Chapter 53

Jiang Wan knew there would be guests at her home today.

She felt a bit flustered.

The Jiang family had not received guests for many years.

That morning, as usual, she woke up early and recited the sutras, which calmed her mind.

The day before, her brother's guard had died tragically, casting a dark cloud over the household.

The elderly lady was furious that Wu Liu actually had such a bad habit, which could have corrupted Jiang Rong.

Moreover, the cause of death was so disgraceful that it would embarrass them in front of the esteemed guests.

Jiang Wan felt sympathetic, so that morning she recited the sutra for sending the deceased to the next life, a way to bid him farewell.

The vanities of this world are but a handful of yellow dust.

After finishing the sutra recitation, her maidservant Mai Zi helped her with grooming and dressing.

Mai Zi carefully and gently combed Jiang Wan's long, lush, and beautiful black hair.

"My lady, you're becoming more beautiful every day. I've never seen anyone more beautiful than you. You must be the fairest in the land," Mai Zi flatteringly remarked with her lively manner.

Jiang Wan smiled. This was merely due to their rural setting. Besides, being the fairest was not necessarily a good thing. Legend had it that Princess Huiyun, the only sister of the current Emperor, was extremely beautiful. However, after a fire severely burned her face, she now spent her days as a hermit, refusing to be seen.

After grooming, Jiang Wan went to greet her grandmother.

Today, all members of the family were present.

Her father, mother, and brother were there.

She was the last to arrive.

After the family finished breakfast and rinsed their mouths, the guests had arrived.

In reality, only two younger people were visiting, so there was no need for the entire family to assemble.

However, the Jiang family had been away from the center of power for too long, and their rural life was indeed devoid of any excitement. Hence, the entire family had assembled with a bit too much pomp and circumstance.

Meng Shaoxia and He Chen, two young gentlemen from prestigious families, conducted themselves with grace and poise. Even if they were slightly surprised, they did not show it.

The Jiang residence was spacious and bright. Although not luxuriously ornate, the porcelain vases on the antique shelves and the paintings on the walls displayed the family's cultivated background.

Upon seeing the two handsome and refined young men, Jiang Huaisheng was delighted by their vigorous spirits and noble bearing.

Being a refined gentleman himself, he engaged in pleasant conversation with them.

Seeing these two outstanding young men, he felt even more disappointed in his own son. Despite being of similar age, they had already traveled extensively and could handle affairs independently, while his son could not even complete his studies at the county school, constantly behaving in a muddled and devious manner.

Jiang Wan joined in receiving the guests, her face slightly flushed. Although she knew it was improper, her grandmother said they had to meet people, and there were not many taboos in this rural area.

She immediately noticed the young man with a square face and was briefly stunned.

Then she looked at the other young man, with his sword-like eyebrows, starry eyes, high nose bridge, and thin lips. Dressed in luxurious robes and hat, he was both handsome and debonair.

"Sister Wan greets the two gentlemen," Jiang Wan said politely as she bowed.

Jiang Rong also bowed, but he had been shaken by the gruesome death of his guard the previous day and did not sleep well, resulting in dark circles under his eyes.

Having lived in the countryside for a long time, he had become arrogant in this small place. However, when facing the distinguished scions of great families from the capital, he inexplicably felt somewhat timid.

Jiang Rong was actually not bad-looking, with a slender and plump build that was considered desirable in this era. However, his bearing was much weaker.

Meng Shaoxia and He Chen found it rather strange.

The eldest son of the Jiang family seemed quite ordinary, whereas Sister Jiang Wan had an exceptional bearing. Like a reclusive orchid, she would immediately catch one's attention in a room full of people.

Her attire was not brand new but perfectly fitting. Her hair ornaments were minimal, and her shiny black hair cascaded over her shoulders. Even before she smiled, one could see the hint of dimples, revealing that she was raised in a good and harmonious family.

Standing gracefully like a fresh lotus after the rain.

He Chen was even more flustered when she addressed him as "Brother He," inexplicably feeling his face flush. He was no longer a naive youth, with many sisters in his family and having seen many noble ladies. Yet, for some reason, he found the young lady before him exceptionally beautiful and extraordinary, as if she were radiating light.

Meng Shaoxia also felt it was rather strange. Although Sister Jiang Wan's demeanor was not typically his preference, as he did not like the rigid and conventional style of most well-bred ladies, he found himself inexplicably drawn to her.

