Chapter 151 Shame

On the contrary, this person is quite affectionate.

Du Heng was jumping around in the backyard like this, and made such a big commotion, but Pei Yi just let him go, her words were full of defense.

This is not only affectionate, but also kind.

Xun Huan suddenly felt that being liked by Pei Yi was also a very happy thing.

He was a little envious of Du Heng.

On the other side, Qi Sha, who had been guarding outside the house, also had a slight expression on his face.

He himself is just a lowly dead soldier, although his kung fu is better than his peers, but other than that, there is nothing special about him.

But the third master actually said that he was "not a thing in the pool".

For the first time in his life, Qisha felt the affirmation and high expectations of others.

There was an indescribable warmth in his heart, and some sudden pride.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Laughter erupted in the room, apparently the prince of the Wang family laughed.

"Sanlang, why are there so many cows in the sky?" Wang Pu laughed loudly, "Isn't it all because of you?"

Pei Yi couldn't help but laugh.

She knew that no one would believe her words of "not a thing in the pool", so she joked with a half-true smile: "Goro just laugh at me, you wait for three, five, or even ten years." Years, let's see if you can laugh."

Wang Pu was overjoyed, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll wait!"

He stretched out his hand and counted them one by one: "I have remembered all the gentlemen in your house—Du Heng, Qisha, Ji'an, Tianshui Yingge."

Pei Yi corrected at the right time: "Tian Shui Ying Ge is a stage name, and his name is Xun Huan."

Outside the house.

Xun Huan's complexion moved slightly.

Pei Sanlang said his name in such a timely manner—although it was only a small gesture, it really moved him.

Inside the house.

"Hey, this name is really romantic." Wang Pu joked with a smile, "Looking for fun, just like him."

Pei Yi smiled and shook her head, but didn't answer.

Wang Pu jokingly said: "I remember all these four gentlemen. After three years, I will come to see them—to see if each of them has skyrocketed to 90,000 miles in a storm."

Pei Yi was also amused, nodded and said: "Okay."

Outside the house.

When the teenagers heard this dialogue, their hearts were filled with pride.

Others do not believe that they can make a difference, but Pei Sanlang/San Ye vowed to guarantee them.

At this moment, Huo Yuan really felt that he and Pei Yi were just like Boya and Zhong Ziqi, looking for a bosom friend in high mountains and rivers, looking forward to life and death.

Although the road to the top position is full of thorns, but he has a confidant to accompany and protect him all the way, so why worry about his great success?

Three years!

Three years later, he will definitely achieve something, and make Pei Sanlang pay back all the ridicule he received today.

Xun Huan was also filled with emotion.

He endured humiliation for so many years just to get revenge.

But now the treacherous officials are in power, and his enemy—the Bai family in Kyoto—is as high as the Japanese in the court.

I really don’t know that it will take years of monkeys and horses and months to get what I want.

But after hearing what Pei Lang and Young Master Wang said today, Xun Huan suddenly felt great confidence and motivation in his heart.

Monthly profit and loss.

The Bai family is now prosperous and prosperous, but who knows that the building will collapse soon?

Three years!

He didn't even dare to think about the days before.

But now, Xun Huan feels that if he judges the situation and takes steps at every step, it is not impossible for the Bai family to collapse within three years.

Seven Kills is thinking more.

He is just a dead man now, how can he ride the wind and turn into a dragon three years later?

Unless you have some big opportunity, right?

Confused, should I leave Pei's mansion now to fight for a future?

But Qisha was silent when he thought of this.

He used to be really eager to get the antidote and leave, but now he doesn't want to leave Pei's mansion.

Staying with the third master is actually... pretty good.

He couldn't tell what his feelings for the third master were, but he just couldn't bear it.

After a while, the door opened from the inside, and a paunchy rich man came out from inside, it was not Wang Pu, whoever it was.

When he saw the three teenagers guarding outside the house, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and joked with a smile: "You gentlemen, are you going in now?"

Xun Huan shook his head and said, "No need."

He did have something to say to Pei Yi, but after hearing what Pei Yi and Wang Pu had said today, he had other plans in his mind, so he didn't want to talk to Pei Yi for now.

Xun Huan thought of this, turned around and left.

Huo Yuan also said coldly: "No need."

After finishing speaking, he also turned around and left.

On the contrary, Seven Kills was Pei Yi's dead guard, so he stayed where he was and did not leave.

Wang Pu was beaten up by Seven Kills before, and he has always been a little afraid of this cold-faced gentleman.

He didn't dare to joke about Qisha, so he laughed dryly and left.

A few days later.

In the inn.

Bai Jingdao asked suddenly: "Isn't today the day when the mock exam results will be announced?"

Su Luoyun was slightly taken aback, and responded softly: "Yes."

She had been waiting to see Pei Yi's joke, and remembered this day very clearly.

However, she was very curious that this cheap sixth brother was also paying attention to this matter—maybe sixth brother also wanted to see Pei Yi make a fool of herself, just like her.

"I really want to go to Sandalwood Academy to see how shameful Pei Yi is." Bai Jingdao said with a fake smile.

Su Luoyun smiled lightly, secretly thinking that she really guessed Sixth Brother's mind correctly.

She seemed to be gentle and thoughtful and suggested with a smile: "Sixth Brother, why don't I go to Sandalwood Academy?"

"You are a lady from a famous family, you should not show your face everywhere." Bai Jingdao frowned slightly.

Su Luoyun's expression froze slightly.

She really minds people saying that she doesn't have the appearance of a famous lady.

But she really wanted to see Pei Yi die with her own eyes, otherwise, just hearing how Pei Yi made a fool of herself from others, wouldn't that be enough to relieve her anger?

Thinking of this, Su Luoyun said in a low voice: "Sixth brother is very right, I'd better send a maid to find out."

"Yes." Bai Jingdao nodded slightly in agreement.

Su Luoyun stood up, saluted and retreated.

After returning to the room, she instructed Lianqiao: "Go and order the kitchen to boil hot water now. If someone comes to me, just say that I am taking a bath, so it is inconvenient to see guests."

"Yes." Forsythia bowed her head respectfully.

Su Luoyun put on the bamboo hat directly, opened the door lightly, confirmed that there was no one in the corridor, and left in a hurry.

Hmph, Bai Lao Liu thinks she doesn't look like a famous lady, so she will sneak out.

As long as no one knows that she went to Sandalwood Academy today, then it's not worth showing her face.

The other end.


"Hey, on the street today, I saw that those scholars looked very excited today, as if they saw a beautiful girl." Wang Pu licked a melon seed and said with a big grin, "I don't know what happened to me. So happy."

(end of this chapter)

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