Editor: Z0Rel

How long have I been waiting in front of the main gate of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect?

When the number of curse sorcerers gathered in front of the gate exceeds ten thousand, a deep roar resonates.


The main gate of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect opens.

Inside the opened gate, a boy dressed in a black robe waits for us with a neat and composed appearance.

"I extend my deepest thanks to the many of you who have gathered here at the request of our sect. As those who know may know, we have previously sought out specialists in certain fields several times before."

The boy continues his explanation.

"In fact, what we are looking for at the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect are about ten curse sorcerers of first-rate skill or above. In other words...unfortunately, the vast majority of you who have gathered here will need to return home."

At those words, voices of dissatisfaction can be heard from various places.

"Hey, what do you mean by that!?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"I gave up a better mission to come here!"

I watch indifferently, arms crossed, observing how things will unfold.

The boy smiles slightly, ignoring the clamor of the curse sorcerers, and raises one finger.

"Those who know may know... Now, let us begin the test to see if you meet the level of curse sorcerer we require."


At that moment, the silhouette of a gigantic monster appears behind the boy.


This monster harbors powerful demonic power and also possesses a bizarre corpse energy.

And I feel a strong sense of déjà vu from this monster.

"This creature's name is Bi (泌). As those who know may know, it is created by capturing fragments of Vestiges (尸/Shi) from the Interdimensional Void and fusing them with the corpses of creatures from the Bright Cold Realm. They are very ferocious and difficult to kill. Moreover, because we have specially modified them, these creatures absorb curses to further enhance their physical power."

As the boy speaks, he soars into the air.


The monster named Bi, supports its upper body on the ground.

The ground trembles, and a tingling sense of crisis surges through the air.

"From now on, only those who can pass through the main gate of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect without being touched by Bi will be considered for further tasks. I wish you all good luck."

The boy then disappears inside the gate, and Bi, remaining in motion, completely blocks the main gate of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect with its massive body.

"Damn it! Is a major sect supposed to be this outrageous? I heard that if I just came, they would give me a mission!"

"They really are going too far. How much did I spend just to get here!"

"Tch, eat well and live well!"

About a hundred curse sorcerers of dubious skill swiftly exit the venue.

Those who remain seem to be somewhat confident about curses.

'All of their skills seem ambiguous.'

I click my tongue and look around.

Everyone seems to possess some confidence, but it appears that most of them extemporaneously dived into curses and harbor vain hopes.

These people will likely be filtered out at this gateway.

'There's no real need to observe something like this.'

I walk towards Bi silently.

As I approach the gate, Bi bares its teeth and growls.

'Vestiges (尸)...'

The monsters I had seen in the Interdimensional Void.

These creatures are apparently called Vestiges.

Bi raises its front paw to strike me.

I walk on without care, hands clasped behind my back, lost in thought.


Its paw rushes forward.

But in the next moment, the dark curse spells I am wearing completely melt its paw.

The creature screams and twists its body, while I calmly continue to dissolve Bi's body and advance.

At the same time, I analyze the energy I feel from the creature.

'It certainly resembles those from the Interdimensional Void.'

I ask Bi Yul

"Do you know what Vestiges are?"

[Yes, my Lord.]

"Tell me about it."

[Understood. Vestiges are shells.]

His explanation continues.

[Vestiges are the shells the Entering Nirvana True Persons (眞人), the Quasi-Immortals (准仙) must shed when undergoing Ascending Metamorphosis (羽化) into True Immortals. These husks are mostly discarded in the Interdimensional Void, surviving for millions of years, attacking those who traverse the void, and over time, they break down, weaken, and eventually turn to dust that is expelled into the Astral Realm where they nourish the births of new stars.]


Monsters of the Interdimensional Void.

That these Vestiges are actually the discarded remnants of Entering Nirvana cultivators undergoing Ascending Metamorphosis into True Immortals is intriguing.

It's a new fact.

'From the Integration stage, a small world (小世界) begins to form within the body, and by the Entering Nirvana stage, even the discarded husks become powerful enough to be considered small worlds...?'

"If these are the shells left behind during Ascending Metamorphosis..."

The Dao on Earth and the Dao of this world are distinctly different.

Yet, there were many similarities, and Ascending Metamorphosis is one of them.

"So, the physical bodies that the Entering Nirvana cultivators have been training up to Ascending Metamorphosis turn out to be these shells. Is that right?" 

[Correct. One can say they are essentially the remains of the bodies of those Entering Nirvana True Persons.]


As I listen to the explanation about Vestiges, I finally succeed in breaking through Bi's body to the other side.


Despite walking rather slowly, it seems I am the first to arrive.

Behind me, other curse sorcerers are screaming and trying to pierce through Bi with various curses, but it seems futile.

The path I had made through Bi writhed and regenerated in an instant.

"Hello, Sir. Please tell me your name and the sect you belong to."

The boy who had summoned Bi approaches me with a smiling face and asks.

"Seo Li. I am from the Black Ghost Valley."


The boy records my name and moves on to the next curse sorcerers arriving, asking for their names and affiliations.

'Hmm, that boy...'

