At the center of the spectator stands.

There was an independent VIP booth, within which was a pair of long stone chairs that were covered in sheets of beast hide. In front of the stone chairs was a stone table, upon which were placed two huge stone cups that were filled with some type of fresh beast blood.

Seated on one of the chairs was a muscular man with a dark complexion, and there was a woman with a curvaceous body beside him, massaging his arm with her delicate hands.

On the other chair sat another man with dark green skin, clad in a suit of white bone armor. There was a layer of gray scales on his face, as well as three long scars left behind by a claw swipe from a scaled beast, giving him a fearsome appearance.

The armorclad man was staring intently at the woman's seductive body, with his gaze roaming over her voluptuous chest, down to her supple backside, then to her exquisite legs, and he was making no effort to conceal the lust in his eyes.

"How about we raise the stakes even further, Hu Bi?" the muscular man proposed with a smile.

"You want to raise the stakes? Did you hit your head recently or something, Chen Yang? Can you not see how frail that human is?" the armorclad man asked in a surprised manner.

"Risk and reward come hand in hand. It doesn't matter if I lose the bet, it's all about the thrill," Chen Yang replied in a nonchalant manner.

"If you want to give me free money, then I'm certainly not going to turn you down. What do you want from me?" Hu Bi asked with a wide grin.

"I want that Thorn Scaled Beast Core that the city lord gave you last time," Chen Yang replied with a smile.

A hesitant look appeared on Hu Bi's face upon hearing this, and for some reason, as he turned to look at Han Li in the arena, a sense of unease welled up in his heart.

However, he then immediately brushed off this inexplicable sense of unease. The Tiger Scaled Beast in the arena was over 3,500 years old, so there was no way it would be defeated by that human.

The environment in the Scalptia Spatial Domain was extremely inhospitable, so for most scaled beasts, it was already an achievement just to live to a thousand years of age.

For a scaled beast that was able to live 3,500 years, that was both a reflection of their power and their luck.

"Alright, I'll take you up on that bet, but if I win, then I'm taking your woman!" Hu Bi said as he took a lustful glance at the woman beside Chen Yang.

"Deal," Chen Yang agreed as he patted the woman on the backside.

The woman turned to take a seductive glance at Hu Bi, and the latter immediately felt a rush of heat surge through his lower abdomen.

Right at this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly rang out in the arena, instantly drawing everyone's attention.

A giant tiger-like beast that was over a hundred feet tall and covered in black and white scales had just been released from its cage.

The beast had a mouthful of gleaming sharp fangs, two of which were particularly long and sharp, resembling a pair of jagged spears. As it raised its head to roar up at the heavens, its eyes were filled with rage and resentment.

The commotion in the spectator stands instantly died down in the wake of its furious roar, but a thunderous chorus of cheers then immediately rang out once again.


Excited and frenetic voices were ringing out from all parts of the spectator stands, and the atmosphere in the arena had become more heated than ever.

However, as one of the centers of attention, Han Li remained completely unaffected by the frenzied atmosphere around him.

He was observing the scaled beast with a cold look in his eyes, and there weren't any aura fluctuations emanating from his body at all, giving him the appearance of a harmless mortal.

After letting loose its furious roar, the Tiger Scaled Beast finally lowered its head and turned its attention to the tiny human before it.

Immediately thereafter, it lowered its center of gravity slightly as a low snarl began to build in its throat, and in the next instant, it sprang forward at an incredible speed, reaching Han Li in the blink of an eye.

Han Li immediately took a step backward upon seeing this, and at the same time, he arched back and aimed a kick up at the Tiger Scaled Beast's jaw while all thirty-eight of the profound acupoints on his body lit up in unison.

A loud thump rang out as the scaled beast was stopped cold in its tracks, and its head was also knocked back violently by the force of Han Li's kick.

All of the spectators in the stands were stunned into silence upon seeing this. They were expecting to see the human die to a single blow from the scaled beast, yet things had taken a completely unexpected turn.

Hu Bi was also stunned to see this, and he leaned forward slightly as he stared intently at Han Li from afar.

