Chapter 78 G-viagra?!!

The sight before the man's eyes was nothing short of a waking nightmare. He struggled to reconcile the long, delicate ears of an elf with the fierce aura and wolf-like eyes of the creature before him. It was a paradox that defied all logic.

"Is he enhanced like us? I've taken one pill already, but at this rate, I might have to take another!" The man's thoughts raced as he reached for a white container in his pocket, all the while keeping a vigilant eye on Kan, who stood poised, waiting for their next move.

Meanwhile, the man whom Kan had headbutted earlier, after a rapid assessment of the situation, decided it was wiser to retreat. "Screw this!" he declared, pivoting on his heel with his forehead gushing blood, and fled the scene.

This impulsive choice would be his last. With uncanny speed, Kan swiftly closed the gap between them.

The distinction between Kan and the assailants was stark and critical. While Kan exhibited supernatural abilities, the men he had been battling were ordinary humans. But what anyone could observe from the two was that on one hand, Kan was a clear-cut elf, a supernatural if you may.

However, the people he had been fighting against were ordinary, as in humans.This distinction was important because it wasn't just the strenght and speed that Kan exhibited that was noteworthy alone.

As a matter of fact, the men who had attacked them were exhibiting unnatural feats of strength. The strenght in their throw and now the speed in their own movement.However, all this paled in comparison to kan's.

Within moments, Kan caught up to the fleeing man, his movements a blur of astonishing agility. What followed was a grotesque and brutal display of power. Kan gripped the man's head from behind, halting him with a force that felt like the weight of an entire bus pressing down.

The man struggled in vain, feeling the pressure on his skull intensify. Then, with a swift, merciless motion, Kan yanked the man's scalp clean off, leaving raw, exposed flesh behind.

"Arghhhhh!!!" The man screamed out in agony.

A final blow from the side of Kan's hands sent the man's head contorting at an impossible angle, resembling a twisted steel rod on the pavement.

Meanwhile, the other assailant, holding the container with a mix of awe, trepidation, and desperation, watched the carnage unfold. He knew he couldn't match Kan's precision and speed. As Kan approached, he faced a grave decision. Popping open the cap, he extracted a single blue capsule, within which tiny white particles floated. The man regarded it for a moment, then with a steely resolve, swallowed the capsule.

Kan's gaze locked onto him, but the man's gesture had not gone unnoticed. The third assailant, lying on the ground in agony, with his broken Easter eggs, witnessed the scene with a mixture of pain and dread.

Through clenched teeth, he implored, "Do it! Take the damn pill or you're going to be screwed like the rest of us!" The warning, though strained, held an urgency that could not be ignored. The man's grip on his injured area was white-knuckled, his face twisted in anguish.

Resolute and desperate, the man held the capsule aloft, its contents potentially holding the key to his survival.

"G-viagra, one more dose shouldn't hurt," the man muttered to himself, perhaps psyching himself up.

With a final exhale of determination, he swallowed the pill.

G-viagra, as he called it, offered a slim thread of hope in the face of the cataclysmic force that Kan represented.

The moment he took the pill, what happened next was nothing short of spectacular. As the pill coursed through his system, a brilliant azure light pulsed beneath his skin, illuminating the veins and contours of his face. It was a fleeting display, a testament to the potency of the substance he had ingested.

The man with the broken balls laying on the ground managed a grin and a nod of assurance seeing the reaction from his friend as he took what they said was the second dose of G-viagra.

Back to the man who took the pill, standing upright in that precious moment, he felt the surge of power, an exhilarating rush that seemed to invigorate every fiber of his being. The sensation was nothing short of euphoric, a heady cocktail of ecstasy and newfound strength.

"Ah yes..." He gasped, his voice laced with a newfound confidence, a spark of vitality dancing in his eyes. The transformation was undeniable, a metamorphosis from mere mortal to something more. He stood taller, shoulders squared, a palpable aura of self-assuredness radiating from him.

The man's gaze locked onto Kan, a newfound determination burning in his eyes. The playing field had shifted, the odds now slightly less insurmountable. He flexed his fingers, testing the newfound strength coursing through his veins.

In the distance, Kan approached with an almost surreal grace, his eyes still aglow with that eerie yellow light. The man's heart raced, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. The pill's effects were uncertain, an untested solution in the face of unfathomable power.

Kan's presence loomed, an unstoppable force of nature. The man's trembling hand reached for his glow bat, his fingers slick with sweat. He steadied himself, the anticipation of their imminent clash sending tremors down his spine.

Then, in a sudden eruption of movement, it began.

Kan's form blurred, a streak of lethal grace. The man's bat swung through the air, a desperate attempt to fend off the impending onslaught, his bat connected with kan's face, their speed only slightly on par but Kan seemed to be just a little faster.

Yet, it connected, the glow bat which could burn through flesh connected on kan's face, snearing his face, the smell of meat burning evolving into the air.

But with the look on the man's face as he stared at Kan, he told the story. His attack had hit but barely elicited a complaint in pain or as much as a twitch in Kan's eyes.

"Fuck!!! He doesn't feel pain!" The man had finally concluded. He swung his bat a second time again but it was futile.

Kan weaved and danced through the man's feeble defenses like a wraith. The wound on his face now healing in real time like there was nothing there.

Then kan unleashed his own attack. A symphony of devastating strikes. Each blow was a testament to the overwhelming gap in their strengths. The air crackled with the impact of Kan's strikes, a whirlwind of violence and precision.

Kan punched the man in the chest, cracking a bone and when the man bent to catch some air, spewing out blood, Kan kneeled him in the face, causing his nose to merge directly into face, no protrusion or distinction between the two body parts.

The man's vision swam, the world reduced to a chaotic blur of motion and pain. He fought to maintain his footing, every instinct screaming at him to flee. But there was no escape. Kan's assault was unrelenting, a merciless tide that swept him into a maelstrom of agony.

Bones shattered, flesh tore, and the world spun in a nauseating whirl. Time lost its meaning in the maelstrom of violence. The man's desperate cries echoed through the alley, a haunting symphony of suffering.

The other one on the ground, incapacitated by the way of nut bursting watched it all happened. Helplessly, he stared at the scene. Looking around to see if anyone could help. But not even his leader, Silo, nor the one that the whole operation was based on, Kane, was within the vicinity. It was safe to say that Kane and Silo's battle still continued, taking them elsewhere.

He could only watch as his friend got absolutely wrecked by Kan in the most unfathomable ways.

And then, as abruptly as it began, it was over.

The man's broken form crumpled to the ground, a grotesque testament to the brutality he had endured. His breaths came in ragged, tortured gasps, each inhalation a painful reminder of the ordeal.

Kan stood amidst the aftermath, his form a stark silhouette against the backdrop of the alley. His chest rose and fell in controlled rhythm, the only indication of the immense power he had just unleashed.

The echoes of the battle faded into a heavy silence, the world seeming to hold its breath in the wake of the carnage. The alley bore witness to a massacre, a grim reminder of the unforgiving nature of their reality.

And in that moment, amidst the stillness, Kan's eyes gleamed with an eerie intensity, a silent promise of the horrors yet to come. There was something in Kan's gaze as he turned to look towards the man laying on the ground that said the horror was far from over.

*Author's note*

Thank you all for the massive support this project of mine has gotten!

I'm super surprised to see we've gone this far (I mean, we are on the rankings!!)

Thank you all for making this happen.

Now what would be a dream come through is if we can beat this privilege unlocks challenge together!!

Please help me Unlock the privilege chapters so we can both "win-win"!!

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