Ace of the Dragon Division

Chapter 957 - Public opinion Whirlpool in America

Chapter 957: Public opinion Whirlpool in America

“Representative Morton, you can accuse the current team of participating in this. Just the day before yesterday, the aircraft carrier fleet, one of the top ten undead, was completely annihilated. This war was fought in an extremely ugly way and seriously insulted the image of the M nation’s military. The current government team can not shirk some of the responsibility.” Stenson picked up his phone and immediately called the new Member of Parliament. Now, Senator Jerry had gone to the democracy side to be a candidate, but he was actually an undercover. He hadn’t been an undercover agent for long, but he had already bribed Adams, a middle-level figure in the CIA. Adams knew that Jerry would be a core figure in the future political power, especially after he was poached to the Democratic side, he felt that he needed to find a Big Shot, so he was bribed by Jerry to do the dirty work. Frankly speaking, the entire CIA was taking sides, and some of them were even high-level fighters. They were like a bunch of poor souls who lived and died for politics. Most of the CIA’s intelligence was shared by the higher-ups for personal gain. Although Jerry had left, the socialists still needed someone to come out and continue to bite the president and his gang, and Morton was now Stenson’s microphone. After Morton heard the phone call, he exclaimed,””Is this true?” Stenson: “it’s absolutely true. I think they’re just temporarily blocking the news. Now we need someone to instill the truth into the people. They always report the good news but not the bad news. You should reveal the truth.” “Yes, that’s right, I need to tell those people how stupid the current dynasty they support is. Thank you for the good news, Mr. Stenson, I’ll get ready right away.” After Stenson hung up the phone, he was in a better mood. Let this old dog go to the Parliament to make a scene. It was time to put pressure on those groups. The more pressure he put on them, the more the people in the land of mercenaries would be able to breathe. On social media, the land of mercenaries ‘official spokesperson posted a video. This video caused an uproar on the entire social media platform. The video showed the scene of ten major towns in the land of mercenaries being blown up, and there were dead and injured everywhere. The video was not exaggerated at all, and it was the most realistic scene. In the video, Kush, as the president, personally said,””This is the ugly behavior of the International police in the United States. These people are our people, they are not armed, they are just ordinary people, but the air strike of the United States has completely fed the law of war to the dogs. Do you people have human rights? Are you people of America superior to others? Just because the people here used to be bandits and criminals in exile, their human rights had been deprived and they had to be sacrificed for nothing, right? Even if they don’t resist, can’t they change their lowly personality?” “According to the statistics, the US fighter jet bombing this time has caused the death and injury of our people to reach 100000 people, and the death count is more than 50000! 99% of them are ordinary people. If the M Nation uses this international law to show off your awesomeness, then I’m not convinced! Even if the whole world spurns our country and supports the United States, I will stand up and say one thing, we will fight to the death! Please give us an explanation, as well as an explanation to the people who yearn for peace and equal human rights. ” The forum immediately exploded. The Americans ‘bombing of ordinary citizens was considered a taboo in war. It was not in line with the laws of war. If the people did not resist and were not armed, you had no right to use weapons to kill them! Obviously, with the broadcast of this video, the United States was pushed to the forefront of the storm. Especially Kush’s last sentence: “are you merikans the only ones who have human rights?” It became a joke that the rest of the world laughed at. Finally, the White House spokesperson stepped out and said,””In addition to Kush’s remarks, I’m here to respond. I think there’s a misunderstanding in many people around the world about this. You know, in the past, the land of mercenaries was a country that had National Armed Forces, with mercenary teams of all sizes and firearms everywhere. Come on, brother, can you stop joking with us? “We have intelligence, and we’re not stupid. What if ordinary people like you suddenly pick up your guns and shoot our soldiers? Since it’s a war, we’ll talk about it after it’s over. If you feel pity, then why did you persist in the beginning? If you had surrendered earlier, they wouldn’t have suffered such injuries. ” What a Rascal. It was the typical American style. After Kush watched the video of the speech, he was so angry that his nose was almost crooked. Then, he stood up and recorded the video again.””If that’s the case, then we have nothing to say. We’re not afraid of trouble, but we’re not afraid either. We’re not a weak race that you can bully as you please!” After he finished speaking, the atmosphere changed. The video of the entire seaside being overturned and slaughtered by the deviant Corp was exposed. The bodies of the US soldiers and the burned American flag were everywhere, as well as the silent aircraft carrier with its mouth half in the sea. These were all scenes taken by the patrolling soldiers. In slow motion, the sea was even more terrifying. From a bird’s eye view, the bodies of the American soldiers were all over the sea, and it was really a scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood. “According to statistics, the United States Army has 9380 people, in addition to the Air Force, 2115,15 senior officers in active service, one senior General Commander, and sank the most powerful aircraft carrier in active service. They captured seven fighter jets, five military helicopters, and 22 active tanks on the ship. This was our quick counterattack after ten of our cities were attacked by air strikes. Originally, we could have captured the soldiers, but after seeing that more than 50000 of our people had died, we decided not to accept the surrendered prisoners and killed them all!” This scene had really taken a sharp turn, or rather, the plot twist was simply too big! Just a moment ago, the land of mercenaries was still showing sympathy for the weak, but in the blink of an eye, it had turned into a ‘high energy in front’ mode. The citizens were dumbfounded. Especially the people of America. That’s one of America’s top ten commanders and the aircraft carrier battle group. You were so pitiful just now, but in the blink of an eye, you’re wearing sunglasses and pretending to be a pig to eat a Tiger! That scene was real! War journalists had already returned to the country and started reporting on the war. Because the land of mercenaries was a country with no communication devices and no satellites, the content they took could only be sent from the land of mercenaries to their own companies. After comparison, it was certain that the first wave of attack from the United States had been destroyed! Someone compared the list of participants and was shocked to find that the number of American troops on the list was almost the same as the number of American casualties recorded in the land of mercenaries. The corpses of the high-ranking officers and commanders posted on the internet confirmed that the United States had completely lost this battle! (Another chapter tonight)

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