Chapter 96 Innocent

Pei Yi saw Du Heng's appearance and knew that this person was wrong.

She felt even more bitter in her heart, she was about to cry and said: "It's not what you think."

"What do I think?" Du Heng felt that he was really going crazy, he raised his hand and pointed at Ji An, who was staring at the third master on the bed, and said angrily, "You just fell in love with this kind of disabled thing with a broken leg?! You don’t even want me lying on your bed with my clothes open! You want such a scumbag with a walking stick! Do you just like the disabled?!”

Pei Yi has one head and two big ones.


Did she blow up the Milky Way in her previous life? She will suffer this kind of crime in this life!

Huo Yuan was really going to die of anger.

He stared at the face next to him with astonishment and anger, and his voice was terribly calm: "Du Heng, please speak clearly, who are you calling disabled?"

Du Heng smiled so angry that no one would pay for his life: "Whoever wants to walk with a stick, that's it."

I! Hold! you! grandfather! of!

Huo Yuan was furious, and he couldn't bear it and made a move!

Pei Yi watched the two men fight, feeling really miserable.


Can Dao Lei hack her to death, she doesn't want to live anymore.

Ah, bah bah bah! Why hack her to death?

Both men should be hacked to death!

Pei Yi was angry and hated.

At this time, the servant reported outside: "Third Master, Doctor Zhang is here."




The sound of various things falling to the ground in the room can be heard endlessly.

The boy smiled knowingly when he heard this voice.

He quickly backed out, gently closed the doors and windows, hiding his achievements and fame.

Dr. Zhang was guarding outside and heard various ping-pong-pong sounds.

"Third Master, this is...?" Doctor Zhang asked late with a bewildered expression.

The servant coughed dryly twice, smiled ambiguously and said, "The third master is taking a bath." After a pause, he added, "Together with the two gentlemen."

Doctor Zhang's eyes widened, and he cried out in his heart! groove!

No wonder the third master specially invited him here.

Ganqing is playing too wildly, let him be ready to rescue all the gentlemen at any time—in case the gentlemen are disabled by playing, they will not have to play in the future.

At this moment, Seven Kills came over.

He looked at Doctor Zhang who was waiting outside the house, and asked in confusion, "Why didn't Doctor Zhang go in?"

"Ah, this..." Doctor Zhang showed a smile that everyone understands, put his hand to his mouth, and said in a low voice, "The third master is taking a mandarin duck bath with two gentlemen."

Qisha's eyes widened in an instant, and he felt bad all over.

He froze for a moment, then asked with a dark face: "Are you sure?!"

The servant standing by the side smiled ambiguously: "It's absolutely true! I saw with my own eyes that Mr. Ji'an and Mr. Du Lang went in one after the other. Moreover, as soon as Mr. Du Lang entered... it became lively."

Qisha felt that the blood in his whole body was coagulated.

That feeling is very strange.

He just felt an unspeakable murderous intent suddenly rushing to his heart, and he couldn't suppress it no matter how hard he tried.

He darkened his face, raised his leg and kicked the door open.

"Oops!" The servant was startled and said in fear, "Mr. Qilang, why are you..."

However, before the question could be uttered, the servant watched Qi Sha rush into the house.

Doctor Zhang had a look of amazement on his face.

Terrible, Mr. Qilang is jealous at this sight, I am afraid it will be difficult to end without a fight today.

"What are you looking at?"

A low but magnetic male voice suddenly sounded from behind the head.

Doctor Zhang trembled all over, and when he turned his head, he saw the tall and burly man standing behind him.

"Wu, Deputy Chief Wu." Doctor Zhang greeted with a forced smile.

He was too afraid of this murderous man.

The person who came was Wu Kunzhi. He was wearing a deep blue dress with a gluttonous pattern embroidered with silver silk. He looked majestic but extremely terrifying.

He took a look at the handsome Doctor Zhang, then glanced at the open room of the concierge, Pi Liyangqiu said with a smile: "Doctor Zhang wants to go in with the gentlemen to serve the third master?"

Doctor Zhang trembled all over, quickly waved his hands and shook his head: "No, no, no, no, no! I just stayed outside by order of the third master!"

Wu Kunzhi glanced at the door delicately, smiled ambiguously and shook his head.

Nowadays, young people play really wildly, and they are not afraid of being overwhelmed.

Doctor Zhang felt scared when he saw this tall and big Deputy Chief Wu. He bit his bullet and said: "If Deputy Chief Wu has something to ask the third master, it is best to wait here first. The third master has not done anything yet." It's over, we can't disturb him."

Wu Kunzhi glanced at Doctor Zhang, moved a few steps to the side, and stood still.

Hmph, when he is stupid? Could he not know to wait here? The little master is having a good time inside, so if he ran in to report his work now, wouldn't that spoil the little master's happiness?

Inside the house.

Du Heng is fighting with Huo Yuan.

"Well, you lame Huo, so you hid so deeply!" Du Heng scolded while beating, "Where did you learn this kung fu, you are so powerful even with a broken leg!"

Huo Yuan was so angry that his eyes shot fire, his nose smoked, and he cursed: "Shut up!" He even called him lame! Trouble! When he returns to the capital, he will definitely chop off the head of this dead face!

Pei Yisheng lay on the bed helplessly, almost crying.

Didn't she just hear the boy say that Doctor Zhang is here? Why hasn't this man come in yet?

Her poor waist, I'm afraid she's going to die of pain here today.

Pei Yi's body hurts, and her heart feels annoyed.

She wrapped the quilt tightly and said upsetly: "You all go out!"

"I don't!"


Du Heng and Huo Yuan spoke out at the same time, with different words, but they agreed.

Pei Yi's head hurt even more.

What kind of bad luck did she have to suffer so many men? !

"What are you doing?!" The majestic and cold voice suddenly exploded in the room.

The air seemed to have cooled several degrees quickly because of the sound.

However, both Du Heng and Huo Yuan blushed, how could they stop just because of a reprimand?

"Mr. Qilang, you came just in time!" Du Heng yelled angrily at Qisha while fighting Huo Yuan, "This vixen seduced the third master, and even slept with the third master! You and I take care of him! I He hasn't gotten along with the third master yet, why should he?!"

Pei Yi got a headache when she heard this. She supported her aching waist, and corrected her innocently: "Huo Yuan and I have never slept together! We are innocent!"

However, in the current situation, her words are not convincing at all, it is extremely pale and weak.

Seven kills immediately turned completely black.

(end of this chapter)

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