Editor: Z0Rel


In one of the cities of the Shengzi.

The people of Dao Yun City, one of the cities close to the great mountain range, suddenly found it difficult to breathe.

"Eh, doesn't it feel a bit stifling?"

"The air feels as heavy as a rock… Am I feeling weak?"

"It's hard to breathe…"

That was the level of impact on ordinary people, but it was different for the martial artists.

"Grrrgh! My, my energy!"

"My internal energy suddenly solidified!"

"I'm breathing, but no energy is coming in! Breathing is difficult!!!"

Their internal energy solidified and would not move.

Moreover, the cultivators were even more seriously affected.

Grrrk, grrrrk!

One of the cultivators of Shengzi collapsed on the ground, foaming at the mouth.

Grrrk, grrrrk!

All the spiritual veins in their body had solidified, as did the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy they breathed.

The murderous intent mixed in this Heaven and Earth spiritual energy was putting immense pressure on the minds of the cultivators.

This pressure was most severe on the Qi Building cultivators, and those in the Core Formation stage managed to stagger and resist by drawing on the power of their Golden Cores.

None of them understood why the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy had changed and why such a natural disaster had occurred.

I try to keep my expression, but my face hardens involuntarily

A while later.

I gather my composure, retract the killing intent, and control my intent.

"...I'm sorry. The Cheongmun Clan also exists in the Bright Cold Realm, and I overreacted because I heard about someone known as Cheongmun Ryeong from among them."

I apologize to Kim Young-hoon.

Kim Young-hoon smiles bitterly.

"A friend of a friend? I understand. Thinking about how my friend would be saddened, anger can well up. But... I had no choice. Rather than saying I killed him, it's more accurate to say I put him in a vegetative state."


Hearing the term 'vegetative state,' I barely manage to control my intent.

'So, he's not dead.'

There's still a chance then.

There might be no way in this world, but with how many artifacts and elixirs there are in the Bright Cold Realm, there should be a way to treat him

"Cheongmun Ryeong reaching the Core Formation stage and his monumental achievements were a turning point in the history of this world. Yes, it's best to start explaining from here. First…"

Kim Young-hoon's explanation continues.

The butterfly effect of the many fates I had changed in this world had a significant impact.

First, under the leadership of the Cheongmun Clan, the major clans of the western three kingdoms formed an alliance called the Pure Friends Alliance (清友盟).

The purpose of this organization, created to cooperate in areas other than their respective territories while respecting each other's domains, was in association with the mysteriously wealthy Cheongmun Clan and the remnants of the Black Ghost Valley that collaborated with them.

Song Jin, the remnant soul of a Heavenly Being stage cultivator and an entity at the Core Formation stage, was said to have grown his influence by coming and going from the Serving Command Palace with the help of his demi-human hybrid disciple, Seo Ran.

Kim Young-hoon, unlike in his previous life, had to face cultivators right from the start.

Being a martial artist guarded by a fox at the Core Formation stage, he naturally drew the attention of the Pure Friends Alliance cultivators.

At first, Kim Young-hoon was nearly beaten to death by the fox, but he quickly improved his skills by sparring with the cultivators from Pure Friends Alliance who came looking for him.

After about five years.

Kim Young-hoon reached Entering Heavens, attaining the level where he could thrash the fox.

From that point on, he was able to receive news about the cultivation world, which was undergoing a great transformation under the leadership of the Pure Friends Alliance with the Cheongmun Clan at its core.

And within the Cheongmun Clan, Cheongmun Ryeong, who received an insane amount of cultivator resources and reached a significant level, was at the center of change.

Cheongmun Ryeong had been studying the enlightenment and formulas for the Qi Building late stage, Grand Perfection, and even the early Core Formation stage through Understanding before Breakthrough.

In just five years, after being supported with a mind-boggling amount of spiritual stones by the entire Cheongmun Clan, he immediately pursued both Understanding before Breakthrough and Breakthrough before Understanding, overcoming his frail constitution, and finally became a Core Formation cultivator.

Kim Young-hoon's first opponent was Cheongmun Ryeong.

