As Han Li's gaze roamed down the list, the prices of the items continued to increase.

While traveling to Green Goat City with Chen Yang and the others, Han Li had learned some things about the Scalptia Spatial Domain, and while he now knew in retrospect that Chen Yang was not to be trusted, there was no reason for Chen Yang to lie to him about the scaled beasts in this domain.

Hence, he had a rough idea of the value of the items on the points exchange list.

The scaled beasts of the Scalptia Spatial Domain were formidable creatures that were born with Spatial Tempering Stage power at a minimum, and they could absorb starpower to further enhance their own powers. Hence, the older a scaled beast was, the more powerful it was considered to be, and the more starpower its beast core would contain.

For all of the gladiators here, regardless of whether they had come here of their own volition or been enslaved like Han Li, all of them had a shared objective, which was to earn profound points so that they could exchange for items on the list to enhance their own powers.

As long as one had sufficient profound points, even beast cores of scaled beasts that were tens of thousands of years old could be purchased, but of course, the price was extremely steep.

At the moment, he only had ten profound points, so he would have to bide his time for now.

Han Li shook his head as he heaved a faint sigh, then continued to

All of a sudden, his attention was drawn to a certain item on the list.

"Two-thousand-year-old Tarot Beast Core, three profound points."

Han Li's eyes immediately lit up as he made his way over to the stone table, then handed over his badge to one of the crimson-robed employees as he declared, "I would like three two-thousand-year-old Tarot Beast Cores."

Many of the nearby gladiators faltered slightly upon hearing this, then turned to Han Li with undisguised mockery in their eyes.

"Are you new here? Tarot Beast Cores contain a lot of starpower, but due to the special physical constitution of these beasts, the starpower in their beast cores is very chaotic, making it very difficult to absorb, and there's a very good chance that most of it will be wasted," the crimson-robed employee said.

"I see," Han Li mused with an enlightened expression.

No wonder these beast cores were so cheap.

"Thank you for informing me of this, but I would still like to exchange for these beast cores," Han Li said with a smile.

With only ten profound acupoints at his disposal, he really couldn't afford anything else.

The crimson-robed employee didn't speak any further on the matter, and he pulled out a short silver rod before waving it over Han Li's badge, upon which his ten profound points were instantly reduced to one.

After that, he pulled out three egg-sized beast cores before handing them to Han Li.

Han Li stowed the beast cores away, then began to make his way toward the ninth area.

After passing through a dark passageway, he arrived in a spacious area that resembled a cave.

The cave was hemispherical in shape, and around twenty to thirty stone chambers had been carved into its walls, with a number assigned to each chamber.

Several glowing white stones were embedded into the ceiling of the cave, but they were only able to illuminate a small area, while the rest of the cave remained quite dim.

At this moment, there were around a dozen gladiators seated in the cave, conversing boisterously with one another, and all of them turned to Han Li with surprised expressions.

Han Li paid no heed to them, and he quickly scanned the cave to track down the room that was labeled "332", then began to make his way toward it.

Right at this moment, a tall and imposing man with a scar on his face got in his way and sneered, "You're just going to walk in here without greeting the boss first? You newbies are becoming ruder by the day!"

Han Li turned to the man with an expressionless manner, and the man continued, "You have ten points on you right? Hand them over to me, and I'll pass them onto Boss Toxic Dragon for you. Those are the rules."

Everyone began to gather around, eager to watch the situation unfold.

Han Li took a glance at the bystanders, and he didn't say anything.

"Are you deaf or stupid?" the man roared as he slammed his fist into the door of Han Li's room.

"Get out of my way! A good dog knows not to block its owner's path!" Han Li said in a cold voice.

"Yo Scarface, he's calling you a dog!" a round-faced fatty chortled.

"You can't even get on top of a newbie, Scarface?" another man sneered, and before long, everyone was joining in on the mockery.

The man's face instantly turned bright red, while a furious look appeared in his eyes.

Despite his imposing frame, he was one of the weaker gladiators in the ninth area, and he was often mocked for that.

Hence, he often took out his pent-up rage and frustration on those weaker than him, and bullying weak-looking newbies like Han Li was his favorite pastime, yet he was the one being humiliated here.

"You must have a death wish!" Scarface roared as he chopped a hand down toward Han Li's head, aiming to split Han Li's head into two.

