Chapter 247 Because of a small loss, a big loss

After hearing these words, Qisha immediately lost his heart.

As long as it doesn't bleed the ground.

In this case, it doesn't matter if he serves the third master.

Pei Yi looked worried at the little guard who suddenly fell silent in front of her.

Her family's little guard is getting more and more understanding about the relationship between men and women day by day. If one day she understands the matter of Guishui, won't she be out of the bag?

Based on Qi Sha's current enthusiasm for men and women, even if she explicitly forbids him from reading related books, Qi Sha will probably learn about it secretly.

How should this be fixed?

Pei Yi raised her hand to her forehead, feeling a deep pain in her head.

After breakfast, Pei Yi did some morning exercises, and then went to the study to review her homework and prepare for the next year's spring exam.

"Ha..." After reading the book for about half an hour, Pei Yi started yawning again.

Seeing that his master was always sleepy from reading, Qi Sha thought for a while and suggested, "Third Master, you might as well read the book." In this way, the third master may not be so sleepy so easily, and he can also take the opportunity to listen to more famous Confucian scholars. aphorism.

Pei Yi's eyes were about to cry because of yawning.

She looked at the handsome little guard in front of her, and a brilliant idea suddenly came to her.

Qisha has been obsessed with studying "The Great Joy Fu of Yin and Yang Intercourse in Heaven and Earth" all day long, not only because this book is naturally attractive, but also because Qisha has never been exposed to books in other fields.

If today, I can make Qisha interested in other books, and these books have noble sentiments and far-reaching meanings, wouldn't Qisha give up the mundane things unknowingly?

Pei Yi made up her mind, cleared her throat seriously, turned to the front page and began to read while shaking her head.

"Only in the sixth year of the first Yuan Dynasty, there was an edict to envoy the prime minister, the censor and the virtuous and literary language. Ask the people about their suffering..."

She deliberately picked the easiest book to understand.

The wording of this book is simple, there are no uncommon words. Although it is also a theory in classical Chinese, even people who have not received any good education can understand it.

Moreover, the meaning of this book is not shallow, enough to make people think deeply, it is really an excellent reading for inspiring people.

What's even better is that this book is about family and country affairs.

As for men, they are naturally very enthusiastic about the general trend of the world. Even if they don't understand, they like to comment. If they understand, they can say more.

"The literary pair says: Eavesdropping is the way to govern people, the root of preventing obscenity and loss, and the end of spreading morality."

"Suppress the ultimate benefit and open up benevolence and righteousness, do not show benefit, and then enlightenment can flourish."

"Today, the state owns salt, iron, and wine... and competes with the people for profit."

"The simplicity of being honest and honest becomes the transformation of greed and contempt."

"I would like to give up salt, iron, wine..."

"So it is easy to advance the basics and retreat the end, and benefit agriculture."

Seven Kills was originally just listening casually.

But this content is really interesting.

Things related to the people of the world, listening to and talking about it, it seems that you can talk about the general trend of the world, it is really exciting.

Qi Sha became obsessed without knowing it.

"The doctor said to him: The Xiongnu betrayed and disobeyed the ministers, and the number is more violent than the border."

"If you prepare it, you will work for the people of China. If you don't prepare it, you will invade and steal."

"The first emperor lamented the long-term suffering of the border he repaired the barriers...garrisoned to prepare for it."

"The side is not used enough, so salt and iron are used, and wine is questionable..."

"Today's discussants want to give up. The inside is empty and the treasury is empty, and the outside is useless for defense."

"Let the people who are preparing for the frontier and riding the city be hungry and cold, how will they be supported?"

"Forget it, it's inconvenient."

Qi Sha is illiterate after all. Although the words and sentences in this book are as simple as possible, he still doesn't understand some parts. After hearing this, he seems to understand but not understand, but it is difficult to express any opinions.

Pei Yi glanced at the dignified little guard, half joking and half pointing: "A hundred years ago, scholars of literature believed that the government sold salt and iron to compete with the people for profit."

"Besides, if the business is booming, there will be pursuit of profit everywhere, which is really harmful to education."

"Therefore, scholars of literature suggest that the sale of salt and iron should be dismissed, starting from the fundamentals of the world, and extensively repairing agriculture for the convenience of the people."

"But the scholar-bureaucrats believe that the Huns have repeatedly detained customs, and it is imperative to strengthen border defense."

"But strengthening defense will definitely increase the pressure on the treasury."

"So, the scholar-officials advocated the sale of salt and iron to fill the treasury."

"Seven kills, who do you think is more reasonable?"

Qi Sha only half understood the content just now, but now that the third master explained it again, he understands the content more clearly.

He was silent for a moment, and solemnly said: "Promote salt and iron, strengthen the border."

Pei Yi sat lazily on the pear wood armchair, holding a scroll in one hand, and caressing the little piggy pen on the desk with the other hand boredly.

She intends to make the little guard more interested in books.

In order to increase the interest, Pei Yi deliberately brought up a topic to guide: "However, with the prevalence of salt and iron, the spirit of merchants will definitely be greatly boosted."

"When the time comes, the common people will all pursue profit without respecting benevolence and righteousness. Isn't this indecent and detrimental to the stability of a country?"

Qi Sha stood upright beside her, holding a long knife in one hand, while the other naturally dropped to her side.

He looked slightly restrained, and asked very seriously: "The people are benevolent, and the Huns will not hold the border?"

Pei Yi laughed softly.

She deliberately guided the little guard to think deeply, and said meaningfully: "Whether the people are benevolent or not has nothing to do with whether the Huns will invade our border."

"However, if the people are not engaged in business, have no wealth and power in their hands, are full of benevolence and morality, and are willing to spend their entire lives in poverty and farming, then it will be difficult to develop a rebellious heart, and it will be easy for a country to be peaceful."

"Are the people in power trying to guard against the Xiongnu at the risk of a country's unrest, or are they willing to be lucky enough to be slightly negligent on border defenses for the sake of ruling a country?"

Qi Sha thought for a while, and said firmly: "Retreat the Xiongnu first, and then pacify the world."

Pei Yi looked up at the little guard standing aside, and joked with great interest: "But it's hard to say whether the Huns will come to invade our border."

"What's more, even if the Huns invade, we can still seek peace."

"But if you focus on guarding against the Huns, it will lead to an unhealthy atmosphere in the country."

"If the people's minds are uncertain, then the country will not be guaranteed. Isn't it because of small things that make big things?"

Qi Sha frowned slightly, and an unspeakable resentment and impatience rose in his heart.

He said a little sullenly: "If you don't retreat the Huns, you won't be able to keep the border. If the country is not a country, how can you talk about stability?"

Pei Yi leaned back in the chair comfortably, and patted the book in her hand.

She smiled perkyly, and said meaningfully: "What is a border? The border of a country is the border."

"If the border here is lost and becomes the territory of another country, then step back and take another place as the new border."

"It doesn't matter whether it is a tiny place or a vast country."

(Note: The term vastness can describe the grand appearance of water, such as the vast sea; it can also describe the vastness of the territory, such as the vast desert. This article takes the latter meaning.)

(end of this chapter)

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