Chapter 140 Terrified

Where is Bai Jingdao willing to let go?

He sneered and said, "Pei Yi, do you think I'm a fool?!"

In this world, besides Pei Yi, who else would dare to bully him like this?

Now that he has become like this, Pei Yi still refuses to admit his mistake, it's really hateful!


Seeing that the other party didn't listen to her excuse at all, Pei Yi could only sigh deeply helplessly.

But she was really anxious to see the situation next door, so she tried to communicate for a while.

But who would have thought that Bai Jingdao was still in the same state of reluctance, holding her arm tightly, without the slightest intention to let her go.

Actually, it's not impossible for Pei Yi to slap the other party away.

But the problem is that Bai Jingdao is now a "sick patient"—although this injury has nothing to do with her in theory, but now that the perpetrator Xun Huan lives in her house, she feels a little guilty for no reason, and even has A delusion that he owed Bai Jingdao.

More importantly, if she accidentally hurt Bai Jingdao during the dispute, causing Bai Jingdao to be inhumane in this life, then she would be guilty of great crimes.

Pei Yi couldn't get off the tiger, so she had to sit down by the bed in despondency.

No way, Bai Jingdao might as well let her go, she can only stay here temporarily.

Unexpectedly, this stay will last for one night.

Pei Yi originally paid close attention to what was going on next door with high nervousness.

Who would have thought that this attention, attention, actually fell asleep unknowingly.

At this time, it has entered July. Although there is a bit of summer heat in the daytime, the night has begun to cool down.

Pei Yi shivered in her sleep.

But soon, she felt warm on her body.

She felt very comfortable, and unconsciously adjusted her sitting posture in her sleep, so that she could sleep more comfortably.

The next day.

Pei Yi woke up in a daze.

When she lowered her head, she realized that she was covered with a quilt—but she still maintained the posture of sitting by the bed last night.

Pei Yi was astonished, and subconsciously turned to look at the man on the bed.

Bai Jingdao woke up earlier than her, and now he is sitting on the head of the bed.

Sensing her gaze, Bai Jingdao turned his eyes away, blushed slightly and denied, "I didn't cover it for you."

The servant standing in the corner heard this and couldn't help raising his eyes slightly to look at his sixth master.

Why is Liu Ye still opening his eyes and talking nonsense?

Last night, didn't the sixth master see that Mr. Pei felt cold, so he immediately put the quilt that was covering him on Mr. Pei?

The quilt that Liu Ye is covering now, but he took it from the cabinet again later.

Pei Yi, who was sitting at the head of the bed, glanced at the inexplicably shy Bai Jingdao, her gaze became a little subtle.

Could it be... this Bai Jingdao likes her?

Oh, no, Bai Jingdao repeatedly brought up the matter of the two of them going to school when they were young.

To be precise, what Bai Jingdao likes is the original owner.

It's really unexpected, does such a bad person like the original owner have admirers?

Moreover, this admirer seems to be a little crazy in love—even though he believes that she has made him almost inhumane, he still has love for her. really...a bit unbelievable.

It's even a bit...perverted in it.

Pei Yi somehow felt a bit chilly behind her.

She suddenly felt that the current body seemed to have the potential to attract perverts.

Just as he was thinking of this, the servant in the room suddenly stood up and saluted, "I've seen Miss."

Pei Yi was slightly dazed, and subconsciously turned her head to look over.

A beautiful girl walked in gracefully, her expression was very quiet and indifferent, and she exuded the aura of a great beauty all over her body. It really made men want to look at it, but at the same time felt unattainable.

Pei Yi couldn't help feeling secretly in her heart, Su Luoyun deserves to be the heroine, her appearance, figure, and temperament are really amazing, women with S-level charm are different.

Su Luoyun came to visit her sixth brother early this morning and say hello, who would have thought that she saw an unexpected visitor.

She slightly opened her eyes and stared at Pei Yi, and then showed anger.

"Pei Sanlang, why do you still have the face to see my sixth brother?!" Su Luoyun asked angrily.

Pei Yi showed displeasure.

She was about to turn back, but Bai Jingdao, who was sitting behind her, spoke out first.

"Sister, don't be rude to guests." Bai Jingdao said calmly.

Su Luoyun was slightly taken aback, her whole body was choked up.

She really didn't understand that Pei Sanlang made her sixth brother almost unable to enjoy the happiness of human relationships, yet the sixth brother could still treat Pei Sanlang with courtesy.

Why is this?

Su Luoyun was very upset.

She suddenly thought of something else, sneered and mocked: "Today is a mock exam. Mr. Pei Lang is still sitting here, could it be that he thinks the bet is too difficult and wants to give up?"

I go!

Pei Yi turned pale in shock, only then did she realize that today is such an important day.

She stood up anxiously, but because Bai Jingdao was holding her tightly, she didn't let go, and instead she was pushed back to sit back by the force.

"Let go! I still have to take the exam!" Pei Yi said anxiously.

Bai Jingdao did not mess around at this time, and let go of his hand neatly.

Pei Yi immediately rushed out of the guest room in a hurry.

However, she was still thinking about Du Heng's matter in her heart, so she just ran away like this.

So, she turned her head and rushed directly into the next room.

The maid Lianqiao who was guarding the room saw her rushing in, her face turned pale with fright, she immediately screamed, "What are you doing?!"

Such a big movement easily alarmed Bai Jingdao and Su Luoyun in the next room.

Bai Jingdao is unable to move now, so he directly ordered his servant to go to the next door to check.

Su Luoyun was worried about Du Heng who was still resting on her bed, so she also changed her face in fright, and hurried to her wing.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw Pei Yi looking around the room, clearly looking for someone.

Su Luoyun's face changed greatly in fright, and she subconsciously looked towards her bed.

Fortunately, there was no one on the bed at the moment.

Could it be...Du Heng has already left?

She quietly walked to her maid Lianqiao, and asked in a low voice: "Has the gentleman on my bed gone?"

Lian Qiaolian shook her head, and whispered in surprise and fear: "This servant saw Du Langjun on the bed just now, but when this Pei Langjun broke in, Du Langjun disappeared all of a sudden."

Su Luoyun's mind was active, and she reacted instantly.

Du Heng must not have left, but he is hiding somewhere in the house.

This cognition can't help but make Su Luoyun's heart rise in her throat.

There are not many things in the wing room, but there are only two places where people can really hide.

(end of this chapter)

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