And Kim Young-hoon, who had thrashed the mid Core Formation stage fox after reaching Entering Heavens, found himself nearly killed by Cheongmun Ryeong, who had just reached the Core Formation stage.

That day was the first time Kim Young-hoon had been defeated by a 'human cultivator.'

Nevertheless, from that day on, Cheongmun Ryeong and Kim Young-hoon strangely clicked and shared both hardships and joys.

The two became friends, and Kim Young-hoon joined the Pure Friends Alliance, gradually improving his martial arts skills to the point where he could defeat Cheongmun Ryeong after several confrontations.

Kim Young-hoon, fighting against Cheongmun Ryeong and the fox, insanely quickly accumulated martial arts experience and raced towards the concepts of Treading Heavens that floated in his mind.

Things were peaceful for a while.

That is, until Song Jin made a request to the Pure Friends Alliance.

―I intend to enter the Astronomical Observatory of the Sea Dragon Tribe at the southern end and basic repairs to the Nether Crossing Ship are required for entry. Please gather magic artifact craftsmen who can repair the Nether Crossing Ship.

At Song Jin's request, renowned magic artifact craftsmen from all over the Pure Friends Alliance gathered like a swarm of bees.

It was an opportunity to see the legendary Nether Crossing Ship of the Black Ghost Valley.

Among them, taking over one of the positions of the 'Three Greats of Qi Building' from Cheongmun Ryeong who recently reached Core Formation in Byeokra, 'Buk Hyang-hwa of Magic Artifacts' was the top talent.

Impressed by her skills, Song Jin chose her along with one hundred other talented magic artifact craftsmen to study at Serving Command Palace, and entrusted them with the repair of the Nether Crossing Ship.

During this process, Buk Hyang-hwa became a core member of the Pure Friends Alliance, along with Cheongmun Ryeong.

And she also became acquainted with Kim Young-hoon, a friend of Cheongmun Ryeong, and formed a connection with them.

Particularly, Cheongmun Ryeong always viewed Buk Hyang-hwa, who succeeded his position in the 'Three Greats of Qi Building', with satisfaction for her efforts and talent.

Another five years passed in such peace, and under the leadership of Buk Hyang-hwa, the basic repairs of the Nether Crossing Her were finally completed.

Song Jin was very pleased and rewarded Buk Hyang-hwa, and he then entered the place called the Astronomical Observatory in the Sea Dragon Palace using the Nether Crossing Ship.

"The problem started from there."

Kim Young-hoon's eyes become complicated.

"Song Jin asked Cheongmun Ryeong to use the observational equipment found at the Astronomical Observatory to find out something. The basic spells are a foundational language used in the cultivator world, and he said he needed Cheongmun Ryeong's help, who had mastered this language to its extremes."

'Celestial observation?'

After all, Cheongmun Ryeong was adept at celestial observation and exploring constellations, so he would have been able to handle the devices at the Astronomical Observatory as well.

"And then, Cheongmun Ryeong went to the place called the Astronomical Observatory at the Sea Dragon Palace with Song Jin, and spent several years interpreting the data. On the 14th year since I arrived here, I reached Treading Heavens after thrashing Baduk..."

"Wait, who is this Baduk?"

"Ah, that's what I call that fox. It reminded me of a stray dog I used to have as a kid, so I started calling it that."

"...Isn't naming it after a childhood pet... kind of like animal abuse?"

"What animal abuse? Animal abuse applies to helpless animals that can't speak for themselves, not to that creature that was ready to tear off my limbs and chew me up."

"...Yes, well. So, what happened?"

"Well, I defeated that fox that reached the Grand Perfection Core Formation stage and reached Treading Heavens. And then… I went south to brag to my friend, Cheongmun Ryeong. There at the Astronomical Observatory at the southern end, I found Cheongmun Ryeong had gone mad."


"I tried stopping him because I was worried about his state. But he wouldn't listen. Instead, he attacked me in a rage. He attacked with the intent to kill, so I had to suppress him. But... at that moment. Cheongmun Ryeong broke free from my grasp and started 'eating' the data he had interpreted."


I ask back, not understanding.

"What do you mean by 'ate'?"

"He ate it. He literally ate the astronomical data papers."


