After a brief moment of contemplation, the white-robed young man gave a slight nod to the armorclad man, and a hint of bloodlust and excitement instantly appeared in the latter's eyes as he reached out with both hands to make a grabbing motion.

A pair of giant black claws appeared on either side of Han Li and Shi Chuankong, then converged toward them with tremendous force.

The claw projections swept through the air, and Han Li and Shi Chuankong were instantly torn to pieces, but their bodies then abruptly vanished from the spot, revealing them to be nothing more than afterimages.

Immediately thereafter, Han Li and Shi Chuankong appeared outside the encirclement of armorclad men amid a burst of spatial fluctuations, then continued to make their way out of the shop, completely unaffected by the attack.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly upon seeing this, and the azure-robed woman's brows furrowed slightly as she murmured to herself, "He's using spatial law powers..."

A hint of bewilderment flashed through the armorclad man's eyes upon seeing this, and after taking a glance at the white-robed young man, his body instantly swelled to several times its original height, while a layer of coarse fur emerged over his skin. He had taken on a hafl-demonic form, and his aura was also drastically elevated as a result.

Immediately thereafter, he let loose a thunderous roar, then sprang up into the air before lashing out at Han Li and Shi Chuankong from behind.

Han Li didn't even bother to turn around as he casually thrust a palm behind him to meet the armorclad man's fist, and a resounding boom rang out alongside the sound of cracking bones.

The armorclad man was instantly sent flying back as if he had been dealt a heavy blow, and he plowed straight through a nearby building, raising a huge cloud of dust.

Before he even had a chance to cry out, he had already fallen unconscious.

All of the Black Weasel Army cultivators were astonished to see this.

The armorclad man's forte was his physical prowess, yet he had been completely outmatched in that department, and that was a feat that was surely beyond the powers of even a High Zenith Stage demon beast.

At this point, it had become abundantly clear to them that Han Li and Shi Chuankong were clearly concealing their auras, and they all turned to the white-robed young man for further instructions.

After knocking his assailant unconscious, Han Li continued to walk along at a leisurely pace beside Shi Chuankong, but this time, no one attempted to stop them.

The white-robed young man seemed to be pondering what was the best course of action to take when he was approached by a short armorclad man, who whispered something into his ear.

The white-robed young man's expression remained unchanged upon hearing what the armorclad man had to say, but he abruptly vanished from the spot without any warning.

The white-robed young man then reappeared in front of Han Li and Shi Chuankong and said, "Please wait a moment."

At the same time, plumes of crimson mist began to surge out of his body, instantly forming a dense crimson cloud that was giving off some type of formidable law power fluctuations.

Han Li and Shi Chuankong exchanged a glance with each other, following which the latter asked with furrowed brows, "Do you still need something from us? We haven't broken any laws, and we're in a hurry right now, so we don't have any time to waste here."

"The two of you aren't from our Ten Hazards Mountain Range. I won't ask for what purpose you're visiting our city on this occasion, but please hand over the Purple Sun Warm Jade that you obtained from Guan Sheng and Hei Lang," the white-robed young man said.

"What Purple Sun Warm Jade? We were only doing some shopping here, but we didn't even get a chance to buy anything before you rushed in and killed those two!" Shi Chuankong replied with an oblivious expression.

The white-robed young man's expression darkened slightly upon hearing this, and he said, "In that case, please hand over your storage tools for me to examine. If there's no Purple Sun Warm Jade inside, then you two are free to leave."

"I already told you that we're in a hurry, so stop wasting our time!" Shi Chuankong objected in a cold voice.

"I can tell that both of you are quite powerful, but don't forget that this is Black Weasel City. Don't make this any harder on yourself than it has to be," the white-robed young man threatened, and all of the armorclad men immediately converged to surround Han Li and Shi Chuankong.

"What a joke! I've always heard that free trade is encouraged by the Black Weasel King, but it appears that was nothing more than a lie. How disappointing," Han Li chuckled coldly.

"What did you say? How dare you slander my father!" the white-robed young man accused in a furious voice.

