"Please sit down. It's not as serious as you think."

I half-pull out the Mysterious Bizarre Gu from her body to show her.

Since it isn't fully extracted, her actions are still restricted.

"I merely monitored Cultivator Hon for about two months with my technique."

"...You've got guts. You dare to parasite your spell onto me, the daughter of a Grand Cultivator at the Integration stage, and monitor me for two months? Do you think you can stay safe?"

"Hmm… That's not much of a threat."

I smirk and reply.

"After all, Cultivator Hon’s siblings and others in Penglai Palace have been sticking tracking and monitoring spells all over the Cultivator Hon’s body, haven't they?"


"Some of them you genuinely didn't notice, but a few you intentionally ignored, didn't you? Adding one more piece of my spell shouldn't cause such an overreaction, considering you usually walk around with those things attached."

She continues to maintain an expressionless face, looking at me with a cold gaze.

However, reading her intent, I can tell she is quite flustered.

"First of all… I've monitored Cultivator Hon for two months with my spell, and I've also separately recorded a few important scenes."

As I slightly manipulate the Mysterious Bizarre Gu, it squirms and projects an image into the air.

It’s the scene of her plotting with her servant to put me in a difficult situation.

"Since Cultivator Hon is the one who started by trying to do this to me, wouldn't it be better for us to have no hard feelings towards each other?"

"…What do you want?"

She asks me with a cold expression.

I smile gently.

"I should be asking you. What does Cultivator Hon want? What do you hope to gain by obtaining me?"

To that, she answers with a stiff face.

"Release this spell, and I'll tell you."



Upon hearing her words, I extract the Mysterious Bizarre Gu from her body. Suspicious of how easily I removed it, Hon Wei still refrains from rash actions.

‘I really did release it, though…’

Of course, I want to have a somewhat sincere conversation now, so I truly did remove the Mysterious Bizarre Gu.

"Now that I've kept my promise, please tell me. Why did Cultivator Hon approach the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect?"

"…To gain the favor of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect."


I’m a bit puzzled as I observe her intent.

It isn't a lie.

"The sect's 'favor' was your goal?"

"Exactly. The ultimate goal was to become a beloved person of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect through close exchanges and relationships with this sect. That's why I attempted to obtain you, who will eventually become the leader of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect."


It’s odd.

Not to gain control of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, but 'to be loved' was her goal.

Surprisingly, she speaks the truth.

‘Why exactly?’

I ask, slightly perplexed.

"Why did you seek the love of the sect?"

"May I ask a question now?"

"...Yes, go ahead."

"What do you want from me? What's your reason for doing this to me?"

"Why did I do this... You were the one who sent your attendant to lay a strange formation on the sect first."

"What...! You managed to uncover actions taken beyond the reach of your consciousness..."

"I am the future sect leader of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect. I have eyes everywhere."

"...I see. I was the one who was rude first."

Her attitude softens slightly as I ask a question.

It seems her plan wasn't some sinister scheme to deal with the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect itself after all.

"What do you hope to gain by obtaining a relationship with the sect?"

"…Well, might as well just tell you since it came to this."

Hon Wei sighs.

"I was trying to obtain the position of vice-palace master of Penglai Palace."

"The vice-palace master?"

"Yes. Aside from my father, it’s the highest position in Penglai Palace. Currently, all 17 of us siblings are competing for that position."

"What does that have to do with the sect?"

"It’s very much related. All of us siblings are born from different concubines, and our father doesn’t have an official wife yet. Do you know why?"

Following her explanation, I finally understand why she sought the favor of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

"The woman my father truly loved and wanted to make his official wife was originally from the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect. However, she was 'devoured' during a war 40,000 years ago by a two-headed ancient beast that had participated in the war."


"Since then, my father lived a very desolate life. The father I’ve seen was always strict, stern, and cruel. But... after hearing that your Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect collectively ascended and pushed back the ancient beast behind Thunder Cloud Pavilion, becoming the leading sect of Thunder Spirit Island, my father... for the first time in 40,000 years, was overjoyed. He had never shown such a humane side before. Seeing that, I immediately realized that gaining the love of your Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect is the opportunity to become my father's closest confidant...."

