Translated by Yuzu

People from the Monster Management Bureau came quickly after receiving the news.

At the head of the group is a woman in strong clothing.

She was tall, with light brown skin and long, neatly tied hair behind her head.

“This is a high-class residential area, so how could there be monsters mixed in?” Behind her, one of the team members asked suspiciously.

“This thing is not simple……definitely not an ordinary monster.” Wen Yao looked to the banquet hall not far away and frowned.

The sound of insects crawling densely came from it, making it seem dark and depressing.

She made an immediate decision, “Contact Chief Mu immediately.”

“Just say that a species suspected to be from the abyss has appeared in the upper city.”

Wen Yao said.


What? Abyss?!

Nowadays, humans have explored almost the entire continent completely, except for one place – the abyss.

There was a highly toxic fog in the air, and the depths of the endless abyss only promised unending darkness. No one has ever come out of it alive, and humans know very little about the monsters that live there.

If it is true that monsters from the abyss appeared in the main city, the situation would be completely different.

The team members did not dare to delay and responded, “Yes!”

At this time, an old man in a butler’s uniform came over from the side and surprisingly rushed to the woman with a rash and desperate energy: “Please, save my young master, my young master is still inside!”

“Disgraceful.” Shi Zechun’s breath was unsteady as he scolded, “Drag him back!”

His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were torn. He looked like a mess, and his previous composure was gone, but he was still able to maintain his dignity.

Several servants of the Shi family obeyed the order and pulled the tearful old butler back.

Wen Yao’s eyes lingered on his body for a moment before she gritted her teeth and said:


“Won’t we wait for Chief Mu?”

Wen Yao shook her head with a grave face and took a deep breath, “It’s too late, it’s important to rescue the people first.”

Shi An soon came to the center of the change.

The guest fell to the ground, his jaws were torn wide open, and his dry skin was stretched over his bones, revealing a strange image of death. His belly had opened, and a steady stream of monster bugs was still pouring out of it.

Shi An bent down.

He used his fingers to peel away the dry tissue from the man’s torso, revealing the large, crumbling hole.

There were no internal organs in the large hole in the body. Instead, fine blood-red threads, like blood vessels, covered the ribs and occupied the entire chest and abdominal cavity.

Hidden in the depths of the silk thread was a bug the size of a fingernail.

It looked exactly the same as those bugs outside, but was much smaller, with pitch-black armor-like scales that shone with a cold, hard metallic luster. Situated at its head was an ugly face with human-like features.

As if sensing the presence of danger, the face showed a hideous and panicked look and let out an ear-piercing scream.

The blood-red threads trembled, and the surrounding monster bugs seemed to receive orders to gather in the direction of the corpse. However, due to the presence of Shi An, they did not dare to approach and could only make anxious rubbing sounds a few steps away.

Shi An lowered his head and moved closer, and then he was slightly stunned.

Some kind of sinister aura diffused from the corpse’s chest area.

Cold, dark, and like a finger silently touching the surrounding air.

——As the distance shortened, this perception became increasingly clear and distinct.

It was impossible to ignore.

The young man took a deep breath and squinted his eyes with enjoyment. His slightly narrow pupils shrank into a thin slit in that instant, and a crimson red light flashed from them.

……so comfortable.

Shi An subconsciously closed his eyes.

In the darkness, some kind of strange feeling steamed up from the depths of his soul. His fingertips, spine, and tailbone were faintly itching, as if something was going to break through his current soft and fragile human shell and grow out from between his flesh and bones.

It was not an illusion made by magic, but genuine scales, claws, and wings.

Could it help to restore his original body?!

Shi An opened his eyes and surveyed the bug in front of him with an astonished gaze.

——He changed his mind.

Shi An stretched out his hand, his soft white fingertips were covered by the dark shadow of dragon scales, and his sharp nails flashed with cold light as he slashed to the inside.

The thread broke at once.

The swarm of insects in the distance seemed like puppets that had lost their strings. They clattered to a large area, and the rest fled chaotically, as if they were headless flies.

The little bug was unavoidably fished into Shi An’s hand. A look of horror appeared on its face as it squeaked and struggled wildly with its six legs, twisting and trying to escape.

It’s a bit annoying.

Shi An rubbed his fingers together suggestively.

As if sensing danger, the little bug stiffened slightly.

It did not dare to move.

Shi An restrained the impulse to squeeze it directly to death. He used his fingertips to cut his skin and squeeze out a small drop of blood.