"Anyway. After eating those pieces of paper, Cheongmun Ryeong's power surged dramatically. He then attacked me, claiming he had successfully interpreted the truth of the world. I... almost died from that attack."


I ask incredulously.

"Cheongmun Ryeong's attack... hit you?"


How could Kim Young-hoon, who embodies Surpassing Radiance, be 'hit' at a Core Formation-level attack?

'Even at the Heavenly Being stage, there's no guarantee that Treading Heavens Kim Young-hoon could be hit…'

As I'm shocked, Kim Young-hoon continues his explanation.

"It was strange. It was less about the accuracy of the attack and more as if there was a concept that made it 'bound to hit.' [Evading is forbidden]... And I...was truly fighting for my life to escape from Cheongmun Ryeong's sight.

At the bottom of the Sea Dragon Palace, I barely managed to escape with Song Jin, who had been hiding from Cheongmun Ryeong's eyes aboard the Nether Crossing Ship. He went to find Cheongmun Ryeong like me and nearly died from the same experience, but even with the Nether Crossing Ship, he couldn't escape Cheongmun Ryeong's gaze."


"When we did successfully escape, Song Jin, together with Seo Ran, insisted, 'If we don't kill Cheongmun Ryeong, the insane Nascent Soul stage Cheongmun Ryeong will annihilate the entire world.' And I... couldn't refute Song Jin's words. The Cheongmun Ryeong I saw then was not the person I knew."

Kim Young-hoon speaks with a somber expression.

My face hardens as I listen.

"...As we escaped from Cheongmun Ryeong, the Nether Crossing Ship, which was shattered beyond recognition, was successfully repaired by Buk Hyang-hwa, one of the 'Three Greats of Qi Building.' Fortunately, Song Jin had managed to scrape together treasures hidden at the bottom of the Sea Dragon Palace while he was hiding, and she used them to nearly perfectly repair the Nether Crossing Ship. Not only that, but she also started producing mass-produced Nether Crossing Ships."


"At some point, the patterns on her face changed from four to three, and from then on, mass-produced Nether Crossing Ships began to pour out."

'Extraordinary Pattern Law Talent, Three-Pattern Law Talent?'

Extraordinary Pattern Law Talent ranges from Seven-Pattern to One-Pattern.

From seven to four, the range is from an ordinary genius to the prodigy level.

However, from a Three-Pattern onwards, truly demonic talent is said to be exhibited.

'Did she become a Three-Pattern?'

But the mass production of Nether Crossing Ships.

I'm startled that such a fearsome weapon was being mass-produced, and it raises questions.

"I know that Nether Crossing Ships require a tremendous power source, but where did she find the power source for all those ships?"

"Well, 'initially,' she just gathered a stupid number of cultivators, crammed in an absurd amount of spiritual power, and operated a fleet of mass-produced Nether Crossing Ships, collectively called the 'Buk Hyang Fleet.'"

"...Who came up with the name 'Buk Hyang Fleet'?"

"Buk Hyang-hwa herself named it."

I can't help but chuckle at that, feeling sorry for her, but thinking the name was a bit poorly chosen.

'I feel sorry towards her, but that's a poorly chosen name.'

The thought that I would have come up with something far more impressive leaves me feeling slightly regretful.

"Well, anyway, the 'First Cheongmun Ryeong Subjugation Expedition' by me, the Buk Hyang Fleet, and the Core Formation stage cultivators of the Pure Friends Alliance was thus assembled."

"...'First' expedition implies..."

"Right. It was a spectacular failure. The Buk Hyang Fleet was nearly annihilated, and many of the Core Formation cultivators returned with critical injuries. A few even died. But there was a result."

Kim Young-hoon's eyes light up.

"We managed to split open Cheongmun Ryeong's stomach once and extract 'something' from inside him."

"...Excuse me?"

At the mention of slicing open Cheongmun Ryeong's stomach, I grimace, not sure how to react.

"What did you... extract?"

"It turned out to be the 'astronomical data' Cheongmun Ryeong had ingested. Strangely, these documents had solidified into a stone-like form after melting inside his body, performing the role of a Nascent Soul within him to some extent. Anyway, we managed to retrieve that strange stone and retreated. And then…"

He smiles slightly.