"…This is something I'm personally curious about."

I ask out of curiosity.

"Why didn't Grand Cultivator Hon seek revenge against the ancient monster that ate his beloved?"

I seem to know who that ancient monster is.

According to the ancient documents of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, it was Yeon Wei who had betrayed and devoured her fellow sect members 40,000 years ago.

Then, why had Yeon Wei, who ate the Grand Cultivator's beloved, been able to live until recently in Thunder Cloud Peak?

"I don't know the details. I've only heard that the event 40,000 years ago involved complicated interests and relationships between forces and sects."

"I see…"


She looks at me and asks.

"Having heard all this, do you still have no intention of marrying me? I don't love you. I've never been infatuated with you. I admit that. But if you marry me, you can truly become my father's direct disciple. My father would be overjoyed to have his child connected to the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect and would naturally accept you as a direct disciple. Moreover, I could receive my father's favor and rise to the position of vice-palace master of Penglai Palace."


"My father may be the palace master of Penglai Palace, but he doesn't involve himself much in its management. In other words, the vice-palace master is the real head of Penglai Palace. The Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect and Penglai Palace could become one and stand tall among the Human Race."

"…I cannot marry you."

Upon hearing my words, Hon Wei shows a visibly disappointed expression.


But I propose something that will benefit both her and the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.


Hon Wei breaks the dirt house surrounding us and looks at me.

"Well, it's not a bad deal."

"We can help each other."

"Yes, perhaps not using marriage as a bargaining chip could be more beneficial for both sides. However."

She looks at me.

"Promises must be kept. You must not join hands with my other siblings in Penglai Palace."

"Would there be any doubt?"

"Good, then I'll leave now... and not come looking for you anymore."


Hon Wei, having made a secret agreement with me, flies away with a satisfied expression towards where her servant is waiting.

'That settles it… Things went better than expected with her.'

While there might be a few incidents arising from this arrangement in the future, they will likely be minor.

'Now, I can truly focus on my cultivation without worrying about other nuisances.'

I look up at the sky, content.

Thus, another decade passes.


In Kim Yeon's dream, I look at her, who has a bright smile as she waits for me.

"You seem to be in a good mood recently."

"Hehe… Isn’t that natural?"

After all, considering her situation is confined to a factory with only a mad old man who talks to his puppet as company, being able to converse with me inside her dream must be a relief.

It would be strange if she isn't in a good mood.


With a flick of my finger, the intricacies of my Wonderfully Mysterious Innate Heart Canon and the Ultimate Pinnacle synchronize, extending the time scale of her dream.

"Before we start today's training, shall we review what we learned yesterday?"



Perhaps due to being in a dream, pink fans appear in her hands the moment Kim Yeong imagines it.

Holding the two fans, she begins to dance a fan dance. This is not just a simple dance but a martial art in itself.

The Mad Lord’s [Her]’s Parallel Wings Spear transformed into the Twin Immortals Dance and was passed down. I combined the Twin Immortals Dance with the Parallel Wings Spear, adding a few techniques from my Severing Mountain Swordsmanship to create a martial art perfectly suited for Kim Yeon.

The Paired Wing Dance is that martial art.

Consisting of a total of eight forms, Kim Yeon’s Paired Wing Dance somewhat resembles the movements of the Twin Immortals Dance. At the same time, it is designed to completely nullify the offensive and defensive characteristics of the Parallel Wings Spear in case of emergency, allowing it to render it powerless.

This martial art is created for Kim Yeon to suppress [Her] if she ever escapes from the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

"Yeon-ah, circulate your energy faster when you step in"

I point out the areas where her Paired Wing Dance is lacking as I watch her perform.

Besides suppressing [Her], my focus on the Paired Wing Dance was on the 'continuous circulation of power'.