I notice something peculiar in the boy's eyes.

'A practitioner of Heaven and Earth Dual Cultivation.'

Within his small stature, I can feel the powerful life force of the Earth Tribe and the strength of the Heaven Tribe.

Strangely, the boy's power is such that the forces of the Heaven Tribe and Earth Tribe conceal each other, making it difficult to accurately read his level.

With my experience having attained the Three Great Ultimates, I immediately recognized that the boy is at the Grand Perfection Nascent Soul stage.

However, those who have practiced only one of the Heaven and Earth methods might not recognize the level of this formidable character.

How long have I been observing the boy?

Soon, three thousand curse sorcerers managed to get through Bi and gathered in the square beyond the main gate of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect.

The boy waits a moment, then once the commotion behind Bi completely ceases, he speaks.

"It seems the others have given up. Well, as those who know may know, there is a minimal reward for those who have passed through the main gate. However, to take on the main task, we need to further filter out candidates through several tests. Please understand."

Then, a series of tests to examine the curses of the curse sorcerers ensue.

I am the first to break through in each test, surveying the surroundings.

'The curses used by the curse sorcerers in the tests seem to be flowing somewhere...'

The Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect seems to be accumulating the curses somewhere.

'If they condense the curses of all these capable individuals, a truly terrifying curse might be born...'

It's akin to Gu Poison.

Gathering curses and confining them in one place to create a malicious curse.

'What exactly are they planning to do with such a curse?'

As I ponder this, only the stated ten individuals remain, with everyone else having been eliminated.

"Then, we have three curse sorcerers from Black Ghost Valley, four from the former Yin Soul Ghost Sect, one curse sorcerer from the Radiant Light Sect, one from the Desolate Ghost Sect, and one loose curse sorcerer. All ten of you have gathered here. As some of you may know, our Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect values capable individuals. Even if this mission fails, we want to maintain a good relationship with those who have gathered here and will provide an advance payment."

The boy hands each of the ten of us a storage scroll.

"Ha, haah! To receive such compensation in addition to the promised merit...!"

"Typical of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect..."

I too am impressed by the generosity of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect.

'I know they made a huge commission mediating trade between the Human Race and Earth Tribes, but the amount is enormous...'

I marvel at the spiritual stones contained in the storage scroll.

Even I, who is generally indifferent to wealth, am taken aback by the amount.

"Ahem, then please explain the mission."

A curse sorcerer from Black Ghost Valley at the Heavenly Being stage clears his throat and requests.

"Yes, I will explain. As those present may have noticed...we are indeed collecting the curses of curse sorcerers. Like a Gu jar, we intend to confine and create a monstrous curse. We are currently enhancing and amplifying the curse through the sect's grand formation."

A sinister looking man, apparently a curse sorcerer from the Yin Soul Ghost Sect, licks his lips as he speaks.

"Since the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect isn't exactly overflowing with curse sorcerers...are you asking us to handle that curse?"

"That's correct. After helping us amplify and strengthen that curse, you will then launch it towards coordinates we will provide later."

"Well, it should be easy if it's just that much. Handling such a powerful curse might even help open our eyes to new possibilities, which would be beneficial for us too...I hope this takes as long as possible."

The cultivator from the Yin Soul Ghost Sect strokes his chin and nods in satisfaction.

Then, the Heavenly Being curse sorcerer from Black Ghost Valley sneers at the remnants of the Yin Soul Ghost Sect.

"That's right. The longer, the better. We're quiet now because of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect's reputation, but as soon as the mission is over, you'll be transported into our custody."

The remnants of the Yin Soul Ghost Sect scoff back.

"Stupid fools. This is a cursed puppet made from jiangshi, you idiots. Try catching a cursed puppet all you want. Do you think you can easily eradicate us? Huhuhuh..."

"The cowards who only run away and get thrashed in a proper fight are talking big now."

"It's not you we fear but the Nether Crossing Ship. Without it, you're nothing..."

"Heh, if it bothers you so much, why don't you bring your own sacred artifact? Pathetic excuses for losing your own, really."

Sparks seem to fly between the remnants of the Yin Soul Ghost Sect and the Elders of Black Ghost Valley.

At this, the boy from the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect steps in to mediate.

"It's all well and good, but I'd appreciate if personal discussions can wait until after the mission is over."

At his words, both groups glance at each other briefly before turning away.

"Then, the official mission will start tomorrow, so for today, please rest and recover from your journey at the accommodations we have provided."

The boy leads us to the accommodations provided by the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect.

We also receive permission to tour some parts of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect that are not strategically sensitive.

Curious about this, I explore various parts of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect.

"The Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect is quite large..."

"It's a sect with a long history, after all."

A clone of the boy accompanying me smiles and speaks.

The boy created a clone using the Four Symbols Nascent Soul technique to guide me through the less sensitive areas of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect.

While I walk around the grounds of the sect with him, we arrive at the outskirts.

There, near the outskirts, I discover an enormously vast valley.


Interestingly, the valley is rich in Heaven and Earth spiritual energy, and the slope isn't too steep, making it not too difficult to build structures there.

