Chapter 640: Looks Like I Found the Right Targets

"Now!" the yellow-haired man yelled, and his two companions instantly pounced on this opportunity, sending bolts of purple lightning raining down upon the giant sword.

Purple and red light intertwined incessantly on the surface of the giant sword, and a series of cracks began to appear on its blade before rapidly expanding, looking as if it could explode at any moment.

However, right at this moment, a peculiar look flashed through Immortal Lord Hot Flame's eyes, and he opened his mouth to release a ball of blood essence, which exploded to form a ball of radiant crimson light that vanished into the crimson flag above his head in a flash.

A resounding boom rang out as the purple peacock shot out of the crimson flag, then flew away in the opposite direction of the fiery sword, plunging headfirst into the cloud of yellow mist in that direction.

After the silver peacock emerged, the crimson flag erupted into flame and was incinerated into ashes in an instant.

Immortal Lord Hot Flame paid no heed to the flag as he made a rapid string of hand seals, and a vast expanse of silver flames erupted out of the silver peacock's body to strike the cloud of yellow mist.

A violent explosion rang out as the two clashed, and it was like a coming together between cold water and hot oil.

The silver peacock ws clearly far more formidable than the fiery sword, and it was immediately able to eradicate the yellow mist directly in front of it before easily tearing a massive gash into the cloud of yellow mist up ahead.

In the blink of an eye, the silver peacock was on the verge of completely tearing through the cloud of yellow mist, and Immortal Lord Hot Flame was flying along in hot pursuit behind it.

The yellow-haired man's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this, and he opened his mouth to release a yellow feather fan that was riddled with spirit patterns and giving off radiant spiritual light.

He grabbed onto the handle of the fan before sweeping it viciously through the air, and a burst of dense yellow light instantly erupted out of the fan before rapidly expanding to form an all-encompassing yellow storm that swept up both Immortal Lord Hot Flame and the silver peacock.

The storm was extremely powerful, and the entire col was instantly encompassed within an enormous pillar of yellow wind, along with a large area around it.

The pillar of wind erupted into the heavens, and the clouds up above were also torn apart.

As soon as the silver peacock was swept up by the storm, it was instantly unable to advance any further, and it was beginning to move involuntarily in the direction of the ferocious wind.

Even though Immortal Lord Hot Flame was also caught in the storm, the fierce winds were slowed down significantly by golden ripples around him, so the storm wasn't able to affect him very much, but he was also forced to stop in his tracks.

Meanwhile, the yellow-haired man vanished from the spot, then instantly appeared directly in front of Immortal Lord Hot Flame before releasing an enormous yellow spirit domain that encompassed the entire col.

Everything within the col instantly became extremely heavy, and the yellow-haired man thrust a fist forward with tremendous force, conjuring up a gargantuan yellow fist projection that struck Immortal Lord Hot Flame with incredible power.

The fist projection was too massive for the golden ripples around Immortal Lord Hot Flame to ward off, and he was sent flying back through the air, forced back into the encirclement once again.

In the distance, Han Li remained still on the spot. The yellow storm conjured up by the yellow-haired man was extremely powerful, but Han Li was sufficiently far away from it that he remained unaffected.

However, at this moment, his brows were tightly furrowed, and there was a hesitant look in his eyes, but it didn't take long before he seemed to have made up his mind, and he abruptly vanished from the spot.

After forcing back Immortal Lord Hot Flame, the yellow-haired man turned to the silver peacock, then pointed a finger at it, and a burst of radiant yellow light emerged on his fingertip, then transformed into a shimmering yellow needle that shot forth through the air, leaving a trail of afterimages in its wake.

The silver peacock was still trapped within the yellow storm, and it was desperately flapping its wings in an attempt to stabilize itself, but right at this moment, a thin streak of yellow light shot past, and the peacock's struggles instantly ceased as a fist-sized hole appeared on its glabella, running through the entirety of its head.

It immediately let loose an anguished cry before exploding into countless specks of silver flames that were instantly devoured by the surrounding yellow storm.

Meanwhile, the fiery sword had also been destroyed under the combined effort of the other two Heavenly Court cultivators, and it exploded into crimson flames that were also swept up by the surrounding storm.

With the silver peacock and the fiery sword destroyed in quick succession, Immortal Lord Hot Flame's complexion instantly paled slightly, while the protective spiritual light around him also dimmed significantly.

