A Saint Who Was Adopted by the Grand Duke

Chapter 121: Episode 121: When Desires Clash (Xv)

Episode 121: When Desires Clash (XV)

“Is there no way to cure it?”

“…I don’t know.”

The high priest groaned, grasping his arm, which he had bumped as he fell.

Count Elius clenched his forehead in bewilderment.

“Can’t you heal with the divine power you boast so much about? What have you done for the situation to get to this point?”

“Do you know that divine power is infinite? I don’t know when I’ll need it, so I can’t pour it on commoners like that. I need to save it for an important time.”

“What if the disease spreads throughout the empire in the meantime?”

“Everything is the Goddess’ will.”

The count was exasperated, and as he looked into the maddened high priest’s eyes, he realized that words would not work.

“I have to report it to His Majesty right away.”

It was only now that he understood how people kept disappearing from within the territory and why the number of unknown corpses was increasing.

“First, gather the corpses and burn them. Next, move all the living people to a clean room and get them treatment.”

At the count’s command, several knights went through the iron gate.

The people who were isolated inside looked like they had already given up on their lives.

“High Priest, you will have to take responsibility for covering up the disease. And…”

“Free us! Or we will report the count’s evil deeds to the main temple!!”

Outside, the priests were clamoring for release.

The count paused, frowned, and gave the order again.

“Gather them all and put them in the same room as the patients.”

“What are you saying? Could it be that you’re going to put us in the same place as the plague maggots?”

“As of today, the temple is closed. Originally, I was going to send all of you off nicely, but I changed my mind after knowing how things became like this. All of the priests will be used to cure the disease.”

“Nonsense! It can’t be like this!”

The high priest and the other priests fought hard not to be dragged away. However, the strength of the knight could not be overcome.

“What are we going to do now?”

“The ordeal will soon pass. The Goddess will show us the way. Let’s pray together.”

Count Elius looked at the priests with contempt as they brought their hands together and began praying earnestly.

“Such pitiful things.”

Then he watched the patients being transferred to a clean room and exited the temple with the hem of his cloak flying.

“Keep an eye on the treatment. If you need anything, I’ll provide. I will send you plenty to eat.”


“Some of you should go around the village and gather all the sick people. From now on, I will use this place as an infectious disease treatment center.”

Count Elius glanced back at the temple, wishing that the disease had not gotten out of hand.

As usual, the dazzling sunlight was pouring down over the temple with its spire rising high.


As soon as Noah left Tersia, he dashed down the fastest road to the Imperial Palace.

Velizia Road was one of the largest roads, and it overlapped with the path coming out of the main temple.

While running effortlessly, Noah noticed something approaching from the other side and gradually slowed down.

“Isn’t that a carriage of the temple?”

“Yes. I can see the crest of the temple. It seems to be transporting something urgently.”

In Noah’s eyes, the three carriages and the group of paladins which surrounded them looked very suspicious.

“Why are they moving with such a tight defense?”

After narrowing his eyes and pondering for a moment, Noah took the reins again.

“Let’s go.”

“What? But if the news of the closure had been reported, there might be a dispute.”

“They won’t know yet. When they left the main temple, it was probably before it started, so it should be okay.”

It was clear that the paladins covering the carriage still viewed the imperial court as friendly.

Noah rode his horse and blocked the paladins’ way.

At the sudden interruption, Paladin Alec showed hostility, ready to draw his sword at any moment.

“We are paladins who receive orders from the temple. Who are you to block us?”

“A paladin doesn’t know who I am. Will you remember after seeing this?”

Noah held out a card which proved he was the crown prince.

Alec, who had not expected to meet the crown prince on this road, widened his eyes in embarrassment.

“I am Paladin Alec. I see His Highness the Crown Prince.”

Once Noah was greeted with familiarity, he got off his horse. Alec also got off the horse in a hurry, following Noah.

“What are those carriages? I’m curious about what you’re transporting.”

Alec hesitated for a moment, but remembering that there was no order to hide the contents, he answered truthfully.

“It’s holy flowers.”

“Holy flowers? All three carriages? Where are you taking it?”

“I cannot tell you that.”

Noah’s doubts grew even more when the reply implied that all the carriages contained were holy flowers.

“You’re taking that much holy flowers? Those precious flowers? What kind of abnormal transaction are you up to?”

“Absolutely not. There is a place that needs it, which is why I’m taking it.”

After that, Alec refused to answer any more questions. Noah withdrew for the time being, as if he tried to push further, it would cause friction.

“Okay. you may get going.”

“All right, I’ll take my leave.”

Alec climbed back onto his horse and escorted the carriages in line.

Staring at their backs, Noah caressed his chin slowly.

“Isn’t it suspicious?”

“Yes. That amount is enough to buy a small or medium estate. There aren’t many holy flowers in the temple right now, so this is strange.”

“We need to find out. Where are the flowers going and what is it used for?”

Sensing shady movements, Noah hastily called one of his escorts who specialized in stealth.

