Hao Feng stumbled out into the open with a stunned look on his face, and before he had a chance to steady himself, Han Li appeared right in front of him in a wraith-like manner, then thrust his right index finger toward Hao Feng's heart.

A burst of tremendous power erupted out of his fingertip, causing the nearby space to tremble and screech.

Hao Feng knew that if he were to allow Han Li's finger to strike him, a hole would instantly be pierced into his heart, even with his True Extreme Film protecting himself.

With that in mind, he hurriedly lashed out with his Green Snake Sword, unleashing around a dozen sword projections that swept toward Han Li's arm.

However, all of a sudden, Han Li's finger veered off its original trajectory, and at the same time, he extended his middle finger as well, reaching into the mass of sword projections to pluck the Green Snake Sword between his fingers with unerring accuracy.

Immediately thereafter, he made a twisting motion with his wrist, and the Green Snake Sword was instantly wrenched out of Hao Feng's grasp.

Hao Feng immediately shot back in retreat with an alarmed look on his face while simultaneously raising his left hand, releasing a flurry of green needles out of his sleeve, all of which descended upon Han Li from above.

All of the needles were flashing with viscous green light, and it was clear that they were also highly poisonous.

In response, Han Li thrust his left palm forward, releasing a burst of fearsome power that scattered the oncoming volley of green needles with ease.

On top of that, he displayed incredible speed, catching up to Hao Feng in the blink of an eye.

A stunned look appeared on Hao Feng's face, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to get away. Hence, he let loose a loud roar as he clenched his fists tightly and lashed out with all his might.

The space in front of him shuddered violently with a resounding boom, and an unnatural flush appeared on his face as he stumbled back several steps before steadying himself.

At that point, the blade of the Green Snake Sword was already resting on his neck, and his expression instantly stiffened as he raised his arms and declared, "I surrender."

Due to the astonishing speed of the two combatants, the battle had concluded before any of the spectators truly had a chance to see what was happening, and a surprised look flashed through the black-robed referee's eyes as he declared, "The winner is Li Feiyu!"

Han Li gave Hao Feng a slight nod, then returned his Green Snake Sword to him.

"You've definitely opened more than seventy-two profound acupoints. What is your true power?" Hao Feng asked with tightly furrowed brows.

Han Li merely gave a faint in response, then made his way down from the platform, while Hao Feng heaved a faint sigh before stepping down from the platform as well.

On the elevated platform, Chen Yang and Qin Yuan were displaying vastly different reactions in response to the outcome of the battle between Han Li and Hao Feng.

Chen Yang's eyes were bright with elation, while Qin Yuan's face had become a facade of steely rage.

"Looks like Hao Feng decided to let Li Feiyu win, after all," Chen Yang said with a hint of mockery in his voice.

Qin Yuan harrumphed coldly in response, while Chen Yang's smile grew even wider.

He had constantly been made fun of by the other city lords ever since the commencement of the Five City Martial Gathering, and it was finally his turn to retaliate for once.

"I didn't know you had such an impressive wild card up your sleeve, City Lord Chen," Sun Tu said with a faint smile, while Fu Jian also turned to him with a solemn expression.

"You're far too kind, City Lord Sun. Li Feiyu still can't even begin to compare with many of the cultivators under your command," Chen Yang chuckled in a modest fashion, and a hint of fury flashed through Qin Yuan's eyes upon hearing this.

Profound End City's second-most powerful representative had just been defeated by Han Li, so by downplaying Han Li's powers, Chen Yang was indirectly insulting Profound End City.

"You're far too modest, Fellow Daoist Chen. I'd say that even Fang Chan may not be able to best Li Feiyu in battle," Sun Tu mused.

Right at this moment, E Kuai suddenly said, "I don't recall seeing this Li Feiyu during the previous martial gathering. Did he only recently join your Green Goat City?"

"That's right, Li Feiyu only joined our Green Goat City several decades ago," Chen Yang replied in a truthful manner.

E Kuai nodded in response, and the other city lords fell silent as they continued watching the rest of the battles.


As Han Li stepped down from his platform, all of the nearby spectators hurriedly parted to let him through with looks of awe and veneration in their eyes.

Gu Qianxun, Xuanyuan Xing, Toxic Dragon, Yao Li, and several other Green Goat City cultivators were gathered nearby, and they hurriedly gathered around him as Gu Qianxun said with a wide smile, "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Li! Hao Feng's scalp is a massive one to claim."