By incorporating the principle of Endless Mountains Beyond Mountains from the Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, performing from the first to the eighth form will seamlessly lead back from the eighth form to the first form again, allowing the dance to continue endlessly.

Just as one can endlessly execute sword techniques with Endless Mountains Beyond Mountains as long as the body can withstand the rebound, the Paired Wing Dance can also continue endlessly 'as long as one's energy does not deplete'.

However, unlike Endless Mountains Beyond Mountains which forcefully suppresses the rebound within the body, the Paired Wing Dance allows for the continuation of the martial art by consuming more energy, which has its pros and cons.

'Of course, if executed correctly, the advantages are clear…'

What's crucial in the Paired Wing Dance isn't the forms but the ‘inner method.’

I named this internal energy method as the Intertwined Branches Heart Method, implying that the forms and internal energy are interconnected like branches touching each other. When executing the forms,internal energy is consumed, and simultaneously, a little bit of energy is gathered.

When executing the Paired Wing Dance and Intertwined Branches Heart Method simultaneously in a prolonged battle, cycling through the eight forms of the Paired Wing Dance increases the rate of energy accumulating in the Intertwined Branches Heart Method with each cycle.

Once the critical point is surpassed while using the Paired Wing Dance, theoretically, the internal energy consumed becomes less than the energy gathered by the Intertwined Branches Heart Method, allowing one to wield 'infinite' power with this martial art.

'In theory, anyway.'

To cross that 'critical point', Kim Yeon would have to perform the Paired Wing Dance over 7 billion times in the same spot.

So, it is a martial art with infinite potential, but only in theory.

Even after crossing such a threshold, in reality, it would only be as powerful as a Core Formation level attack.

'If it was Young-hoon Hyung-nim, he would have created a more practical and efficient martial art than this inefficient and foolish one.'

Of course, Kim Yeon, having reached the Qi Building stage and using pure spiritual force flowing within her, would never lack the internal energy to perform the Paired Wing Dance.

'This is merely for suppressing [Her] in an emergency, as well as helping Yeon realize her intent and progress beyond the Five Energies Converging to the Origin and Ultimate Pinnacle.'

Beyond that, it has no particular significance.

I guide Kim Yeon in her martial arts, pointing out her minor flaws.

"Good job, Yeon-ah."


Recently, her skills have improved rapidly, reaching the level of an early first-rate martial artist.

Perhaps after another 10 years of training, she will reach late first-rate and be on the verge of becoming a peak expert.

‘From the pinnacle onwards, she'll be able to perceive intent, and her Wonderfully Mysterious Innate Heart Canon will be a great help.'

The Wonderfully Mysterious Innate Heart Canon will greatly assist her in Three Flowers Gather at the Summit and Five Energies Converging to the Origin. Although the Ultimate Pinnacle is a bit concerning, there won’t be any worry about Beyond the Path to Heavens once she reaches the extreme of Ultimate Pinnacle.

'She will attain the vision of Beyond the Path once she reaches the extreme of the Wonderfully Mysterious Innate Heart Canon.'

Through that vision and the martial arts she has learned, she will be able to reach Beyond the Path to Heavens even faster.

'Once Yeon surpasses the pinnacle, given her innate talent in consciousness, it'll be easier for her from there.'

In fact, teaching the movements was only challenging in the beginning which is better for me.

I quietly smile as I watch her happily perform the Paired Wing Dance.

It’s only been 20 years.

When I first ascended to the Bright Cold Realm, I was captured by the Mad Lord.

Back then, Kim Yeon's face was always filled with fear and pain.

During the 15th cycle, I was unable to contact her due to her intense conflict with Seo Hweol, leading to her mental breakdown.

Only now could I see Kim Yeon smiling, even if just in her dreams.

'I'm glad I can comfort you, even if it's only through dreams.'

"…Let's end here for today."

"Ah, is it over already?"


"I'll wait for you tomorrow."

Initially afraid of parting from me, she has gradually grown stronger over time.