“Chen, follow that procession secretly. As soon as you find out the destination, send a telegraph.”

“All right.”

After a final glance at Chen’s back as he started trailing the carriage, Noah resumed his ride back to the palace.


“How did it go?”

Disturbed, Esther couldn’t stay still in her room, thus she went outside and wandered around the garden.

She heard that her father and Noah went to the temple together in the morning, and she was very curious about the situation.

There seemed to be no schedule after the temple. How long did she wait? At the sound of the ground shaking, she raised her head.

Then, she saw the figure of Deheen riding a horse. He was armed, but it wasn’t scary at all.


Esther smiled broadly and ran to where Deheen had stopped.

When Deheen realized that Esther had been waiting for him, his face twitched and then slowly relaxed. It was his first smile today.

Deheen spread his arms wide and lightly hugged Esther, who had run up to him.

“Have you been waiting?”

“Yes. I’m curious about the results…”

“Let’s go in. I was thinking of calling everyone.”

After embracing Esther dearly, Deheen naturally held her small hand and entered the mansion.

“Ben, you must see that change every day, right?”

“I’m used to it now.”

“Right. I’m just afraid I’ll get used to it.”

The knight commander, who had followed Deheen to the grand ducal residence to report on how the priests had been dealt with, rubbed his arm in fright.

Goosebumps sprouted on his forearms, probably because the grand duke looked so different from when he was dealing with them.

“It’s comfortable once you get used to it.”

Ben told the knight commander to stay strong and went inside.

Deheen took Esther to the living room. Dennis and Judy, the former sitting on the sofa in the library and the latter running around in the playground, were both called into the living room.

“I was just getting warmed up… What happened?”

Having been caught while working out before lunch, Judy rolled his shoulders as if he felt uncomfortable that he hadn’t finished his workout yet.

On the other hand, Dennis, after noticing Deheen’s armament, recalled the conversation they had yesterday and guessed what it was about.

“Have you returned from the temple?”

Alternating his eyes between Judy and Dennis, who were twins yet very different, Deheen smiled.

“Yes. I’ve closed the temple. So, I want to ask you guys something.”

Looking at Esther and the twins sitting next to each other on the sofa, Deheen lowered his voice seriously.

“I am thinking about doing some relief work in the place where the temple used to be. Will you help too?”

“What can we do?”

Ever the enthusiastic one, Judy was the first to show interest.

“Tell me what you think you can do.”

“Hmm… I can give money.”

Knowing full well that money was all over the house, Judy smiled brightly, adding, “When else would I use it if not in times like this?”

“That’s not allowed.”

However, Deheen shook his head resolutely.

In this instant, Esther recalled giving a diamond to Jerome. She wiggled her hand.

“Giving money is a simple but temporary way. It won’t help long term. And poor people are more likely to lose their money.”

After taking a few seconds to gather her courage, Esther spoke up in a dejected voice.

“Dad, actually, last time… I once gave diamonds to a child in the slums.”

Actually, Deheen already knew about it as the escorts had informed him. He calmly rebuked Esther.

“It’s okay. You’re still young, so you can make mistakes. Good intentions are never wrong.”

It wasn’t a good thing, but Deheen didn’t hold back praise because he was afraid that the children’s hearts would be hurt.

“But if you really want to help, you have to give them what they need to live rather than material things.”

“You mean books? They seemed to need education the most.”

Sensing Deheen’s intentions, Dennis responded with a twinkle in his eyes.

“That’s right. It’s the toughest but most necessary method.”

“Then, can children from the slums also take classes now?”

Esther asked cautiously.

“It would be good to open a basic school where not only children from the slums can attend, but also anyone who has not received basic education.”

“Father, a soup kitchen. How about offering one meal every day at a fixed time?”

When Deheen saw the children pouring out their thoughts with excitement, his eyes softened greatly.

He was worried that they might resemble him and be blunt in everything, but they grew up warmer than anyone else.

“Dad, I want to donate the diamonds I have collected. Can I?”

Needless to say, the budget for the temple was sufficient, but Deheen nodded, understanding Esther’s desire to help.

“Sure. I plan on accepting donations, so don’t put your name on it.”

“Yes, hehe.”

Esther was overjoyed that the closing of the temple had led to better results.

“Disappearance of the temple will confuse those seeking healing. I will arrange for a doctor, but medicine and divine power are different…”

Deheen’s clear eyes turned to Esther. Esther noticed the meaning and smiled brightly.

“I can help. I can make holy water, is that enough?”

But the moment she uttered she could make holy water, the expression of the other three people suddenly morphed into astonishment.

“Is holy water something you can make because you want to make it?”

“No. According to what I read in the book, holy water is barely made by high priests after praying for several days. It’s written that it’s extremely difficult to make.”

Esther’s cheeks flushed as she spoke, with a face and in a tone expressing it was nothing special.

“Actually, the fountain in our house… All of that is holy water.”

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