Chapter 30

Snake meat is a highly nourishing food. Luo Ge skillfully prepared a fragrant snake soup, ensuring none of it went to waste.

On such a rare occasion of making snake soup, she also sent a portion to the Village Chief's family to let them taste the delicacy.

Yesterday, if it weren't for Luo Auntie taking the lead and Ma Feng Auntie helping out, she might not have been able to so smoothly regain her advantage with Qian Momo.

The Village Chief's position might not be very significant, but in the village, he held the highest authority.

Those with connections in higher places could maneuver more freely and naturally had to maintain relationships accordingly.

Not to mention, the long-standing friendship between the two families was also at stake here.

With Gu Jinchen's hunting skills, wild game from the mountains was nothing special for them. However, it held great importance for other households. Why not use it to maintain relationships?

Moreover, since they often procured food from the mountains, if they had an abundance, others would inevitably become envious. Having the Village Chief's family on their side would help diffuse many issues.

Hunters from other villages followed this unspoken understanding. Some greedy village chiefs even demanded tributes from the hunters.

Luo Auntie and the others faced no such demands, so what harm was there in sending a few gifts as a token of goodwill?

......Next, they began preparing for planting foxtail millet.

The young couple, along with their child, toiled for seven or eight days before finally finishing the preparation and planting the foxtail millet fields.

With the major grain crop taken care of, they could breathe a sigh of relief.

After this period, the two batches of dried persimmons were also ready.

The tart-sweet dried fruit was indeed a beloved snack, not only for the little ones but also for Gu Jinchen.

"Husband, I was thinking of taking these dried persimmons to the town market to sell. What do you think?"

After setting aside two jars for home consumption, Luo Ge discussed with Gu Jinchen about first taking some to the town market to test the waters.

"Mm, good. I'll go with you."

After the incident with Qian Momo, he didn't feel at ease letting her go out alone.

And Qian Momo's case was relatively mild, as it happened within their own village.

If something were to occur in the town or elsewhere, he dared not imagine the consequences.

It would be safer for him to accompany her.

"Alright, let's bring Older Baby and Second Baby along too? We can go as a family and have a little outing."

Luo Ge understood Gu Jinchen's concerns, which was why she hadn't dared to resume her egg business lately.

She hadn't taken the two little ones to town since arriving, and tomorrow happened to be market day, so it should be quite lively.



Upon hearing the news, the two little ones cheered with glee, following closely behind Gu Jinchen.

Luo Ge ruffled their heads before continuing to work on the clothes in her hands.

She had fallen behind on sewing during the recent busyness, only picking it up a couple of times since cutting the fabrics at Wang Sister-In-Law's place.

Taking advantage of this free time, she resumed her work, deciding to make clothes for the little ones first.

Children at this age were energetic, constantly running around and getting scraped and bruised, leaving most of their clothes patched up.

Gu Jinchen didn't care much about food but was even less particular about clothes, as long as he had something to wear.

Children's clothes didn't require too much effort. If she worked quickly, they might even be able to wear their new outfits to town tomorrow.

While the little ones didn't show it on their faces, their eyes gleamed brightly when they realized Luo Ge was making new clothes for them.


Looking at the two little ones and then at the half-finished garment in his wife's hands, Gu Jinchen felt an overwhelming sourness from the persimmons he had just eaten.

At the moment, Luo Ge was focused on sewing and hadn't noticed her husband's sour mood.

The two little ones, however, perceptively sensed their uncle's unusual demeanor and shrewdly retreated to maintain a low profile.

Observing Luo Ge's concentrated expression, Gu Jinchen pressed his tongue against his back teeth.

"This style looks nice," he remarked casually.

Without lifting her head, Luo Ge replied, "Mm, Wang Sister-In-Law helped me cut it. She's very skilled."


Inhaling silently, he didn't want to admit how sour he felt that his wife's first completed garment was for the two little ones, and it seemed... he didn't even have a share.

"The color of the fabric is nice too," he grumbled in a muffled voice.

This time, Luo Ge looked up and gave him a sweet smile. "Isn't it? I like the color too. It's the fabric you picked out for me before."

As the young woman tilted her head and smiled at him, her tone carrying a sense of happiness, the sullen Gu Jinchen was momentarily stunned.

The corners of his mouth curved upwards as he touched his nose.

"Is that so?"

"Mm-hm, husband has great taste." The simple solid color matched her preferences perfectly; he had chosen well.

Hearing her words, the smile on Gu Jinchen's face broadened further.

"There's not enough fabric to make clothes for the whole family, but I used some leftover scraps from home to make you a pair of shoes. Would you like to see?"

"We can go to town tomorrow and pick out more fabric. I'll make you a new outfit too, so our family can wear matching new clothes."

As she spoke, Luo Ge put down her work and went to retrieve a pair of neatly wrapped new shoes from the clothing trunk.

Upon hearing Luo Ge's words, Gu Jinchen's sourness had completely dissipated, his entire being now exuding a sweet fragrance as if he had fallen into a vat of honey.

"This is the first pair of shoes I've made. Try them on?" She had secretly made the shoes while he was away, intending to surprise him.

Since she had thought of the two little ones, how could she leave him out?

Although the shoes were not as substantial as the children's clothes, being the first item she completed was proof of her intentions.

"Do they fit?"

"Mm, very well. Do they look nice?"

From the moment Luo Ge finished speaking, the smile hadn't left Gu Jinchen's face as he eagerly tried on the new shoes his wife had made for him, exuding an air of confidence and vigor.

His wife hadn't forgotten him, she had him in mind, and his shoes were the first ones she completed - in fact, the first shoes she had ever made.

Claiming two firsts, he felt immensely delighted in his heart.

"Very dashing and handsome."

Though they were just ordinary men's shoes, seeing his confident and vigorous demeanor, Luo Ge wholeheartedly complimented him.

After all, his confident and vigorous appearance was truly captivating and handsome.

Hearing his wife's praise, Gu Jinchen's ears turned slightly red, but he felt an overwhelming sweetness in his heart, as if he had fallen into a vat of honey.

No, sweeter than falling into a vat of honey.

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