Yet, there are no buildings of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect, nor any signs of human activity.

In front of the valley, there's an image of a 'Flood Dragon,' which is the symbol of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect.

"Why is this valley left so empty? The spiritual energy is dense, and it seems fine for construction..."

At my words, the boy gives a wry smile and explains.

"It's a legend that those who know may know...In fact, the original site of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect was where this valley now lies. Initially, it wasn't a valley but a mountain range."

"Is there a story behind it?"

"Yes, it's related to the founding of our sect...Our sect's symbol is the [Flood Dragon]. However, our symbol was different when founded"

"A different symbol?"

"Yes, it was a [Black Snake biting its tail]. Since our founder is the Black Dragon King, it was presumptuous to use the dragon as a symbol directly. It was also problematic to use a symbol too unrelated to him. So, if he is a dragon, we would follow him as a serpent, and thus the [Black Snake] was adopted as the sect's symbol."

The boy continues explaining,

"However, the issue arose after the Black Dragon King attended the founding ceremony of our sect. He saw the symbol of the [Black Snake] and became violently enraged, scolding us for choosing such an ominous and grim symbol."

'The Black Dragon King was enraged?'

He is most likely the leftover of a True Immortal.

In my past life, he showed a demeanor of fearing nothing even in the Middle Realm, and indeed he behaved as so.

But what could be the reason for such anger to use the phrase 'violently enraged'?

"Eventually, the Black Dragon King demolished the sect's old hall along with the mountain range, creating the valley. He then forbade the use of any grim and terrible symbols like the [Black Snake] ever again and personally crafted the symbol of the 'Flood Dragon' before leaving. Since then, the [Black Snake] has become a taboo along with the old site."

"Hmm...I see."

I finally understand the words of the demon beast methods merchant when I bought the serpent race method for Hong Fan.

The Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect considers the Black Snake to be ominous, and serpent race methods are always sold off cheaply by the merchant.

It seems likely related to the Black Dragon King Hyeon Eum.

'The Black Dragon King saw Yeon's Yeon and was furious, asking if an Entering Nirvana entity interfered... Does that mean the symbol of the Black Snake is also related to an Entering Nirvana True Person?'

It seems right to think so.

'Or maybe it's not about Entering Nirvana entities... In the worst case, it might be related to True Immortals...'

I assume the worst-case scenario and concentrate my consciousness back to the main body.

"How is it, Hong Fan. Have you felt any issues while practicing demon beast methods recently?"

"What kind of issues do you mean?"

As Hong Fan had just arrived and we were talking, I directly asked him.

"For instance...feeling as if someone is watching, or suddenly not feeling like yourself...feeling some kind of 'call'...or something growing inside you, any of that?"

At that, Hong Fan laughs heartily and says,

"Not at all. I haven't felt any problems, Master."

"Hmm, is that so?"

If Hong Fan felt no issues, then the likelihood of the being related to the Black Snake being a True Immortal seems reduced.

'It seems more likely related to an Entering Nirvana entity than a True Immortal.'

"Alright, there's no discomfort, right?"

"Yes, none. However..."


"I feel a bit stagnant in my poison arts recently."

"Is there something you need?"

"I've already found what I need. I went to the underground information exchange and successfully located the source of the necessary poison I require."

Watching Hong Fan continue to grow independently, I smile contentedly and say,

"If you need spirit stones, just ask. I'll provide as much as you need."

"I thank Master for his kindness with my heart, but I am fine. The owner of the poison I need has issued a task related to the manufacture of a highly potent poison...Once I complete this task, he has promised to give me the poison I want. To make the poison he desires, it seems I have to go deep into the territory of the Earth Tribe's True Dragon Alliance."

Hong Fan asks me cautiously as he looks at me.

"Would it be alright if I went as far as the Earth Tribe territory? If you do not permit it, I will not go."

"Why wouldn't it be? If it helps your growth, go ahead."

"Thank you."

Hong Fan's rescue of me from the dream induced by the Owner of Salt Mountain using Formless Poison left a deep impression on me.

His growth will ultimately benefit me as well, so it's a good thing.

"By the way, what kind of poison does the person from the Earth Tribe want from you?"

"It seems to be a type of scattering-cultivation poison. The client seems to want a poison that can bring down even an Integration stage Grand Cultivator...but it will depend on the quality of materials they provide."

"Hoh, it seems they're planning something big."

A poison that can affect an Integration stage Grand Cultivator sounds terrifying just to think about.

After encouraging Hong Fan, I send him on his way.

Soon after Hong Fan leaves, Jeon Myeong-hoon enters my cave residence.

"So, you had something to discuss?"

Jeon Myeong-hoon smirks and gets straight to the point.

"I plan to go to the Nether Ghost Realm. And to get to the Nether Ghost Realm, I will need the assistance of the Black Ghost Valley."

"I can help, but it might take some time."

"No, it's fine. Maybe I can even go right now!"


What Jeon Myeong-hoon says next truly surprises me.

"Through the disciples of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect who went to the Nether Ghost Realm, I found out where Kang Min-hee is!"


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