"How is this slander? We haven't broken any rules, yet we're being robbed here in broad daylight by the Black Weasel Army!" Han Li countered.

"I have no intentions of robbing anyone, my objective is merely to recover the stolen Purple Sun Warm Jade. If I can verify that it's not in your possession, then I'm willing to apologize," the white-robed young man harrumphed coldly, and the crimson cloud around him began to spread in all directions, encompassing both Han Li and Shi Chuankong within it.

In response, Han Li opened his mouth to release a streak of golden light, which shot forth through the air to reach the white-robed young man in a flash.

The white-robed young man was slightly taken aback by the speed of the streak of golden light, and he immediately swept a sleeve through the air, releasing a streak of crimson light that caught the golden light in the blink of an eye.

The crimson light contained a crimson veil that was as thin as a cicada's wing, and it appeared to be quite a powerful treasure.

However, right at this moment, the streak of golden light suddenly transformed into twelve miniature golden swords that were several inches in length, and tiny arcs of golden lightning were flashing incessantly over them.

Before the white-robed young man had a chance to do anything, the twelve miniature swords released a burst of devastating lightning law powers that instantly tore the crimson veil into shreds before piercing directly toward the white-robed young man.

"Spare his life, Brother Li!" Shi Chuankong hurriedly yelled.

A panicked look finally appeared on the white-robed young man's face as the cloud of crimson mist quickly converged around him, attempting to keep the golden flying swords at bay while he tried to summon more treasures.

However, before he had a chance to do that, the twelve Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords had already pierced through the cloud of crimson mist with ease before running straight through his body.

Twelve holes were instantly punched into his limbs, and he fell to the ground with an agonized cry and a horrified look in his eyes, while the crimson cloud around him quickly disintegrated.

Han Li paid no further heed to the white-robed young man as he swiveled around like lightning while flicking a finger through the air, releasing a miniature azure sword.

All of a sudden, a streak of golden swordlight appeared without any warning before hurtling directly toward him, only to be stopped cold in its tracks by the miniature azure sword.

A resounding metallic clang rang out, and the space near the two swords trembled warped as the pair of swords grated against each other, with neither able to get the better of the other.

A stunned look appeared on the azure-robed woman's face, while Han Li harrumphed coldly, "Your sword is not bad, but the wielder is too weak!"

Before the azure-robed woman had a chance to do anything, a burst of sharp pain suddenly speared through her mind, as if a red hot poker had been plunged into her head, and she gave a muffled groan, while her entire body involuntarily stiffened.

Han Li pounced on this opportunity to rush over to the azure-robed woman before placing a finger against her glabella before releasing an arc of golden lightning.

The azure-robed woman let loose an agonized howl as her entire body was instantly charred black, and she fell to the ground in an unconscious state.

Her golden sword also fell to the ground with a loud clang, and the radiant golden light emanating from it faded away.

In the blink of an eye, Han Li had subdued two High Zenith cultivators, and all of the Black Weasel Army cultivators could only look on in astonishment.

Right at this moment, Han Li turned his gaze to the Black Weasel Army cultivators before giving another cold harrumph, and all of them immediately threw their hands over their heads as they let loose agonized howls.

Han Li flicked his fingers through the air in rapid succession, releasing around a dozen arcs of golden lightning that struck the Black Weasel Army cultivators with unerring accuracy, and their bodies were also charred black as they crumpled to the ground in an unconscious state.

Unleashing the Spirit Stun Thorn secret technique in succession had also been quite taxing on Han Li's spiritual sense, and his complexion had turned slightly pale, but he quickly recovered after taking a deep breath, then turned his gaze to the stunned white-robed young man.

The man opened his mouth to say something, but Han Li merely flicked a finger in his direction to release an arc of golden lightning that struck him on the forehead, instantly knocking him out as well.

"That was beyond impressive, Fellow Daoist Li, but it looks like we have no choice but to leave the city now," Shi Chuankong said with a wry smile.

"We've already achieved our objective, so there's no reason for us to stay anyway," Han Li replied with a faint smile.

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