"I was merely fortunate," Han Li replied with a modest smile, and Xuanyuan Xing and the others also offered him their congratulations, while Yao Li looked on with mixed emotions.

She had always looked down on him, and thinking back to the attitude that she had displayed toward him in the past, she was overcome by embarrassment as she also quietly congratulated him on his victory.

Han Li smiled and nodded at Yao Li, seemingly not harboring any animosity toward her, much to Yao Li's relief.

"Let's go and take a look at Fellow Daoist Yi's battle," Gu Qianxun suggested, and everyone quickly followed along.

At this moment, the battle between Feng Wuchen and Yi Liya had already reached a state of white-hot intensity.

This was Han Li's first time seeing Yi Liya in action, and the latter had opened significantly more profound acupoints than even Hao Feng.

Yi Liya's cultivation arts were also more focused on speed enhancement, and he had fifty to sixty profound acupoints on his legs, allowing him to move with incredible speed.

Han Li raised an eyebrow upon seeing this.

The quality of Yi Liya's character may not have been all that stellar, but his powers certainly did make him worthy of a spot in the top three most powerful Green Goat City representatives.

However, Feng Wuchen had a clear edge over him.

Even when it came to Yi Liya's forte of speed, Feng Wuchen had the clear advantage, moving around like the wind, at times as gentle as a breeze, while at other times as violent as a storm.

All of Yi Liya's attacks were evaded with ease, while Feng Wuchen's attacks were constantly keeping Yi Liya on his toes.

At this point, Several gashes had already been sliced onto Yi Liya's body, and if it weren't for his outstanding speed, he would've already been defeated.

Even though he was clearly outmatched, Yi Liya was still attacking with single-minded ferocity, displaying no intention of backing down.

At this rate, it looks like Yi Liya's loss is sealed. However, he did mention that he had some measures prepared against Feng Wuchen, I wonder if they'll work, Han Li thought to himself.

He could immediately tell that Yi Liya was going all out instead of concealing his true power, yet he was still no match for Feng Wuchen, who clearly still had more to give. Hence, there was no way that Yi Liya could win this battle through conventional means.

Gu Qianxun and the others were also looking on with grim expressions.

Even though Yi Liya had been quite hostile toward Han Li and Gu Qianxun, both of them were still rooting for him, seeing as they were all from Green Goat City.

Tu Gang and the others were already gathered at the platform that Yi Liya was on, and they only took a hurried glance at Han Li and the others as they arrived before directing their attention back to the battle with anxious looks on their faces.

Right at this moment, a decisive look appeared in Yi Liya's eyes, and the black whip that he was wielding abruptly straightened itself out like an extremely long sword before sweeping toward Feng Wuchen.

In response, Feng Wuchen sprang up into the air like a willow leaf, evading the whip strike with ease while retaliating with his thin sword, slashing it toward Yi Liya's wrist.

Yi Liya immediately shot back in retreat, and with a flick of his wrist, his whip instantly returned to its former soft and pliable state, aiming to wrap itself around Feng Wuchen's arm and body like a spirit snake.

A cold sneer appeared on Feng Wuchen's face, and he abruptly vanished from the spot.

As a result, the whip struck nothing but empty air, and Yi Liya's body was tipped slightly off balance by the momentum of the whip strike.

In the next instant, Feng Wuchen appeared behind Yi Liya without any warning, following which he lashed out while Yi Liya was still off balance, dealing nine consecutive blows with his willow leaf sword in rapid succession.

The nine sword strikes were able to pierce through the True Extreme Film around Yi Liya with ease before striking his body, but to everyone's astonishment, the sword strikes weren't able to do anything aside from knock him forward a couple of steps.

Feng Wuchen was also very much taken aback to see this, and right at this moment, a fierce gleam appeared in Yi Liya's eyes as he swept his whip through the air, unleashing dozens of whip projections that formed a series of black circles, all of which converged rapidly toward Feng Wuchen.

The black circles were giving off tremendous power that instantly encompassed the entire platform, and all of the nearby space began to collapse inward in the face of the formidable whip projections.

All of a sudden, the entire platform and the nearby area around it had been transformed into an inhospitable death zone, and all of the surrounding spectators hurriedly backed away with alarmed expressions.

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