Now, she is looking forward to tomorrow.

A stark contrast to the Kim Yeon of the past, who was always tormented by the Mad Lord.


I wake up from the dream.

Thump, thump…

I feel a tickling sensation rise from deep within my chest.

Over the past ten years, teaching Kim Yeon, Jeon Myeong-hoon, and Hong Fan,

Watching them grow, I gradually began to feel something.


Teaching them, I thought again about the non-human theory Yang Su-jin mentioned.

I had overcome the mental barrier created by Yang Su-jin's words ten years ago and realized a clear direction beyond Treading-Heavens. However, I also realized I haven't completely eliminated the mental barrier.

Being a slave to fate makes one non-human, but if I assign meaning, then it has meaning.

That is my realization.

Over the past ten years, I understood that I need to shatter the notion of being a 'slave to fate.'

'Non-human…No, this isn't just about non-humans.'

I remember dancing hand in hand with Buk Hyang-hwa.

I remember receiving lessons from Cheongmun Ryeong.

I remember when Azure Tiger Saint died protecting us.

'Was that all just a script for puppets? No…'

Fundamentally, I need something to break free from Yang Su-jin's logic.

'…But, how can one escape fate?'

Fate is absolute.

Nothing can escape fate.

If escaping fate is possible, it would require being on the level of a creator god.

How can one deny fate that exists at the end of the heavens?

As I ponder these thoughts.



A waterfall of red lightning pours onto me as I am quietly practicing in my cave residence.

I quickly draw my club and split the waterfall of lightning in half.

The next moment, Jeon Myeong-hoon rushes at me with the speed of lightning.

Simultaneously, I penetrate his angle with my club and strike him dozens of times.



Jeon Myeong-hoon, wrapped in red lightning, retreats.

But the next moment, I rush in front of Jeon Myeong-hoon and raise my club towards his head.

And then.


I smash his head completely.

His brain matter scatters in all directions.



With a sizzle, red lightning crackles from where his head should be, and Jeon Myeong-hoon's head begins to regrow.


Over the past ten years, Jeon Myeong-hoon has become a Core Formation cultivator.

[Die, Seo Eun-hyun!]


Thunder roars as Jeon Myeong-hoon soars into the sky and hurls lightning at me.

Now, instead of just me beating Jeon Myeong-hoon, he launches proactive attacks against me.


A pillar of red lightning strikes me down.

Injecting a handful of Sword Gang into my stick, I defend against the Core Formation level attack while looking for an opening.

But Jeon Myeong-hoon, determined not to give me any openings, pours even stronger red lightning at me.

[I'll turn you into Seo Eun-hyun tempura!]


In an instant, the lightning explodes.

"Is he finally dead?"

Jeon Myeong-hoon looks into the dust cloud with hopeful eyes.


Seeing only ashes where Seo Eun-hyun is supposed to be, Jeon Myeong-hoon smirks.

"Finally! I killed him! He's dead…."

"I'm not dead."


Contrary to Jeon Myeong-hoon's hopes, Seo Eun-hyun appears out of thin air like a ghost and begins beating Jeon Myeong-hoon.

After a while, Jeon Myeong-hoon lies on the ground, gasping for air. Seo Eun-hyun says while holding his club.

"Your movements have been improving lately. You've even evolved your Red Lightning Quaking Scripture to the early Core Formation stage…"

He looks at Jeon Myeong-hoon incredulously and asks,

"But how can you evolve the Red Lightning Quaking Scripture to that extent, yet still can't practice the rest of the Seven Lightning Quaking Scripture?"

"…I don't know, don't ask."

Jeon Myeong-hoon avoids the question.

However, Jeon Myeong-hoon thinks to himself,

'Good. I'm managing to deceive him.'

Lately, as Seo Eun-hyun praised, Jeon Myeong-hoon had been increasingly able to make meaningful movements that allowed attacks against Seo Eun-hyun.

It wasn't that he had suddenly awakened a talent for martial arts.