"According to Song Jin, that bizarre stone contained as much power as a Nether Crossing Ship's power source. So, we entrusted the complete repair of the Nether Crossing Ship to Buk Hyang-hwa, and on that day, the Nether Crossing Ship of the Black Ghost Valley regained its power. It was truly... tremendous."

'Nether Crossing Ship…'

I recall the two remaining Nether Crossing Ships of the Black Ghost Valley.

Thinking of the aura I had felt from those two ships, a chill runs through my body.

'Insane. Is that even possible?'

What exactly had Cheongmun Ryeong interpreted, that such a monstrously powerful material, capable of powering a Nether Crossing Ship, was synthesized within his body?

"Anyway, with the support of the Nether Crossing Ship, the Second Cheongmun Ryeong Subjugation Expedition began. Of course, that failed too, but you can guess what happened next, right?"

"...Yes. You somehow managed to obtain that strange stone from Cheongmun Ryeong again…"

"That's right. Due to the bizarre material continuously generated inside Cheongmun Ryeong, our forces became stronger. The Buk Hyang Fleet began to display an increasingly incredible might over time. And so, for over 40 years, we had to continuously undertake expeditions against Cheongmun Ryeong!"


Torment is evident on Kim Young-hoon's face.

"After 25 years in this world… I was pushed to the brink of death by the Mad Man Cheongmun Ryeong several times… Eventually, I gained enlightenment at Shattered Heaven Peak and acheived Shattering Heavens. But… by that point, Cheongmun Ryeong had gradually become someone I no longer knew. Cheongmun Ryeong was no more, and he gradually mutated into a 'monster'."


I stroke my face, growing increasingly grim at the unfolding tale.

"I had to... kill him as he became a monster. But at the same time, my desire to save my friend was also incredibly strong. Thus, I desperately sought the next realm. I yearned and yearned, and yearned even more, training my entire body's muscles to the very brink. Sacrificing my own lifespan, I trained furiously within the accelerated time of the Surpassing Radiant Saber! Thus, I reached 'the next' just to give Cheongmun Ryeong peace."

Kim Young-hoon sweeps his hand across his face.

A bitter smile lingers on his face.

"So… I finally reached ' the next'. Using the technique I achieved 'beyond', I successfully sealed Cheongmun Ryeong's soul. Thus, Cheongmun Ryeong… left his mutated body inside the Astronomical Observatory and fell into a vegetative state."

"...Is that so?"

"Do you know?"

Kim Young-hoon says.

"The moment I swung my last saber towards Cheongmun Ryeong, he regained his senses at the end."


"We thought of him as a monster… but then it became clear. Cheongmun Ryeong… was actually suppressing something sprouting within him with his own mental strength… We believed we had to eliminate him to save the world… but in reality, Cheongmun Ryeong was alone, contending with something within him and saving the world."


With a trembling voice, I ask slowly.

"Just what exactly…is it?"

My pupils shake wildly.

"What had Cheongmun Ryeong interpreted… and what was influencing him?"

"I don't know. At the end, Cheongmun Ryeong said he had partly interpreted 'the heavens'. I'm not sure if it was a metaphor or something else, but through the Astronomical Observatory's observational equipment and his understanding of basic spells, he seemed to have witnessed something. Yes, that was certainly his monumental achievement. And because of that achievement… he ended up like that."


"So great was his intellect that he witnessed great wisdom, but what exactly was this wisdom that led him to such a state…"

I recall Jeon Hyang's diary.

How observing the heavens caused his head to hurt.

And I remember Yang Su-jin's words.

That this world is ominous.

Zhengli's words also come to mind.

Entities comparable to Governing Immortals have perished abundantly here....

Cheongmun Ryeong surely interpreted the data based on his own understanding of basic spells, using the data discovered by the Sea Dragon tribe's astronomers like Jeon Hyang and others after entering the Astronomical Observatory.

'[Basic Spell Decrees] are fundamentally about the essence of Qi.'

