Ace of the Dragon Division

Chapter 885 - There’s a big fish to catch tonight

Chapter 885: There’s a big fish to catch tonight

Lin chuxue was taken to the Army, to the military camp in the suburbs, which was heavily guarded. The vehicle escorting her was escorted into the military area by the soldiers, and at the same time, someone sneaked in quietly, and that person was Xu Cheng! Lin chuxue was taken to the place where she was being held and given a full physical examination, including whether there was a navigation tracking chip implanted in her body. The examination results showed that there was no problem. “There are no tracking chips implanted. Everything is normal.” A female doctor scanned Lin chuxue and said to a high-ranking official of the sixth Bureau. The high-ranking official frowned.”Then we can rule out the possibility that the problem is with this woman. Could it be that there really is a mole among our higher-ups who is responsible for all this behind the scenes?” While Xu Cheng was invisible, he noticed that a nurse was drawing blood for Lin chuxue and then left with the blood sample. He narrowed his eyes and followed the nurse. The nurse went to the laboratory, and there were already a few doctors waiting inside. “Teacher, here you go.” A silver-headed doctor took the sample and nodded. His partner behind him asked curiously,””I’m curious why you suddenly accepted this research. She’s just an ordinary woman. I just went to take a look, and she doesn’t have any possibility of illness. Why are you studying her blood?” The silver-headed doctor shook his head.”Mr. Ross told me that this woman died once. A bullet went through her brain. What do you think the chances of her surviving are?” “One in ten million!” “Did he really die?” his partner asked. The doctor nodded.”There are records at the funeral home in Switzerland. She is indeed dead. That’s why I’m curious about how she came back to life. I just wanted to check it out purely out of curiosity.” Xu Cheng wasn’t in a hurry to make a move. If he did, he would expose himself. This was the military, and there would be thousands of people rushing out at any time, and he couldn’t handle it alone. However, this experiment had to be stopped! The silver-haired doctor analyzed the sample, and the moment he put his eye under the microscope, Xu Cheng felt like it was an opportunity. A powerful current flowed through his hand, passing through a wire in the laboratory, and then the current flowed directly to the microscope equipment used by Professor Silver. Bang! The power was in chaos for a moment. The transformer couldn’t withstand the power and exploded. In particular, the silver-haired doctor’s microscope had a strong current flowing through it. After the lens exploded, the debris of the lens flew into his eyes. “Ah!” The silver-haired doctor screamed and subconsciously covered one of his eyes with both hands. Blood seeped out from the gaps between his fingers. “Teacher!” The nurse ran over to help him. The silver-haired doctor’s entire eye was injured by the glass shards, and he fell back. His partner directly took his arm away and looked at his eyes. Not long after, a few soldiers rushed in.””What’s wrong?” “The voltage was unstable just now and caused the microscope to explode. The lens directly pierced his eye.” “Don’t say anymore, let’s go for treatment first. ” His partner helped the silver-haired doctor to the operating room. The nurse also helped to leave first. After everyone left, Xu Cheng looked at the blood sample, and there was a label on it that said: Nicole. He casually took a blood sample from the blood bank, put on a label with Nicole’s name, and then put it where Lin chuxue’s blood sample was. Lin chuxue’s sample was casually thrown into the garbage bag, and then Xu Cheng walked out and went back to the place where Lin chuxue was held and continued to guard her. The new Lord of Europe received a call from his subordinate in the military. “Dr. Koman is injured.” “What?” The Supreme Lord was a little surprised,’how did you get injured? Why was he injured? Wasn’t he in the military hospital? Don’t tell me they’re going to rush in?” “No, it’s not that. There were some accidents, and the experiment might have to be delayed for a while.” “F*CK!”The Lord was furious,”do you know how much I paid to get Koman to do experiments?” How could you be so careless? How’s his injury?” “His left eye might be blind. After the surgery, the possibility of recovery is very low. He needs to be hospitalized for three months.” The great Lord was speechless,’hospitalized? ‘How the hell do I have the time to continue my research after he’s hospitalized? He was about to be rescued by the deviant Corp, and now it was a race against time. While Nicole was here, if the deviant Corp really caused trouble in United Kingdom, I wouldn’t be able to explain it to the Queen! If we can’t get rid of the deviant Corp, this woman won’t be able to hold on any longer. Tell Koman’s partner that I’ll give him a sum of money to fund his laboratory with 50 million dollars! Tell him to finish the experiment as soon as possible. I need an answer!” “Alright, I’ll make the necessary arrangements.” After hanging up the phone, the person in charge of the military found Koman’s partner and arranged for him to continue the research on Lin chuxue’s resurrection. Koman’s partner saw the 50 million check and was very tempted. This could allow him to do other academic research, so he agreed. When he returned to the lab, Koman’s student nurse was also working as his assistant. The two of them didn’t know that the blood sample had been switched. Everything was normal when they finished the test report. When the Lord of Europe received this result, he was dumbfounded. “Is there a mistake? On the X-ray, you clearly saw that her brain was intact. How did she get repaired? there must be some kind of biological agent left in her brain or blood, just like when Hawking stood up. This woman definitely has research value, and you said you didn’t find anything? All the data in her blood was normal? Are you sure?” The Supreme Lord shouted over the phone. “I’m sure. Based on my 40 years of experience in research, the results are all normal. There’s nothing different or found.” Koman’s partner said. “Pass the phone to inspector Charlie.” The exalts couldn’t be bothered to talk to this fellow. After his subordinate Charlie answered the phone, the Lord said to him,””Wait for me, I’ll come over personally. I’ll take my helicopter here tonight and land at the airport of the strata Hotel in London I want you to pick me up and arrange for the most reliable elite soldiers. Also, this matter can not be revealed to anyone.” “Got it, I’ll make the arrangements.” Charlie nodded. However, he didn’t expect that Xu Cheng, who was in the corner, had been listening to his conversation the whole time. Even if it wasn’t on speaker, with Xu Cheng’s hearing sensitivity, it wasn’t hard for him to eavesdrop on everything. The deviant Corp’s temporary base. Li Wei received a message,”tonight, there will be a helicopter on the top floor of the strata hotel building. The person inside is a big fish. Take him down!” Li Wei’s mouth slightly smiled, and he said in a clear voice,””Vala, diesel, Mali, Chekhov, the four of you will join forces to catch a big fish tonight!”

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