Chapter 221

Late at night, in Wannian County, within Lu Chengqing's residence, angry shouts periodically echoed.

“Are you a fool? Why did you order an attack on Su Li’s son?” Lu Chengtai sawthed, pointing accusingly at Lu Qiqing.

Beside him, Lu Chengqing wore an equally grim expression. They had just learned of Lu Qiqing's involvement in this matter earlier in the morning, and it had infuriated them both.

Prominent aristocratic families could defy even the imperial family because they adhered to established principles and rules, passed down by their ancestors. Surviving in the Xia region required understanding how to create and obey these rules, ensuring a family's prosperity over time. However, they had been reliant on the dynasty's resources for far too long, making their existence solely about sustaining their privileged status.

Given the foundation this, everything was open to negotiation. Recently, Su Li turned against these aristocratic families, including the Fanyang Lu Clan, resulting in the deaths of many of their members. Yet, Lu Chengqing, the head of the Lu family, remained resolute, knowing that Su Li's campaign of violence couldn't last forever.

While Lu Chengqing had considered a response to Su Li, his primary intention had been to issue a warning. He never anticipated Lu Qiqing's rash actions. Lu Qiqing had mobilized the family's trained assassins and sent them to kill Prince Yongle's son, a move that shattered the established norms.

But what were these norms? Norms represented the conventions of aristocratic families used to display their heritage and constrain their actions. Without these customary limits, their influence could lead to reckless behavior, making enemies worldwide. History was filled with examples of aristocratic families perishing due to a lack of understanding of this principle.

“Uncle, Father, I can't accept this!” Lu Qiqing declared, his eyes burning with determination.

“Su Li has been killing our clan members relentlessly, taking eight lives in just ten days! The Fanyang Lu Clan has a thousand years of history. We're not Su Li's pawns!”

Lu Qiqing's face contorted with anger. “If Su Li wants to involve us in his feud, I'll show him the pain of losing family!”

Before he could finish, Lu Chengtai's hand struck Lu Qiqing's face forcefully.

“Your fifth uncle exploited resources and harmed commoners. Your older cousins ​​were responsible for their deaths,” Lu Qiqing retorted, “As the Magistrate of Wannian County, you should understand how to handle such transgressions legally. Their deaths were a result of their own actions!”

Lu Chengtai snapped back, “If that's your stance, you're free to disassociate yourself from this. I'll shoulder all the consequences.”

“You stubborn child! What consequences can you bear? Can you handle them?” It was the first time his son had so vehemently challenged Lu Chengtai, leaving him angry.

At this moment, Lu Chengqing, silently observing the exchange, finally intervened.

“Enough, let's put an end to this matter. Among those privileged to this, only the three of us and Cui Shu know. The Cui Clan shares our honor and disgrace, and Cui Shu will undoubtedly maintain our secret. If Su Li can't find any evidence, he won't be able to take action against us.”

Lu Chengqing's demeanor remained composed, and he even began to believe that the consequences might not be as dire as initially feared. In the Tang Dynasty, actions needed evidence to be substantiated. Su Li's agents would typically lay out the crimes committed by their victims to justify their killings, but in this case, there would be no evidence of murder. Whether they succeeded or not, the assassins sent out would not survive. Like himself, Lu Chengqing was certain that Cui Shu would protect their respective families to the end. Their longstanding marital alliance had bound their fates together, making betrayal unthinkable.

“Keep this matter to yourselves! Tomorrow morning at the court assembly, I will join other prominent families opposing Su Li. This will dispel any suspicions he might have.”

Ordinarily, assassinating someone's son one day and facing them at a court assembly the next would be unnerving. Still, Lu Chengqing intended to signal to Su Li that they had no ulterior motives.

“That's enough for today everyone should rest,” Lu Chengqing said, waving his hand.

As they were about to leave, a loud commotion erupted outside, followed by the thunderous sound of approaching hooves and the clash of blades. The screams of household servants filled the air, sending a chill down their spines.

The three of them rushed outside, and the sight that met their eyes was horrifying. The courtyard was filled with fully armed soldiers, and the Lu Clan's guards lay wounded on the ground amid the overpowering stench of blood.

When Lu Chengqing saw Su Li standing among the soldiers, his fear was palpable.

“Attacking a high official's residence with armed forces, Prince Yongle, are you planning to rebel?” Lu Chengqing shouted in anger. In their millennia-long history, they had experienced military uprisings during times of turmoil, but never in peacetime would someone dare to attack the Lu Clan's leader's home.

Despite his understanding, Su Li had taken this audacious step, and Lu Chengqing felt a sense of impending doom. To someone as ruthless as Su Li, escape routes mattered little if he had already started killing.

Su Li's expression remained cold as he questioned, “Why did you attempt to assassinate my son?”

Those words sent shockwaves through the three from the Lu Clan. While Lu Qiqing had been assertive earlier, witnessing the scene before him filled him with fear.

“Prince Yongle, what are you insinuating? The Lu Clan has never attempted to assassinate your family members,” Lu Chengqing tried to distance his family from the situation.

Su Li couldn't help but laugh. “Bold in words but timid in action... Your so-called lineage is like rats in a sewer, living a life of fear and compromise, aren't you?”

His tone turned ice-cold. “Perhaps I haven't killed enough for you to understand... But why would I, Su Li, need a reason for my actions?”

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