off the lingering scent of the healer's potions and magic that clung to him.

"Can't believe I slept for an entire week!! Imagine what must have happened!!" Kan mused as he ascended the stairs to his apartment building.

Upon reaching his door, he delved into his pocket in search of something.

"Shit!!...shit!!! keys are at the hospital!! What the hell is this?! Why didn't they package my belongings for me?!!!" Kan cursed vehemently, his head making a harsh connection with the door as he continued to vent.

Unbeknownst to him, his commotion had drawn out a few neighbors who rarely ventured out. One, however, summoned the courage to approach, standing behind him.

"If it isn't the lost Elf!" A feminine voice remarked.

Kan spun around, his gaze landing on a girl bedecked in a crescent-shaped necklace, a pair of headphones draped casually around her neck. She sported a bold dark lipstick and eyeshadow that harmonized perfectly with her look. Her sleek, dark hair cascaded down to her neckline, gleaming in the light.

"" Kan started, his voice faltering.

[Nora! Say Nora!!] Hela's voice echoed insistently in his mind.

"Hey Kanakan, what happened, your mom's been worried about you! Where have you been and have you seen

her?!" Nora, Kan's neighbor, fired off questions with unbridled concern.

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