Chapter 179 Control the enemy with one move

Pei Yi shrugged her shoulders, spread her hands and joked: "Is this something you can't say? Second brother, why not tell me what type of lady you like, and I will look for you."

"Shut up, you!" Pei Xuanting pinched his sister's face and shook it.

"Ouch..." Although it didn't hurt, Pei Yi yelled twice exaggeratedly.

The brothers and sisters were chatting and laughing, and arrived at Xiaohua Hall not long after.

Xu Xiaoxiao was already waiting there.

She was wearing a linen shirt, although it was a bit worn out, it was clean.

Seeing that Pei Yi saw the house, Xu Xiaoxiao quickly went up to greet her, and saluted politely: "I have seen the third master."

Although her movements are well-regulated, she is inexplicably charming, and her voice is also a bit silly.

"Exemption." Pei Yixu helped the other party, and asked with concern, "Have you taken care of everything at home?"

"It's been dealt with." Xu Xiaoxiao's eyes were red when she mentioned this, and she was quite choked up, "Grandma has been buried. Thank you so much, Third Master."

"It's nothing to worry about." Pei Yi said something in a stately manner, but when she glanced out of the corner of her eye, she found that her second brother was staring at Xu Xiaoxiao without turning his eyes.

Tsk, is this a fancy girl?

Pei Yi poked her second brother with her elbow calmly, signaling the latter to restrain himself—your eyes are too hot, are you feeling uncomfortable when you don't see the little girl?

Pei Xuanting was suddenly stabbed, and immediately woke up.

But he soon fell into a state of staring at people without turning his eyes.

Pei Yi felt quite helpless, so she could only push her second brother aside, and said softly, "Xiao Xiao, you can report to Nanny Liu, she will arrange work for you."

"Thank you, Third Master!" Xu Xiaoxiao made a big gift.

Since her grandmother passed away, she has no one to rely on. Not only did the third master save her, but now he also arranged for her to make a living, which was as kind to her as a parent.

Pei Yi accepted the other party's gift, and said softly: "Go down."

Xu Xiaoxiao obediently bowed and left.

Pei Yi looked at her second brother very depressed, and reminded with a half-smile: "Everyone is gone, what are you looking at?"

Pei Xuanting touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Fanyin, don't you think this Xu Xiaoxiao looks familiar at all?"

"Huh?" Pei Yi was confused and said blankly, "No. Second brother, have you met Mrs. Xu before?"

Pei Xuanting shook his head, closed his eyes and said in a low voice: "I think this lady Xu looks very familiar, it's really strange."

Pei Yi didn't take this to heart, and joked: "Second brother, you think he looks familiar because of his cuteness, right?"

Pei Xuan clicked his tongue, and said disapprovingly: "Your second brother, am I so impatient? Look how old Mrs. Xu is, how can I do it?"

"Second brother, don't look at Mrs. Xu who looks like she is only twelve or thirteen years old. She is actually seventeen years old." Pei Yi said with a smile.

"No way..." Pei Xuanting raised his hand to pinch his sister's chin and looked at it, "You are only seventeen years old."

Pei Yi patted her brother's hand away, and said angrily: "Are you saying that I am in a hurry?"

The brothers and sisters quarreled for a while and then went about their own business.

Pei Xuanting always felt that Xu Xiaoxiao looked familiar, so after thinking about it, he went directly to find him.

Xu Xiaoxiao was chopping firewood in the woodshed. She was a small person, but she had great strength. The heavy ax seemed as light as a cabbage in her hand.

Sensing that Pei Xuanting was coming, Xu Xiaoxiao quickly put down the axe, and saluted very cautiously: "Second Master."

Pei Xuanting looked at the little girl a few times, and still felt that she looked familiar, but he really couldn't say why it looked familiar for a while.

After thinking for a while, Pei Xuanting asked gossipingly: "I heard that you were rescued by my third brother. What happened that day?"

Recalling what happened that day, Xu Xiaoxiao's eyes turned red unconsciously.

She lowered her head slightly, and whispered honestly: "That day, some hooligans wanted to belittle me. Thanks to the third master who rescued me in time, otherwise I... the consequences would be disastrous."

Pei Xuanting's face was full of sympathy, but he asked seriously suspiciously: "I see that you are quite strong. It is not a problem to knock down three men at once. Can't you deal with a few hooligans?"

If ordinary people ask such questions, Xu Xiaoxiao feels that the other party must be deliberately laughing at her.

But the look and tone of the second master of the Pei family were too serious, Xu Xiaoxiao didn't feel a hint of ridicule.

She blushed, and explained in a low voice with shame: "I was hungry those days, and I didn't have much strength in my body. If they were normally strong, they might not be able to hold me."

Pei Xuanting sighed, patted Xu Xiaoxiao on the shoulder and said, "It's really not easy for you."

He came up with an idea, turned to an idea, and said with a smile, "Well, I will teach you a few tricks to save your life. Even if you lose your strength, you can escape quickly."

Xu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, but soon lost sight: "I'm stupid, I may not be able to learn it well."

"Hey, the ones I teach are the easiest ones to learn." Pei Xuan said confidently, "This fight is all about skill, and it's useless if you only have brute force. For example, let's talk about strength. The strongest in our family is actually—”

Pei Xuanting pointed in the direction of Yao Xingxuan.

Xu Xiaoxiao opened her eyes wide in astonishment, and said in disbelief, "It's the third master?"

"Yeah." Pei Xuanting nodded, lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "No one in our family knows how my third brother grew up. His strength is terrifying. Few men can compare to her. I really don't know her. What about the future Husband?"

"The third master is really amazing." Xu Xiaoxiao, as Pei Yi's little fan, immediately boasted without thinking.

Pei Xuanting smiled teasingly, and said with a face of disapproval: "My third younger brother is the one with the worst kung fu in my family - strength and kung fu are not directly proportional, the key is to look at skills."

As he spoke, he suddenly curled up **** and approached Xu Xiaoxiao's eyes, his voice became serious all of a sudden: "The first trick - insert eyes! If someone suddenly attacks you, you attack his eyes directly!"

Xu Xiaoxiao nodded with a shocked face.

But she soon ran into trouble.

"Second Master, I'm too short to get into someone's eyes." Xu Xiaoxiao said helplessly.

Pei Xuan choked for a moment.

that's true.

This Mrs. Xu is really too petite, no matter where she looks like Fanyin, she is almost taller than ordinary men.

"Hey, there will always be a time when you can penetrate his eyes." Pei Xuanting tried to make amends for himself.

(end of this chapter)

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