The golden ripples around him also shuddered before shrinking down to encompass a far smaller area.

The yellow-haired man was ecstatic to see this, and he tossed the yellow feather fan in his hand forward before opening his mouth to release a burst of yellow energy into it.

The fan immediately began to glow with radiant yellow light while rapidly expanding, reaching in excess of a thousand feet in size in the blink of an eye. At the same time, all of its feathers had spread apart, while the spirit patterns inscribed upon them flashed erratically, and the law power fluctuations that it was giving off had become several times more powerful than before.

The other two Heavenly Court cultivators hurriedly flew back in retreat for fear of being caught in the attack.

Right at this moment, a streak of green light shot forth from afar, then drew to a halt in front of the giant yellow fan, revealing itself to be a green gourd.

A thick beam of green light shot out of the gourd before wrapping itself around the yellow fan, and the radiant yellow light around it instantly faded, while the fan itself rapidly shrank back down in size.

Immortal Lord Hot Flame was just about to make a final stand, and a surprised look appeared on his face upon seeing this.

"Who's there?" the yellow-haired man roared in a furious voice as he cast an incantation seal into the yellow fan.

The dim yellow light on its surface instantly brightened ever so slightly, and it began struggling violently to try and free itself from the binding green light, but right at this moment, a beam of dark green light shot out of the gourd before also wrapping itself around the yellow fan.

A loud crack rang out as the beam of dark green light destroyed the yellow fan with ease, following which the remnants of the fan were sucked back into the gourd.

Immediately thereafter, an azure figure appeared behind the gourd, and it was none other than Han Li.

However, at this moment, his entire body was enshrouded in a layer of blurry azure light, making it impossible to make out his appearance.

A hint of surprise flashed through Immortal Lord Hot Flame's eyes at the sight of Han Li.

"Who are you? You must have a death wish to be opposing our Immortal Prison!" the yellow-haired man said in a cold voice as he turned his gaze to Han Li.

"Looks like I found the right targets," Han Li replied in an indifferent voice.

"Insolence! I don't know where you got this Profound Heavenly Treasure from, but you're still nothing more than a mere Golden Immortal! Let's see if you can still be so cocky once I've torn your nascent soul out of your body!" the yellow-haired man said in a cold voice as he reached for the storage pouch strapped to his waist, but Han Li beat him to the punch, thrusting a palm into the underside of the gourd like lightning.

The mouth of the gourd turned slightly to face the yellow-haired man, and a burst of dazzling golden light emerged from its opening amid the sound of thunderous rumbling.

At this moment, the green vortex within the gourd was revolving rapidly in the direction that was opposite from its normal direction, and an Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Sword was hovering at the center of the vortex, trembling violently while on the verge of being blasted out of the gourd.

However, right at this moment, a ball of yellow light shot out from deep within the gourd. There were countless yellow runes flashing within the ball of light, and it was giving off astonishing law power fluctuations that came from the destroyed yellow fan.

The ball of yellow light appeared in the green vortex in a flash, and as soon as it entered the vortex, the two seemed to resonate with each other, causing both to light up.

The Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Sword within the vortex was instantly sent flying out of the vortex by a burst of tremendous force, and a hint of surprise appeared on Han Li's face upon seeing this.

This was a completely unexpected turn of events.

A beam of yellow light shot out of the gourd at an astonishing speed, and the yellow-haired man's expression changed drastically as he hurriedly flew back in retreat.

At the same time, countless yellow spirit patterns emerged over his body, then flew out to form an antiquated yellow shield in front of him.

In the next instant, a resounding boom rang out, and the yellow shield shuddered violently as a burst of blinding yellow light erupted from its surface, only to then instantly vanish.

A large hole had appeared on the shield, and the yellow-haired man behind it had a dazed and incredulous look on his face.

A large hole had been punched through his lower abdomen as well, piercing straight through his dantian. The hole was smooth and charred black, and not a single drop of blood was flowing out.

The hole extended all the way into the ground beneath him, where the beam of yellow light had burrowed an unfathomable distance into the earth.

All of this had taken place in the blink of an eye, and the other two Heavenly Court cultivators were looking on with their mouths agape in incredulity, as was Immortal Lord Hot Flame.

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