The blood bead stood tremblingly on top of the young man’s fair skin. It was like a ruby the size of a grain of rice, emitting a strange and brilliant light in the darkness.

Beautiful and dangerous.

The little bug paddled its legs and shivered as it tried to move away.

Shi An could not help but squeeze it, apply pressure to his fingers, and pass the bead of blood forward.

Little Bug: “……”

It was forced to do nothing but hold the blood bead and swallow it down with tears.

The moment the small drop of blood was sucked through, its legs stirred, its head tilted, and it collapsed in Shi An’s palm, like a lifeless bead.

In the next second, all the bugs in the hall were on their backs and died completely.

The teeth-grinding and scratching sound stopped instantly.

The silence was a little eerie.

Shi An contentedly tucked it into his pocket.

At that moment, there were the swaying lights, and the sound of footsteps from behind, accompanied by the cries of relief as those trapped were being rescued.

It was then that a light came on at the entrance of the banquet hall.

Wen Yao, who was standing in the doorway, was frozen.

She didn’t expect that there would actually be a living person trapped in the middle of the area occupied by the monsters.

At this point, the other side turned its head and looked over.

The young man’s skin was very bright, his body had not yet fully developed, and his shoulders were slim, revealing a sense of fragility and fineness. His eyelashes and hair showed a soft golden brown color.

He squinted, seemingly uncomfortable with the sudden bright light.

The dark hall was filled with the smell of thick, wet blood.

The ground was filled with densely packed insects, looking like hell on earth, which was shocking to the eyes. The cold darkness lurking inside filled the air with a sinister and unpredictable atmosphere.

He looked so out of place.

And……was unharmed.

Wen Yao tightened her hold on the flashlight and raised her voice to ask:

“Are you okay?”


Shi An nodded and looked well-behaved and pitiful.

He narrowed his eyes naturally, and a light smile of satisfaction passed over his lips like a flash of light.

——I couldn’t be better.

Twenty minutes later.

Shi An was wrapped in a thick blanket, holding a cup of hot milk, and nestled on the side of the road, revealing only a furry head.

The butler was rambling on and on about something on the side.

Shi An absentmindedly kept his head down and answered every now and then.


A pair of shoes appeared in front of him.

“Shi An, here you are.” The man’s voice was exceptionally cold, without much emotion: “Then, I don’t have to find a second time to specifically talk to you.”


Shi An held the milk and tilted his head to look over.

“I heard that you passed the test, not bad.”

Shi Zechun took this matter lightly, and then immediately after, his words changed, with a bit of intimidation between his words: “In that case, your brother Shi Rui will be enrolled with you this year, so you should help him a little more and don’t compete with him. Put yourself in the right position, do you understand?”

The butler clenched his fist on the sidelines and was almost out of breath:


He didn’t expect that the master was really so indifferent —— after his own son came back from the dead, the first thing he did was actually to knock Shi An out of the way of his illegitimate son.

Shi An gave a slow “oh”.

He thought about it seriously for a moment and then embarrassedly asked:

“……that, you are?”

Shi Zechun: “……”

The veins on his temples tensed up, and his voice carried a bit of gnashing of teeth: “Shi An, don’t think that you can——”

Wen Yao’s voice came from behind:

“Excuse me, sorry to interrupt.”

Shi Zechun’s anger was blocked halfway, and he turned around with a grim face – and immediately after, he saw the man standing behind Wen Yao.

At that moment, Shi Zechun felt as if all the blood in his body had been frozen.

He subconsciously took a step back.

“Sir.” Wen Yao stepped to the side and greeted the person behind her, “This person was the closest one.”

The man was tall, upright, with a sharp-edged coldness and sharpness and a kind of murderous aura that could almost materialize.

His skin was extremely white, and his long hair was tied behind his head, flowing down like a stream of silver.

Mu Heng lowered his eyes unhurriedly.

Beneath the silver-white lashes, his eyes were an icy steel blue.

His gaze was cold, like the light of a knife quenched in snow, silently sweeping over the two people before him.

“Shi An?”

His voice was just as cool as himself, indifferent and low, with a bit of a metallic texture.

Shi An raised his head and looked over.

His eyes slowly widened.

The instincts of a dragon took the absolute upper hand, crowding his mind without the slightest gap.


——Bright! Shine! Shine!

The author has something to say:

If our cub is not in human form, it’s a completely different story.

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