Chapter 132 Form a group to feed pigs

Pei Yi panicked, turned her head to look at the two men standing in the room and said, "What are you still doing?! Pull Du Heng away!"

Du Heng's wrists were grabbed by Pei Yi, and he was pressing on him. He turned his head to look at the other two little friends in the room, and said with a wicked smile: "I heard that Mr. Xun Lang and Mr. Qi Lang also want to serve the third master. In my opinion, it is better to hit the sun than choose the day. Why don't the three of us serve the third master together tonight?"

ha? !

Pei Yi was dumbfounded, and scolded: "Are you crazy?!"

"Third Master, I am also doing it for your own good." Du Heng said with a hurt face, "If you scold him like this, he will be sad."

I'm so sorry for you big-headed ghost!

Pei Yi's heart was trembling, and she cursed bitterly and said: "Have you been kicked by a donkey? What happened to you suddenly tonight?! If you don't force me to come here, won't I still love you? You are acting like this , I’ll send you back to Kyoto tomorrow!”

"Hmph!" Du Heng snorted sadly, "Go back to Kyoto! Anyway, I must give myself to the third master tonight!"

As he spoke, he pressed over to kiss Pei Yi.


Pei Yi closed her eyes, turned her face away immediately, and said in a loud voice, "Hurry up and pull Du Heng away!"

The two men who were originally standing in the room finally moved, and they came to the bed almost three steps in two.

However, instead of pulling Du Heng away, they closed the bed curtain.


Pei Yi felt that the candle light in the room was suddenly blocked.

She looked up in surprise, only to find that Qi Sha and Xun Huan had also slept together.

I'm going to eat!

"What are you doing?!" Pei Yi's face turned pale, her voice broke in shock.

"Serve the third master to sleep~" Xun Huan said with a wink.

Rely on it!

Pei Yi burst into foul language in her heart.

She was forced to the point of no choice, and said in a desperational way: "Everyone have something to say! Just say what you want me to do! Don't beat around the bush like this!"

I know you don't want to have a good time with a "broken sleeve"!

You just want to take advantage of me!

Just say what you want!

As long as I can give, I will definitely give!

Stop pretending to serve me all day like this, okay? !

However, it is already very obvious whether it is "fake".

The three of them wanted to untie her clothes, obviously wanting to get real.

Rely on it!

This is not normal!

Pei Yi turned pale in shock, and almost screamed: "Come on! Come on! Deputy Chief Wu!! Wu Kunzhi! Come out for me!!"

Come and save her!

Otherwise, her clothes would be stripped, her daughter's body would be exposed, and everything would be over!

The belt on his body has been untied.

Soon, the robe was also pulled away.

Pei Yi broke out in a cold sweat, and everyone was scared to death.

It's over!

It's over!

She, the cannon fodder, seems to be played to death by a group of bosses...


The door was suddenly broken open heavily.

Immediately afterwards, a solemn male voice sounded: "Third Master!"

Wu Kunzhi!

It's Wu Kunzhi!

Pei Yi's eyes lit up, and she quickly shouted loudly: "Wu Kunzhi, come quickly!!"

It was Wu Kunzhi who came.

When he saw the shadowy figures behind the bed curtain, his mood was really delicate.

But the little master ordered, he still walked over respectfully—however, he stopped two steps away from the bed.

"Wu Kunzhi!"

Pei Yi found that this person did not go directly to the bed, and shouted anxiously, "Come here and pull them away! They are crazy!"

Wu Kunzhi turned pale with astonishment.

How dare he hesitate, he rushed to the bed, grabbed one of the gentlemen almost as fast as he could, and then threw him out.


The person who was thrown to the ground was Xun Huan.

His placket was wide open, revealing a large honey-colored chest, and his appearance was really a bit sexy.

Wu Kunzhi's complexion became subtle, and the hand that was about to grab someone was silently withdrawn.


What's the situation?

Could it be possible that the third he having fun with the gentlemen?

"Wu Kunzhi!"

San Ye's almost broken voice rang out again in a hurry.

He heard the third master get angry and said: "You pull them away quickly!!"

Wu Kunzhi came to his senses, so he didn't dare to delay any longer. He quickly raised his hands and threw the other two gentlemen off the bed.

Du Heng was prepared, and when he fell to the ground, he rolled backwards and landed firmly on one knee.

Seven Kills is a backflip and stands on the ground.

Wu Kunzhi glanced at the two juniors in a complicated mood—that Du Langjun's clothes were messy and his cheeks were flushed, obviously he had just done something indescribable. Although Qi Sha looked normal, his clothes were a little messy, and he was obviously doing something unspeakable.

Then, Wu Kunzhi looked back at the bed.

The bed curtain was slowly pulled open, revealing San Ye's ... visibly tired face.

Third Master's hair is still messy, his clothes are not neat, and he is coughing and coughing too much.

Wu Kunzhi deeply felt that he should see no evil, and immediately buried his head deeply.

Pei Yi was extremely tired.

But because of Wu Kunzhi's presence, she was a little more confident.

She glared at the three bosses angrily, and said bitterly: "From tomorrow on, all three of you will go to the pigsty to feed the pigs—if you don't feed the pigs for a full month, you are not allowed to step into my Xingxuan!"

After all, they are the three bosses, and she can't really punish them too severely.

But if there is no punishment, what will these men do if they form a group to **** her again someday?

Pei Yi thought about it quickly, and the punishment of feeding the pigs was the most appropriate—the punishment meant it, but it wasn't difficult to complete, and it didn't hurt people's self-esteem too much.

"Third Master, just a weak man like me," Du Heng widened his eyes and said in surprise, "You have the heart to let me do that kind of rough work?"

The corner of Wu Kunzhi's mouth twitched.

The gentlemen in the backyard of the third master are really thick-skinned and oily in their words.

A man dared to call himself delicate and soft, this is... How thick-skinned is he?

"Third Master, you can fine me to bring you tea and water every day. But go to the pigsty—it's so dirty, I really don't accept it." Xun Huan protested unconvinced.

Qisha stood there silently, pursing his lips in noncommittal.

Pei Yi was so angry that she raised her finger to Xun Huan and said, "Do you still want to turn the world upside down?! If you don't go to the pigsty, then move out of my Pei mansion!"

She is crazy to let all these big guys live in her backyard!

These people even wanted to **** her tonight!

Really unreasonable!

If this continues, her identity will be exposed sooner or later!

"Third Master...don't be angry." Xun Huan saw that Pei Yi was really angry, so he gave in a little bit, and said aggrievedly, "I just go to feed the pigs."

(end of this chapter)

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