Chapter 201 It's not easy to fool people

People around are forcing him to move forward.

If he is not careful, he may be lost forever.

He never heard anyone say he was going to be taken under their wing.

Only someone kept telling him not to expect others to protect him and save him.

Xun Huan's heart skipped a beat for no reason.

He suddenly withdrew his arms around Pei Jiasanlang, his cheeks suddenly burned.

"Third Master, you know that I'm not a very nice person." Xun Huan's heart was beating hard for some reason, he turned his eyes away and said, "If I get stuck, it's really not a good thing."

Pei Yi inexplicably broke free from the embrace of the other party, and suddenly felt that the air was much more refreshing.

She finally got rid of the dizzy state of being surrounded by male hormones, and her mind seemed to be spinning a little faster.

Rao was still flustered in her heart, but Pei Yi pretended to be calm and said: "Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, that is up to me."

These words are quite domineering.

Xun Huan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his face burned badly.

He inexplicably felt a little embarrassed, ashamed to stay in this room any longer.

Xun Huan turned his back to Pei's Saburo, and found an excuse in a panic: "If the third master doesn't want me to sleep tonight, then I will leave."

When Pei Yi heard that the big guy was leaving, her heart was set off with firecrackers.

It seems that I have fooled the boss tonight.

Pei Yi couldn't hide her joy and said: "It's getting late, you should go back and rest."

"Yes." Xun Huan nodded slightly, almost fleeing in despair.

Pei Yi watched the big guy run out of the house and closed the door with her own eyes, and then she let out a long sigh of relief, raised her sleeves and gently wiped the cold sweat oozing from her forehead.

Really scared her to death.

Although both Xun Huan and Xiao Junji are coquettish and promiscuous, but Xiao Junji makes your deer bump, but Xun Huan makes your heart jump.

She was really afraid that Xun Huan would suddenly kill her secretly if he couldn't figure it out.

Outside the house.

Qisha looked at Xun Huan who was leaving in a hurry, his eyes dimmed little by little.

He lowered his head and glanced at the "Ode to the Great Joy of Yin and Yang in the World" in his hand, and silently put the book back into the lapel of his chest.

Forget it, the third master must not be in the mood to teach him how to read tonight, so I should learn from the third master another day.

Qisha stood silently at the door and stood guard.

Now that he has returned to the main residence of the Pei Mansion in Kyoto, he is just a dead man who does his duty. He does not have his own bedroom, so he can only watch the night for the third master with the cold wind blowing in the night.

Inside the house.

Pei Yi suddenly felt a little cold.

It is early autumn now, and Kyoto is no better than Linhe County in the south. It is already very cold at night.

Looking at the open window of the eye hole, Pei Yi stood up and walked over.

She stretched out her hand to close the casement, but saw the young man standing aside.

"Seven kills?"

"Third Lord."

Qisha saluted her respectfully.

Pei Yi saw that the other party was standing outside the house, and suddenly realized something.

She smiled apologetically and said, "You don't have to watch the night, go to the side room to rest."

Qisha's eyes brightened slightly.

Although he tried his best to hold back, the corners of his mouth still raised slightly uncontrollably.

He lowered his head and saluted happily: "Thank you, Third Master."

It turns out that the third master didn't forget to arrange a room for him~

The third master has a very big yard, and the side room is connected to the side room. I still live with the third master separated by a wall—just like when I was in Linhe County.

Seeing the boy's cute appearance, Pei Yi's heart suddenly softened.

She remembered that Qi Sha would come to her every day to learn how to read words a few days ago, but today it was quiet.

Pei Yi couldn't help joking: "I didn't see you learn to read today."

Qisha raised his head, with bright eyes, and asked joyfully, "Can the third master teach me now?"

Pei Yi was frightened by the other party's burning eyes.

She suddenly regretted how she asked such a stupid question just now.

Pei Yi laughed dryly, waved her hands and said, "The night is too late, tomorrow... let's learn again."

"Oh." Qi Sha's handsome face fell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Pei Yi felt an inexplicable sense of guilt, and suppressed her soft heart and urged: "Hurry up and go to rest."

After saying that, she was afraid that she would be attacked by the boy for being cute again, so she quickly closed the casement with both hands.

Qisha looked at the window that was closing quickly in front of him, and slightly pursed his mouth.


Hmph, if it wasn't for Xun Huan's delay in hooking up with the third master tonight, the third master wouldn't be able to refuse him with the reason of "too late at night".

The other end.

Xun Huan returned to the wing room, the heat on his cheeks gradually faded, and he gradually calmed down.

What San Ye said just now is probably half true and false.

If I really took it to my heart, I would be too stupid.

There was a slight sound from the door.

Xun Huan's heart shuddered, and she whispered, "Come in."

The door opened and closed quickly, and a middle-aged man in black clothes quickly entered the room.

Everything was so silent that no one else was alarmed.

"Young Master." The middle-aged man took out a confidential letter from his arms and presented it with both hands.

Xun Huan took it and took a quick look in person.

He put the letterhead on the candlelight.

Watching the flames devour the letter paper bit by bit, Xun Huan said flatly: "Don't implicate the Pei family."

The middle-aged man was stunned, and said in astonishment: "The plan before that..."

"The plan is as usual." Xun Huan looked down at the letter paper that had been eaten away by the flames, and said in a deep voice, "But there is no need to drag the Pei family into the water. We have already provoked the Bai family this time, and we are already in danger, so don't make any more enemies. "

The middle-aged man bowed his head and said, "I obey."

Xun Huan gave a few more words of advice.

The middle-aged man respectfully accepted the order, then quickly exited the house, and quickly disappeared into the night, as if he had never appeared before.

Xun Huan looked at the candlelight dancing on the table, feeling a little confused.

He actually knew that if he deliberately dragged the Pei family into trouble, the Pei family would have to protect him.

This is a very safe step.

But for some reason, I suddenly didn't want to do this.

If... I make a terrible mistake, will the third master be willing to protect him if the third master is not threatened by him?

This night.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

Some people are destined to have trouble sleeping.

The next day.

Pei Yi didn't get up until after midnight.

Although Da Zhou values ??filial piety and pays attention to the morning and evening meditation for parents, the Pei family does not follow suit.

Father Pei and mother Pei spared a few children from the very beginning, but this did not affect the children's filial piety and respect for them.

Pei Yi got up lazily, beating her arms and thinking about what she was going to do next.

She will definitely pass the provincial examination this time.

I just wait for the announcement of the rankings with peace of mind, and then I will take the palace examination step by step, and then wait for the official department to assign a position.

However, the distribution of positions by the bureaucracy is also very difficult, and there is a lot of room for maneuvering.

If her father or brothers just went to the official department to say hello, her position would be quite different.

(end of this chapter)

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