Right at this moment, the scaled beast's head abruptly snapped back down again before slamming onto the ground like a fallen mountain.

The platform was shattered, sending loose rocks and dust flying in all directions, and it was impossible to see Han Li through the debris.

A loud roar rang out as the Tiger Scaled Beast charged out of the cloud of dust, and pressed tightly against one of its giant fangs was none other than Han Li.

At this moment, Han Li was resisting the scaled beast's fang with both hands, while his feet were digging into the ground, but he was still pushed back by the fearsome beast. His feet dug a pair of deep trenches into the ground, and before long, he had crashed into the wall behind him.

The material that the wall was constructed from was extremely resilient, and it felt slightly cool against Han Li's back.

Han Li's chest was heaving violently as he abruptly pressed down with both hands, forcing the Tiger Scaled Beast's head downard.

A sharp screeching sound rang out as the fang of the Tiger Scaled Beast was diverted downward before plunging into the ground, and all of a sudden, it was as if its head had been nailed firmly into place.

Han Li seized this opportunity to spring up into the air, stepping onto the Tiger Scaled Beast's before launching himself onto its head.

The Tiger Scaled Beast shook its head violently, trying to shake him off, but Han Li merely lowered his center of gravity slightly before throwing an almighty punch into the scaled beast's head.

A burst of powerful shockwaves erupted forth in all directions as the Tiger Scaled Beast's head was slammed down from above, and its two protruding fangs pierced even deeper into the ground.

Han Li didn't grow complacent just because he had managed to control the Tiger Scaled Beast, and he continued to rain down one punch after another.

The Tiger Scaled Beast's head shuddered over and over again as the cracks on the platform beneath it widened further and further, and several streams of blood were flowing down from its head.

All of the spectators were looking on in a stunned silence.

It had only been several minutes since the commencement of the battle, yet this frail-looking human had already established complete dominance over the Tiger Scaled Beast.

After withstanding over ten punches in a row, the Tiger Scaled Beast was laying on the ground in a limp fashion, and its body was only twitching slightly in response to each successive punch, indicating that it was on the brink of death.

At this point, Han Li's fists were already completely drenched in blood, and it was unclear whether the blood belonged to the Tiger Scaled Beast or himself.

The stunned silence wore on for a little longer before everyone erupted into cheers, and on this occasion, all of the cheers were directed at Han Li.

"Li Feiyu, Li Feiyu, Li Feiyu..."

"I won... I won!" the horned man that had bet on Han Li screamed in excitement, and tears were beginning to well up in his eyes.

Up in the VIP booth, Hu Bi spat onto the ground in disgust, while Chen Yang continued to observe the battle with a calm smile on his face, seemingly completely unsurprised by Han Li's performance.

Hu Bi finally realized that he had been tricked upon seeing Chen Yang's expression, and his brows furrowed slightly as he asked, "You have some insider information on this match, don't you?"

"What insider information could I possibly have? I was simply lucky to have picked out a dark horse. Besides, the battle still isn't decided yet," Chen Yang replied in a lazy manner.

As soon as his voice trailed off, a thunderous roar suddenly rang out within the arena, and all of the scales on the Tiger Scaled Beast's body abruptly stood up on end like countless sharp blades, forcing Han Li to jump down from its head.

Just a moment ago, the Tiger Scaled Beast had been clinging onto life by a thread, but in this instant, its eyes suddenly rolled back, and its original black pupils were replaced by a second set of pupils that were purple and green in color.

Chen Yang's expression changed drastically upon seeing this, and he instantly sprang to his feet, throwing off the woman who was clinging to his body in the process.

"Haha! It's a dual pupil scaled beast! With this mutation, it can no longer be considered a D tier scaled beast. Looks like I'll be having the last laugh, Chen Yang," Hu Bi chortled with glee.

Chen Yang paid no heed to Hu Bi as he murmured to himself with a grim expression, "A mutated dual pupil Tiger Scaled Beast is a C tier scaled beast. I have to put an end to this battle."

He then turned to depart from the VIP booth, but he was stopped in his tracks by Hu Bi.

"Where are you going, Brother Chen?"

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