As younger visitors, they had brought gifts and were invited to stay for a meal.

The entire exchange was delightful.

The elderly Lady Jiang was fond of Buddhist teachings and had a warm and kind presence. Despite her advanced age, traces of her former beauty remained.

Master Jiang, as rumored, was well-versed in current affairs despite being away from the court. His lofty and perspicacious insights greatly impressed the two young men.

Furthermore, his martial arts skills were formidable, and he enthusiastically sparred with Meng Shaoxia in the family's practice arena, engaging in a lively bout.

After becoming more comfortable, Jiang Rong became more talkative, knowledgeable about food, drink, and amusements. However, he seemed somewhat afraid of his father and would not speak freely in his presence.

Sister Jiang Wan, however, impressed both young men.

Living in this rural setting, her beauty was like a radiant lotus flower, truly dazzling.

Surprisingly, her speech was also eloquent and insightful, revealing her extraordinary knowledge, like an unpolished gem whose brilliance was just beginning to shine, leaving them in awe.

The noon meal was sumptuous. Although lacking the exotic delicacies found in the capital, it was absolutely delicious, featuring various snacks, local specialties, and vegetarian and meat dishes. In fact, it was the best meal they had eaten in some time.

The Jiang family's maids and servants were well-trained and orderly.

The hosts and guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

When bidding farewell, both young men felt a lingering reluctance to leave.

It was only after departing that they realized the Jiang family had another younger son whom they did not see at all that day.

The younger son of Master Jiang should be around the same age as the Heir Apparent Han, who was the current Emperor's most beloved nephew, even more so than his own sons, and was always kept by his side wherever he went.

He Chen instructed his subordinates to discreetly inquire about the reason.

They learned that the Jiang family's younger son had actually been expelled from the household by the elderly lady due to "unfilial behavior and disrespect."

This was a grave offense.

(Confucius: I never said that.)

As scions of prestigious families, they would not pry into the private affairs of others. They had visited the Jiang family and had excellent impressions of the elderly Lady Jiang, Master Jiang, and Sister Jiang Wan.

Jiang Rong was not outstanding but had no ill intentions, much like a typical young master.

The matriarch did not speak much, and He Chen was distantly related to her, addressing her as "Aunt." She was a beauty with a straightforward character.

Although it was just a visit and they could not discern much, their initial impression was that the younger son of the Jiang family must have committed grave misdeeds for the elderly Lady Jiang to be so resolute, and Master Jiang would not have agreed otherwise. 𝘧𝘳ℯ𝓮𝘸𝓮𝑏𝓷𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓁.𝘤ℴ𝘮

The two young men decided to stay for a few more days.

However, their families' guards soon arrived in Ming County, urging them to return quickly, as the situation seemed unstable.

Due to the hot weather, drought, and natural disasters, the border regions were in turmoil, and there were even rebels inciting large groups of displaced people to revolt.

Thus, both families urgently dispatched messengers to summon them back.

Their journey had only just begun, as they had agreed to travel the world together.

They felt slightly disheartened.

Meng Shaoxia suggested, "Why don't we visit Brother Jiang Feng this afternoon and ask if he is willing to join us?"

He Chen felt an inexplicable reluctance to leave the Jiang family, even though they had only met once. He even felt as if he and Sister Jiang Wan shared an unspoken connection, as if she understood him perfectly despite being separated by a room full of people.

Meng Shaoxia also found Sister Jiang Wan to be quite knowledgeable and compatible with his temperament.

However, he was more impressed by the young man Jiang Feng, as he had encountered him first.

He sent someone to inquire and learned that Jiang Feng should be at home today and had not gone out.

So, the two men, accompanied by their guards, rode their horses toward the village where Jiang Feng resided.

The mountain path was winding and narrow.

The horses did not move quickly.

After a short rest, they caught sight of the village in the distance, with scattered houses, the sounds of chickens and dogs, appearing somewhat dilapidated and unfamiliar.

At the entrance to the village stood a large tree.

An old man was resting in the shade of the tree.

After asking for directions, they continued riding up the mountain.

The sun was slanting in the west.

It was not an ideal time to visit someone's home.

The uneven path made He Chen feel impatient.


"Giggle, giggle."

"Giggle, giggle."

The sound of laughter could be heard.

Clear and melodious, like tinkling chimes under the eaves.


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