The Qi Refining stage is about understanding the essence of Qi, a foundational stage for embedding 'the heavens' into oneself.

And Cheongmun Ryeong interpreted the observational data of the Head Realm's heavens based on his understanding of Qi, and as a result, he became the being that Kim Young-hoon described.

"In the end, Cheongmun Ryeong taught Buk Hyang-hwa how to 'extract' the knowledge from the strange stones that came out of his body without being overwhelmed by madness before he went to sleep. Following his instructions, Buk Hyang-hwa obtained a fraction of the knowledge contained in the stones and once again strengthened the Buk Hyang Fleet. That pretty much concludes the story about Cheongmun Ryeong, the Buk Hyang Fleet, and myself."

He speaks in a bitter tone.

"...Do you now understand my realm? It's a realm I forged with all my might to give my friend peace. But even though I put him to rest, it was by my hands that I cut him down. I don't want to name this realm I reached by cutting down my friend. So, I left this realm unnamed."

"...Is that so."

"...After reaching this realm, I almost went mad. I even fought against Buk Hyang-hwa's enhanced Buk Hyang Fleet, and when that too became trivial, I really lived only practicing madly. If I hadn't done so, the sensation of sealing Cheongmun Ryeong's soul would have kept coming back. But eventually, it became dull, and that sensation kept resurfacing. Everything became so trivial, and I was so utterly bored that I was on the verge of truly 'going mad'... until Seo Ran and Song Jin found an ancient document."

I quietly listen to him speak.

"He suggested that there might be a way to restore and heal Cheongmun Ryeong to his original state in a world called the Ancient Force Realm. Originally, we had planned to ascend after the Ascension Gate opened a thousand years later, but the plan changed."

Kim Young-hoon's eyes shine.

"Me, in order to save Cheongmun Ryeong; Buk Hyang-hwa, to further strengthen the seal on the power emanating from the strange rocks that came out of Cheongmun Ryeong's body; Seo Ran and Song Jin, to find a countermeasure against someone named Seo Hweol. Each of us with our own reasons decided to ascend to the Ancient Force Ream."

"Ancient Force... Realm?"

I recall the Ancient Force Realm.

I don't know much, but I had heard it takes a thousand years just to travel back and forth from the Bright Cold Realm, and special conditions are required to enter.

"Is there a way to ascend only to the Ancient Force Realm?"

I ask, puzzled.

Ascending to the Bright Cold Realm was easy because of the Ascension Gate.

However, ascending to other Middle Realms is purely a matter of luck based on one's own cultivation methods.

But the Ancient Force Realm?

Kim Young-hoon nods and explains.

"Song Jin measured something, and it turns out all of us were 'qualified' to enter the Ancient Force realm. Those who are 'qualified' and receive the blessing of the Serving Command Seal have a high chance of ascending to the Ancient Force Realm."


"And, depending on the position of 'the heavens' in this world, he also told us which Middle Realm we are a little closer to. The Ancient Force Realm is said to be closest above the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, near the sky of Shattered Heaven Peak. Therefore, Buk Hyang-hwa and I combined our powers to pierce through the unusually thick dimensional barrier of Shattered Heaven Peak's sky, and I left a 'part of me' to watch over Cheongmun Ryeong in this world before ascending. That's… the whole story of my experiences in this world."


"I am truly grateful to you. If you hadn't appeared… my avatar in this world would have slowly gone mad. That would have affected the original body as well. You can't imagine how much... this heart has been relieved by your appearance."

It seems that Kim Young-hoon's thrill in our confrontations included that reason as well.

Listening to his story, I'm stunned by the completely overturned fate of the Head Realm.

After a while of listening somberly, I ask him one thing.

"I am acquainted with someone related to Cheongmun Ryeong... I have a rather inseparable connection with that person, so I must check on Cheongmun Ryeong's condition."

The 'acquaintance' I am talking about is myself.

I look at Kim Young-hoon and ask,

"You mentioned using the capabilities of that realm to seal Cheongmun Ryeong's soul, right?"


"Please… lead me to Cheongmun Ryeong."


Kim Young-hoon's expression turns complicated.

After a moment, he stands up from his seat.

"Follow me."


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