Chapter 81 [Bonus chapter-Response to summoning pens!!]

Chapter 81 [Bonus chapter-Response to summoning pens!!]

In the crucible of night, Silo loomed larger than life, an embodiment of raw power pulsating through him, courtesy of the enigmatic G-viagra.

For humans, lacking any magical prowess or supernatural trait, it was a level playing field.

It was a potent concoction meant to tip the scales, for humans were bereft of the magical essence that elves and werewolves wielded with ease. They were, in essence, the embodiment of 'normalcy'. But in that moment, none of that mattered to Silo.

Before him stood the final chapter of this grim night, the last vestiges of his comrades tossed to him like discarded marionettes, their lifeless visages haunting the moonlit scene.

Under the spectral glow of the moon, Silo's intent was palpable, unmistakable were the desires he held for the figure standing before him.

The figure, his eyes aglow with a malevolent yellow luminescence, cutting through the darkness like twin beacons of dread. Silo demanded answers, his voice a tempest of fury, devoid of the man he once was, now a vessel for a multitude of malevolent forces.He was simply sounding like a man possessed by 97 demons.

"Answer me, you did this?" Silo asked yet again.

His question hung in the air, a heavy silence accompanying it. Not that this wouldn't be the case from the onset. Ever since Kan had activated the Berserker, he had lost the ability to rationalize to a high degree. But what he gave up for in reasoning, he got back in unbridled strenght and augmented physical abilities. His stats had been tripled their original value making him basically very strong, unheard for an Elf of his status.

So at the end, silence was all that was expected. Yet, that silence, that very silence was all it took to unleash the tempest. Silo surged forward, his intentions as clear as the night sky. His acceleration was breathtaking for his size causing the very ground trembling beneath the weight of his stride.

He went from zero to a hundred in mere seconds, his speed absolutely terrifying.

Kan, awash in the berserker's trance, stood in eerie silence, his gaze fixed on the encroaching tempest. His eyes, serpentine and unyielding, held nothing but unfettered wrath. He arced his neck at the incoming foe, oval snake like eyes staring at his foe.

His entire form seemed to vibrate with pent-up violence. With each heartbeat, the air around him crackled with the promise of annihilation. Every fiber of his being thrummed with ruthless aggression, a tempest waiting to be unleashed. And then it began, an inexorable march toward inevitable confrontation. Kan matched Silo's advance, bridging the gap in a heartbeat.

But in that fleeting moment, it was Silo who seized the stage, outmaneuvering Kan with a blinding burst of speed. His fist met its mark with thunderous throw, Silo struck with a sickening impact that sent shockwaves rippling through the air.


The earth seemed to recoil, expelling Kan from its embrace, denying him the luxury of verticality. His body soared, an Elf projectile, before crashing through the timeworn door of an abandoned building.

"Hmmph! All that raw power, yet you lack the finesse of a true fighter. What a waste!" Silo's disdain dripped from his words, an astute evaluation of his opponent's capabilities.

Indeed, Silo was right. Kan was no maestro of combat, but what he lacked in technique, he compensated with a feral, unbridled power.

Five seconds was all it took. Five seconds after being hurled, his body crashing through the door, Kan emerged from the wreckage he'd wrought. His form was a testament to the brutality of Silo's punch - an open wound on his back, his visage a testament to devastation, his hand grotesquely misshapen.

And yet, he pressed on, a living tempest, unfazed by the cataclysmic force he'd just endured.

As Kan strode forth, emerging from the ruins he'd created, a wicked smile curled upon Silo's lips. He was simultaneously astounded and cruelly delighted.

Silently, sadistically pleased, a smile crept across Silo's face, the culmination of his newfound strength evident before him.

"Finally, someone who won't crumble under my newfound strength. This shall be entertaining!" Silo mused, his voice a sinister promise, as he advanced once more, the moon bearing witness to this cataclysmic clash of titans.


In the heart of their turf, the Outcast gang gathered, engrossed in their own world. They decided to unwind with a game of ball, forming teams - Sully, Susie, and Mendy on one side, while Ellie and Jessica paired up. The absence of Kan and Kane shifted the balance.

After some effort, they convinced Mendy to step away from his gadgets and join the game. Sweat dripped as they passed the ball within their makeshift 'Base'. The break came when Jessica voiced her concern.

"Guys, it's been quite a while since those guys left. Someone call them and let them know we've been waiting for them. Let's get this meeting started and done with!" Jessica's tone was unusually stern, cutting through the casual atmosphere.

Ellie, agreeing with Jessica, surmised, "Kane probably took Kan to show him around. He loved the neighborhood, so I'm sure he's just trying to initiate Kan into his cult of interest. But Jessica is right, it's been way too long, and he blindly left his com device here on the couch." Her eyes fell on a black rectangular device resting on the couch, untouched.

Decisively, Ellie declared, "Guys, I'll be back soon. Let me go get them. They couldn't have strayed too far!" With that, she left the hideout and ventured into the desolate streets.

As Ellie strolled past buildings, she marveled at the occasional new paintings. "You'd think no one lives here, yet every now and then, a new painting is on the wall. I'm pretty sure that one wasn't there yesterday!" Her curiosity briefly paused her journey.

Resuming her quest for Kane and Kan, a familiar metallic scent filled Ellie's nose. "Blood!" Her brows knitted in concern. She quickly scanned her surroundings, ensuring she wasn't under watch.

Something else unsettled her senses. A distant, muffled sound, too faint to discern. Ellie concentrated, her werewolf abilities honing in. "I should hurry," she decided, picking up her pace.

Ellie navigated the forgotten streets, ears alert, eyes scanning. The air held a charge of mystery, a sense of urgency. Determined, she pressed on, determined to find her friends, to unveil the enigma that hung in the air.

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