A cold look flashed through Han Li's eyes as he retaliated with his fist, and a loud crack rang out as Scarface's arm was instantly snapped before being slammed against his chest.

He stumbled back in an unsteady fashion, only coming to a halt after crashing into the wall behind him, following which he threw up a large mouthful of blood.

He stood with his back against the wall, staring blankly at Han Li with an astonished expression, and all of the other gladiators had also fallen into a stunned silence.

Han Li paid no heed to them as he made his way into his room, then slammed the door shut.

The stone chamber was only around thirty to forty feet in size, and it was completely unfurnished with the exception of a stone bed, a table, and a chair.

A length of white tree root could be seen protruding down from the center of the ceiling, giving off a white glow that illuminated the entire room.

To Han Li's surprise, the white light was fueled by starpower!

He immediately released his spiritual sense toward the tree root, trying to find out where the starpower was coming from, but the material that was used to construct the walls of the room were able to keep out spiritual sense, thereby foiling his plans.

Even so, he could clearly see that the tree root didn't innately harbor starpower. Instead, the starpower was being transmitted into it from elsewhere, and the root was only acting as a medium.

However, the root wasn't giving off a lot of starlight, only just enough to support normal cultivation.

Han Li quickly turned his attention away from the tree root and began scouring his room with his spiritual sense. After ensuring that nothing was amiss, he sat down onto the bed, where two sets of gladiator uniforms, consisting of a cape and a pair of shorts, had been prepared for him.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly at the sight of the uniforms, but he still took off his clothes and put on one of the sets of uniforms.

After setting down his original clothes onto the bed, he opened his mouth to release his Heaven Controlling Vial, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Prior to reaching Green Goat City, he had swallowed the Heaven Controlling Vial in case of unforeseen mishaps, and it was extremely fortunate that he had done so. Otherwise, there was a very good chance that the Heaven Controlling Vial would've already fallen into the hands of Chen Yang.

After inspecting the Heaven Controlling Vial momentarily, Heaven Controlling Vial swallowed it again before taking a seat under the white tree root.

Given the current circumstances, cultivation was his top priority.

Han Li pulled out a Tarot Beast Core, and sure enough, it did contain a great deal of starpower, but all of it was very chaotic and churning like boiling water.

His brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this, but he still swallowed the beast core before closing his eyes to cultivate.

The beast core quickly melted into a ball of starpower in his stomach, but this burst of starpower was like an untamed wild horse. It immediately began darting in all directions in his body before seeping out into the surrounding air.

Han Li hurriedly channeled his Wingform Ascension Arts to absorb the starpower, but just as the arena employee had proclaimed, he was only able to absorb a small portion of the starpower, while the rest continued to seep out of his body.

Right at this moment, the Heaven Controlling Vial in his stomach suddenly shuddered, following which a burst of faint light appeared at its opening, and all of the dissipating starpower was instantly sucked back in.

Han Li was ecstatic to see this, and he hurriedly began channeling his Wingform Ascension Arts again, but he wasn't able to absorb much of the starpower before the rest was sucked into the Heaven Controlling Vial.

To that, he could only heave a resigned sigh.

When it came to the ability to absorb starpower, there was no way that he could compete against the Heaven Controlling Vial.

The starpower within the Tarot Beast Core surged into the Heaven Controlling Vial, and a drop of green liquid gradually took shape.

In the instant that the drop of spirit liquid fully took shape, the Heaven Controlling Vial immediately ceased its absorption of starpower, leaving the remaining starpower to swirl around the vial.

Han Li faltered slightly upon seeing this, then continued to channel his Wingform Ascension Arts to absorb the residual starpower around the vial.

After being drawn back into his body by the Heaven Controlling Vial, the starpower had become far more mellow, allowing him to absorb it with ease, and the starpower emanating from the tree root up above was also fusing into his body.

The starpower surged into the second profound acupoint of the Wingform Ascension Arts, which gradually began to open.

While Han Li was cultivating in his room, Scarface was seated in another stone chamber, seemingly waiting for something.

His mangled arm had already returned to normal, but the skin on the arm was still very purple and bruised.

Occasionally, he would turn to take a resentful glance in the direction of Han Li's stone chamber.

All of the gladiators who had witnessed the incident between Han Li and Scarface quickly departed, with many of them mocking Scarface as they left.

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