Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 76 First Kill After Succession

I was teleported out of the passageway, only to find myself at the very depths of the oceanic lava.

I am talking about me, literally swimming beneath the ground level of the oceanic lava.

"this is insane".

Constantly being bathed in lava and yet my body shows no sign of burning, nor do I feel the heat. If anything, I feel extremely warm.

I clasped my legs together and swarm to the surface, wondering how I am still fine despite being inside of a lava.

My reasons for being capable of movement in here must be connected to me having a fire attribute mana core, at least that is what I think.

If that truly is the reason, then boy this core sure is wonderful to have in a fire type environment.

Days ago I was terrified of the lava, but now, I am swimming in it, who would have known such was going to happen.


I finally reached above the lava surface and hastily shook my head out and breathed in the air deeply, that was one hell of a swim.

Being inside the lava to me is no different from swimming inside normal water, except for feeling warm in the lava instead of cold like the water.

Not warm in a dangerous way, but warm in a cool, calm and refreshing way.

Its like I never want to take another step out of here, but I know that isn't going to be possible.

'Oracle, can you teleport me out of here to floating in midair'.

[certainly master].

'good, get to it'.

The teleportation circle appeared below my feet, and the light coming from it shone even on the lava. In no time, I already found myself floating in midair.

'alright now keep on teleporting me in midair until I get to a nearby mountain'.

I would have actually love to have Oracle teleport me out of this fire like world, but I decided not to because I want to explore the remains of this place.


'what is it Oracle'.

[i have detected life signals about twenty three miles from where you are].

'you can sense that far?.....'

[yes I can master].

'wow, when I was using perception, the most I can see is in front of me or two miles away from me'.

'can you describe what kind of life form it is...'

[one hundred and seventy-two inches tall, weighing about five tons, poorly groomed red furs covering its body, two small rounded ears, four legs, capable of standing on two or walking on all fours, with huge paws as a front leg.

'o....kay, that kind of sounds dangerous or is it just me?, I am still going to go though. Oracle...'.

Without ever having to complete my sentence, Oracle had already known what i wanted as it teleports me to the volcanic mountain the monster was on.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Once I got to the mountain, the teleportation cycle stopped and i landed on my two feet perfectly.

'time to go find me some monster meat'.

I dashed forward into the cave located within the mountain with speed and Oracle displaying the path leading to the monster in my head.

The route I was running through felt strangely familiar, like I had walked through the path before. The nooks and crannies, none escaped me as I brushed past it all with my speed.

Oracle informed me that the familiarity I felt towards the route is all an effect caused by my perception of it.

The moment I laid my eyes on the road, the perception had filled my head with knowledge of it, how many corners I need to take, how far the distance I had to run before getting to the corners.

Its like my body is moving by itself through the route, with my brain feeding it information that my consciousness has no record of.

I had almost gotten to the end of the map when I noticed a figure vigorously sprinting towards me.

strangely enough, or coincidentally enough. This figure took on the shape that Oracle had described for me earlier.

Although, It was running towards me on its four legs and not two. Oracle did say it could use whichever it wanted to.

The monster was now within the range of my physical vision, and I saw the aggressiveness with which it's eyes is filled with.

I sprung into action as I also dashed at the monster heading towards me.

Being closer to it, I saw that truly, it was huge, but not the biggest I have encountered with.

The me of before would have cowered and ran for my dear life before this monster, but now, Instead of running, I chose to stand my grounds against it.

I and the monster were on the verge of colliding when I jumped up and crossed over its head.

It's fast, but not fast enough to catch me. It's speed is more of something it got from an adrenaline rush when it charged towards me earlier.

The monster turned around and stood on two of its legs with the two front hands folded up.

Seeing it standing on two legs, I realized just how bigger it was, it's like it's size standing on four multiplied by two standing on its two's.

ƥαṇdαηθνε| Still, I do not feel threatened nor terrified by its height, if anything, i feel myself getting too relaxed before a monster of this height.

I understood once again how good it felt to see a monster and not feel fear but absolute dominance.

The monster swung its right paws at me, but with ease and calmness overflowing within me, I stretched out my right hand.

I imagined vines coming out from the floor beneath the monster, and used the vines to hold it down before its paws got to me.

The monster with its body all tied down by the vines could do nothing but watch helplessly as I walk towards it.

"i am not killing you because I want to, nor am I doing it because I enjoy seeing things die",

"physically, you pose no threat to me, I will be a phoney to take that as the reason for your pre-determined death".

"I am killing you right now because i need your meat to satiate my hunger".

"this is just another form of survival in here, and you are just another victim of a being fighting for survival".

Finishing my words, I brought the monster's head below with the vines so I could reach it, and slit off its head in one clean strike using my hand.

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