"My apologies. The situation just now was very urgent, so even though I already noticed that something was amiss, I had no choice but to retaliate," Han Li said in an apologetic manner, then raised his hand to make a beckoning motion, and a ball of silver fire flew over to him, following which the body of the dark-skinned elderly man fell out of it.

The two halves of his body had already been reassembled, but his aura was extremely feeble.

It seemed that some type of restriction had been planted in his body, and this moment, he was laying on the ground in a completely immobilized manner, glowering up at Han Li and Shi Chuankong with burning resentment in his eyes.

As for the ball of silver flames, it reverted back into the Essence Fire Raven before vanishing into Han Li's body in a flash.

Shi Chuankong didn't seem to have heard Han Li at all, and he took a glance down at the dark-skinned elderly man with mixed emotions in his eyes, then cast a cold gaze toward the yellow-robed man.

"It's very impressive that you were able to find me on such scant leads," the yellow-robed man remarked as he sized up Han Li.

The yellow light concealing his face quickly faded away as he spoke, revealing him to be a young man who appeared to be around twenty-five to twenty-six years of age.

He was wearing half a silver mask that concealed the left half of his face, and the exposed skin on the right side of his face was very fair and smooth.

Upon closer inspection, Han Li discovered that the man was wearing makeup, and his lips were bright red, giving him a very strange, gender-ambiguous appearance.

"Hua Jing!" Shi Chuankong yelled in a furious voice, and he seemed to be familiar with the man.

All of a sudden, his entire body began to tremble, and an agonized look appeared on his face as his aura began to fluctuate violently.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this, and he immediately flew over to Shi Chuankong's side, then released a burst of azure light into his body.

His aura instantly began to settle, while the pain on his face also began to ease.

"I understand you must feel terrible right now, but you can't afford to let your emotions get the better of you. This man is quite powerful, and his law powers are also very peculiar. You seem to be familiar with him, do you know what we should expect from him in battle?" Han Li asked through voice transmission.

The masked man was a late-High Zenith cultivator, and he was clearly far more formidable than Elder Qi and the others.

During their brief clash, he had used six Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords at once, yet even that wasn't enough to gain him an upper hand.

Shi Chuankong took a deep breath to regain some composure, then replied through voice transmission, "His name is Hua Jing, and he's one of the subordinates of my fifth sister, Shi Jingyan. He's mastered some type of law powers related to hypnotism, and he's able to control one's senses. Elder Qi and the others must've fallen prey to him."

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly upon hearing this.

Back in the Ten Hazards Mountain Range and Preeminent City, it was Shi Zhanfeng, and now, it was Shi Jingyan. It seemed like barely any of Shi Chuankong's siblings wanted him to live!

"Jingyan sent you, didn't she? What does she want?" Shi Chuankong asked as he stepped forward with a cold expression.

"Why ask the question when you already know the answer, Your Highness? Her Highness instructed me to fetch your head along with the Virata Lute. Having said that, I don't have absolute confidence in my ability to defeat this subordinate of yours, so how about we make a compromise, and I'll let you live, but you have to hand over the Virata Lute," Hua Jing proposed with a faint smile.

Han Li remained silent upon hearing this, while Shi Chuankong spat through gritted teeth, "Is that supposed to be a joke? You turned so many of my subordinates against me, and you killed Elder Qi! You're not leaving this place alive!"

"Why are you getting so worked up over the deaths of an old servant and a few dogs? It's unbecoming of a prince like yourself to have such little composure," Hua Jing chuckled.

Shi Chuankong wasted no more time with words as he pounced forward, and his Virata Lute appeared in his grasp amid a flash of silver light.

As he strummed his fingers over the lute's strings, countless silver runes surged forth, then transformed into hundreds of silver blades of wind that hurtled directly toward Hua Jing.

Now only were these blades of wind extremely fast, there was an insubstantial, wraith-like quality to them, making them very difficult to evade.

Hua Jing's eyes lit up slightly at the sight of the Virata Lute, but instead of rushing in recklessly, he darted back in retreat.

Right at this moment, three golden flying swords appeared behind him without any warning, then transformed into countless golden sword projections to cut off his retreat.

Hua Jing was completely unfazed as he swept a sleeve through the air, and an intricate little yellow bell appeared above his head amid a flash of yellow light.

The bell chimed as it released a burst of yellow light, which formed a giant yellow bell projection that encompassed Hua Jing's entire body.