Recently, Jeon Myeong-hoon was gradually awakening a new sense.

Not the vision of intent that Seo Eun-hyun sees, nor the vision of the Demon Race that Hong Fan sees.

It isn't the vision of fate seen by the Heaven Tribe either.

It is, literally, a third sense.

The voice of lightning.

Jeon Myeong-hoon calls it that.

'It whispers…'

He closes his eyes and concentrates on the voice of lightning.

Lately, as he advanced in his cultivation, he felt more and more as if the 'lightning' was speaking to him.

At some point, Jeon Myeong-hoon followed the voices of the lightning in his practice of the Lightning Path Method, discovering that there is a hidden secret in the Red Lightning Quaking Scripture.

The lightning was whispering.

The real name of the Red Lightning Quaking Scripture isn't this.

They promised that if he follows them, he will reach even greater power.

He gradually followed the voices of the lightning, and recently, his efforts are paying off.

'The number of times I'm able to make meaningful attacks against Seo Eun-hyun is gradually increasing.'

Seo Eun-hyun finds it strange that Jeon Myeong-hoon can't learn the Vermilion Lightning Quaking Scripture.

But the reason Jeon Myeong-hoon can't learn the Vermilion Lightning Quaking Scripture is simple.

The technique he is learning isn’t the Red Lightning Quaking Scripture anymore.

It’s something higher.

'If I succeed in mastering this technique, I feel like I will become literally invincible.'

He looks up at Seo Eun-hyun.

Over the past 20 years.

They have unknowingly become quite close through the cycle of being beaten, retaliating, and attacking.

There were countless times he wanted to kill Seo Eun-hyun, but that desire gradually turned into familiarity after reaching a certain threshold.

And the desire to kill slowly transformed into a spirit of rivalry and competitiveness.

'I will definitely surpass him.'

Crackle, crackle…

Jeon Myeong-hoon thinks, listening to the roaring voice of the red lightning within him.

'If I master this new technique guided by the lightning... perhaps I can beat him.'

He burns with a competitive spirit as he looks at Seo Eun-hyun.

'I will definitely surpass you!'

It’s when Jeon Myeong-hoon is glaring at Seo Eun-hyun.

"Elder Jin! And Jeon Myeong-hoon! It's about to start soon!"

Far away, Jin So-hae flies over using the Flying Escape Technique and shouts.

Hearing her, Jeon Myeong-hoon and Seo Eun-hyun's eyes turn towards Jin So-hae.

Jin So-hae lands next to Jeon Myeong-hoon, dusting off his clothes and helping him up.

"Is it time already?"

Seo Eun-hyun, now Elder Jin again, asks Jin So-hae.

"Yes, Elder. Hong Fan is all prepared and just waiting for you to watch."


Jeon Myeong-hoon chuckles.

"Damn. Ended up being later than him after all."

"Why are you even competitive with Hong Fan? Demon beast methods and human techniques are completely different."

She pinches Jeon Myeong-hoon's side as she snaps at him. Jeon Myeong-hoon, though smiling on the outside, grimaces inwardly.

'Even purely in cultivation realm, even the pet demon beast he keeps…they all surpass me. Seo Eun-hyun…'

Seo Eun-hyun uses the Flying Escape Technique and heads somewhere, and Jeon Myeong-hoon and Jin So-hae follow him.

'But I will definitely surpass you!'

He thinks sp as he watches Seo Eun-hyun, still far ahead in the distance.


"Have you arrived?"

Hong Su-ryeong greets me.

Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect's Guiding Thunder Peak.

This place is where demon beasts of the appropriate realm come to face their Heavenly Tribulation.

I nod to Hong Su-ryeong.

Members of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect are present around us.

"You've come, Master."

There, I smile at Hong Fan, who has now grown to the size of a small mountain, almost as large as a three-story building in every segment.

Today, having reached the Grand Perfection Core Formation stage, Hong Fan is about to attempt Transformation (化形) into the Nascent Soul stage.


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