Kan confidently stepped out of the crowd, announcing, "Kan!" He approached the ball, setting it up for the free kick, then stepped back, exhaling heavily.

Aware of the challenge in finding the right shot power, Kan contemplated how much force to apply. Too much power might lead to an off-target shot, while too little would make it an easy save for the goalkeeper. He stood still, eyeing the ball, moments before Coach Nami blew the whistle.

As the whistle blew, Kan swiftly ran to the ball and executed a powerful kick, ensuring it was struck precisely on the side, just like he did with the bottle. The ball went airborne, following a curling trajectory from left to right as it neared the goalkeeper.

However, Kan noticed that the ball was higher than intended, soaring close to the goalpost. The goalkeeper leaped to intercept, even though the ball eventually sailed well over the bar.

A solo laughter erupted among the players, led by Alfred, known for his teasing banter. "You could have killed a bird flying through this direction with that shoof yours, you know," Alfred joked, still laughing. "It's not too late to be a Hunter," he added, maintaining his jest.

Undeterred, Kan acknowledged where he went wrong. He acknowledged the need to reduce the shot power, understanding the adjustments required. The ball was returned to Kan, and he repositioned it for another attempt.

As Kan prepared for his next free kick attempt, he heard Hela's voice in his head.

[Look how helpless you are without me. I decided to give you some space, and you're doing awfully nice.] Hela said.

Kan scoffed, replying, "I'm doing just fine by myself, you see."

[You think? You plan on applying 75.0N on the ball when you're supposed to apply 75.7N.] Hela said.

"That's almost the same!" Kan retorted.

[Nope, the 0.7 unit can make the ball not go perfectly. Try it. Make sure you kick it slightly with the top side of your foot for a new and better experience.] Hela added.

"New, better experience? What's that?" Kan inquired.

[Try it and see.] Hela responded.

Kan smiled, approached the ball, and as he got closer, a menu appeared before him:

[Applying 75.7N]

He kicked the ball with the top side of his foot, and it went airborne, curving from left to right in the air as anticipated.

Surprisingly, the ball changed trajectory again in the air, this time to the left. The goalkeeper, unprepared for the sudden shift, couldn't stop the ball from finding the back of the net.

Shouts of surprise erupted from the players, even catching Alfred off guard. Coach Nami, pleased with the unexpected display, clapped happily.

Emily paused in her shoe-buckling, letting out a heavy sigh before continuing. "Ever wondered why my sister and I aren't in the same school or city?" she asked Kan.

Kan, puzzled and curious, replied, "Not really. Why is that?"

Emily wanted to explain more when her mum, Coach Nami, called her, "Emily, Emily, where are you?" Emily had no choice but to go. "I'm here, Mum, I'm coming," she answered.

"We'll chat next time," Emily said to Kan before standing up. Before departing, she placed a gentle kiss on Kan's forehead and added, "take care of yourself for me."

After a few people had changed and left, Kan decided to go in and change too.

After the day's classes, Kan returned home. As he opened the door, the room was empty. "Mum? Dad?..." he called out, but there was no response as usual. He made a confirmatory check, going from room to room, but his parents weren't at home.

Stopping at the kitchen for the day's meal, he opened the pots he could find. After opening all the pots, he couldn't find anything to eat. The pots were empty and clean. Realizing his parents didn't cook for the day, Kan sighed.

"Now time for Snack Hunting," Kan said after noticing there was no food in the house.

He took a few steps through the kitchen, scanning around for anything available to eat. Opening the small boxes, he found nothing in the first three.

"Where is these snacks? Fuck!!" Kan hissed and complained as he kept looking for anything he can eat.

Out of frustration, he opened the last box and was relieved to find a few snacks. He smiled and picked two, considering how hungry he was. After placing the boxes back, he headed for the door.

As he reached the door, he changed his mind, "eating this with my hands will not be nice; I will place them on a plate," Kan said as he turned back to get a plate for the snacks.

As he carried the plate, he opened the snack and placed it on it. Moving to where the spoons were kept, he picked one up. As he moved closer, he looked at the picture on the kitchen wall.

As he turned, he looked toward the picture on the wall that led to the secret room in the kitchen. While staring at it, Hela's voice came to him, saying, "there's a slight change in the picture from the way you left it."

Kan stared at it for a few seconds before saying, "I can see no difference between how I left it and now."

[It is slightly tilted to the left, go check it out] Hela added.

Kan dropped the snacks on the table and walked to the picture. He removed it and pressed the button; suddenly, the door opened, revealing the interior.

As the door opened, there was a gentle dust that came out of the room. This wasn't there when he first opened the door the other day.

He used his hand to blow the dust away. After the dust settled down, he walked into the room to observe what was inside and maybe find out what was in the black books he saw the other day.

As he stepped inside, he was surprised to see something really astonishing—something he had never expected to find.

Kan, filled with curiosity, questioned, "What the heck is this?"

"How is this even possible?" he wondered aloud.

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