In the next instant, all of the golden sword projections and blades of silver wind struck the giant bell projection, causing it to tremble incessantly, but it was able to remain intact and keep all of the attacks at bay.

Shi Chuankong's expression darkened slightly upon seeing this, and in the next instant, all of the silver blades of wind began to circle around the giant bell projection like a flock of birds.

Immediately thereafter, Shi Chuankong strummed his fingers over the strings of the lute once again, and all of the hundreds of blades of wind instantly converged to form a pair of silver crescent moons, each of which was several dozen feet in size.

A burst of rumbling rang out from the pair of crescent moons, and they began to sweep toward the giant yellow bell.

Hua Jing's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this, and he immediately swept both sleeves through the air, upon which the yellow bell projection around him became around twice as thick as before.

At the same time, countless yellow runes appeared over its surface, giving off a burst of tremendous earth law powers.

In the next instant, the two crescent moons struck the giant bell projection, and they were able to phase straight through the projection, completely ignoring it and the earth law powers that it was releasing.

Hua Jing's expression changed drastically upon seeing this, and he hurriedly flew back in retreat as a yellow shadow.

However, right at this moment, Han Li appeared behind him without any warning, then threw an almighty punch into the giant bell projection.

A resounding clang rang out, and even though the bell projection wasn't shattered, it was stopped cold in its tracks, thereby allowing the two silver crescent moon projections to catch up to it.

The two crescent moons struck Hua Jing in the blink of an eye, releasing bursts of sharp spatial law powers that instantly reduced his body to a pile of mincemeat.

Shi Chuankong's expression eased slightly upon seeing this, and he sighed, "Rest in peace, Elder Qi. I've avenged you..."

"Hold on, something's not right!" Han Li suddenly yelled in a grim voice, and Shi Chuankong looked up just in time to see Hua Jing's mangled remains vanish into thin air, revealing it to have been nothing more than an illusion.

Han Li activated his Infernal Devilish Eyes while also releasing his tremendous spiritual sense to scour the surrounding area, and at the same time, Hua Jing reappeared several thousand feet away with a mocking sneer on his face. fгeewebnovёl.com

"You thought that was enough to kill me, Your Highness? How hurtful that you think so little of me! If that was enough to kill me, then I would've already been dead and buried long ago."

A yellow copper mirror emerged above his head amid a flash of yellow light, and the mirror was around a foot in size, giving off rays of translucent light.

There were some squiggly lines engraved onto its frame, and at the center of the mirror was an extremely vibrant red flower.

Han Li's gaze was immediately drawn to the flower, which began to turn toward him, as if it had sprung to life.

Han Li instantly snapped back to his senses upon seeing this, and his tremendous spiritual sense began to sweep through his mind, where a series of red projections had appeared, wrapping themselves around his soul before attempting to burrow their way in.

However, Han Li was instantly able to eradicate these projections with his spiritual sense, thereby restoring his mental clarity, and he heaved a faint sigh of relief before turning his gaze back to Hua Jing with a wary expression.

A hint of surprise flashed through Hua Jing's eyes upon seeing this.

"Impressive! I didn't think your spiritual sense would be so powerful. Having said that..."

Right at this moment, two white shadows suddenly shot forth toward him like lightning from either side, and he immediately took evasive measures, darting away as a streak of golden light to just barely evade the oncoming attacks.

He then reappeared several thousand feet away, while Shi Chuankong appeared in the same spot where he had just been standing a moment ago.

At this moment, there was a look of murderous rage in Shi Chuankong's eyes, and he pounced at Han Li once again while strumming his Virata Lute, sending countless silver blades of wind sweeping toward Han Li.

At the same time, the two streaks of white light circled around in mid-air before also hurtling toward Han Li once again, and they were a pair of white jade rulers.

Shi Chuankong opened his mouth to release two balls of blood essence, which vanished into the pair of rulers in a flash, and countless white runes instantly surged out of the jade rulers, following which they transformed into a pair of massive balls of white light that rumbled toward Han Li with tremendous power.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly as he vanished from the spot amid a flash of golden lightning, then reappeared not far behind Shi Chuankong before urging in a thunderous voice, "Wake up, Fellow Daoist Shi!"

He was unleashing a lion's roar technique that was capable of shaking the soul and dispelling illusions, but it had no effect on Shi Chuankong, who swung around before taking a swipe at Han Li.

Five bursts of purple devilish qi shot out of his fingertips, each forming a fiery purple devilish claw that grabbed directly at Han Li's chest.

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